- Authors: Avakyan E.R.1, Dzhamirze R.R.1
- Russian Rice Research Institute
- Issue: Vol 13, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 366-372
- Section: Agronomy and geoponics
- URL: https://agrojournal.rudn.ru/agronomy/article/view/19434
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-797X-2018-13-4-366-372
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The main direction of breeding grain crops is to increase yield and improve grain quality. For maximum crop yield, it is necessary to develop cultivars with high productivity and quality potential, resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. One of the main characteristics is lodging. Resistance to lodging is determined by well-defined morphological traits: plant height, diameter of the lower internode, panicle length, angle of leaf plate, etc. Short plants are more resistant to lodging than tall ones. Short straw trait can be used when evaluating cultivars for lodging resistance. The ratio of plant height to the diameter of the lower internode is an objectively reliable indicator of rice lodging resistance. The value of this ratio in non-lodging cultivars is less in comparison with lodging ones. The article presents the results of studying morphological traits of different rice cultivars, determining resistance of rice plant to lodging. In the experiment, cultivars differing in height was grouped into three groups (I - tall; II - medium and III - short). Short stem forms were established to be more resistant to lodging. Accents in breeding high-yielding rice cultivars with the lowest risk of yield loss resulting from lodging were identified. The correlation analysis revealed a positive relationship (r = 0.877; 0.945 and 0.500, respectively, in groups) between grain mass per plant and diameter of the lower internode. This indicates a close genetic relationship of the traits studied.
About the authors
Elmira Rubenovna Avakyan
Russian Rice Research Institute
Author for correspondence.
Email: dzhamirze01022010@yandex.ru
Doctor of Biologycal Sciences, professor, leading researcher of Russian Rice Research Institute
Krasnodar, 350921, Russian FederationRuslan Ramazanovich Dzhamirze
Russian Rice Research Institute
Email: dzhamirze01022010@yandex.ru
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior researcher of Breeding department, Russian Rice Research Institute
Krasnodar, 350921, Russian FederationReferences
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