
Increasing efficiency of irrigation reclamation in potato and soybean agrocenoses using sludge
Novikov A.E., Poddubsky A.A., Novikov A.A., Zbukarev R.V., Bogomolova N.V.
World experience in the application of low-energy electron irradiation in agriculture
Tkhorik O.V., Kharlamov V.A., Polyakova I.V., Loy N.N., Pomyasova M.G., Shishko V.I.
Influence of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria pv. allii on germination of 12 onion varieties
Kavhiza N.J., Zargar M., Prikhodko S.I., Pakina E.N., Diakite S.
Effect of biofertilizers and osmotic stress on morphological parameters of spring barley seedlings
Panfilov A.L., Abdrashitov R.R.
Effects of various pre-sowing treatments on invitro seed germination of Ceratoniasiliqua L.
Duksi F.
Shafigullin D.R., Romanova E.V., Gins M.S., Pronina E.P.
Degeneration of the embryo and endosperm, as a consequence of damagetion of fruits and vegetable Umbelliferae crops Graphosoma lineatum l.
Baleev D.N., Buharov A.F., Bagrov R.A.
The study of the morphology and the lipid complex of the seeds of Plantago psyllium L., and Plantago ovate Forssk., in comparative aspect
Vandishev V.V., Miroshnikova E.A., Terekchin A.A.
Studying of some characteristics of a grass and seeds of two species of Nigella received from plants, grown up in the conditions of a salt stress
Goguè D.O.
The influence of brassinosteroids in rape seed germination and growth on early stage of onthogenesis under NaCl stress
Efimova M.V., Hasan J.K., Kholodova V.P., Kuznetsov V.V.
The description of Sambucus nigra L. ripe and dry fruit and seeds for raw material quality control
Vandishev V.V., Pavlova M.E., Serdechnaya O.I., Miroshnikova E.A., Surkov V.A.
Test-objects as differentiating background at study allelopathy activities of the vegetable celery cultures
Buharov A.F., Baleev D.N.
Effect of temperature on seed germination vegetable crops umbelliferae
Baleev D.N., Buharov A.F.
The signs of Swida alba ( L.) Opiz. ripe and dry fruit and seeds as raw material to extract oil
Vandishev V.V., Pavlova M.E., Koneva M.A., Miroshnikova E.A., Surkov V.A.
А new crop of Non-Blak Soil Zone of Russia is the oriental radish
Sychev S.M., Sycheva I.V., Tretyakov V.A.
Tolokonnikov V.V., Chamurliev G.O., Kantser G.P., Koshkarova T.S., Kozhukhov I.V.
Concerning the Bauhinia L. species (fam. Fabaceae Lindl., subfam. Caesalpinioideae Kurth.) seeds' macrostructure
Pavlova M.E., Surkov V.A., Terehin A.A.
1 - 17 of 17 Items

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