Issue |
Title |
File |
No 2 (2015) |
A comparative behavioral evaluation of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) under different containing regime |
Yousefichahardehi M., Nikishov A.A., Abtahi B.
Vol 15, No 2 (2020) |
A new primer set for amplification of ITS-rDNA in Ditylenchus destructor |
Mahmoudi N., Nejad D.K., Shayanmehr F.
No 1 (2010) |
ABA-binding proteins was detected in cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803) |
Shevchenko G.V., Karavaiko N.N., Demidenko A.V., Selivankina S.Y., Zubkova N.K., Kupriyanova E.V., Los D.A., Kuznetsov V.V., Kulaeva O.N.
No 3 (2008) |
About application of project management methodology in agrarian complex |
Kuprava T.A.
No 4 (2015) |
About illness of foodborne diseases |
Seryogin I.G., Nikitchenko D.V., Abdullaeva A.M.
No 1 (2008) |
About influance state for the development agricultural cooperation |
Pоpоvа T.N.
No 3 (2011) |
About of pedology and soil scientists-engineers in Russian People's Friendship University |
Lareshin V.G., Vukolov N.G., Krupnov V.A.
No 2 (2014) |
Absorbing capacity of alluvial soils eastern part of Nile delta |
Shuravilin A.V., Khalil M.M., Piven E.A.
No 2 (2013) |
Accumulation of antimony in bioenvironment of sheeps contained in the vicinity of antimony combine |
Kubatbekov T.S., Aitmatov M.B., Ibraimakunov M.
No 3 (2015) |
Accumulation of biochemical substances in grass sward on different types of deposit |
Olive Adiko -., Somene Anzh Erik -., Shuravilin A.V., Semenov N.A.
No 1 (2010) |
Acetylcholine-acetylcholine esterase system in the stomach of different-aged piglets |
Ignatyev N.G., Mishina D.P.
No 2 (2012) |
Acetylcholine-acetylcholineesterasa system in piglet rectum during early period ofpostnatal ontogenesis |
Terentyeva M.G., Ignatyev N.G., Mardaryeva N.V.
No 1 (2015) |
Action iodine preparations on blood biochemical parameters and feeding qualities of young sheep |
Petrov A.K., Gnezdilova L.A.
No 1 (2008) |
Activity extracts of different plants for against various pathogenic fungi - Sphacelotheca cruenta, Ustilago nuda and Fusarium nivale |
Mohamed Naji Saleh Al-Saadi -., Keldish M.A., Pomazkov U.I.
Vol 18, No 2 (2023) |
Adaptability of barley varieties in terms of fat content in grain under conditions of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe |
Polonsky V.I., Sumina A.V., Gerasimov S.A.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Adaptation of foreign technologies of intensive cultivation of scots pine planting material in Kazakhstan |
Kabanova S.A., Bortsov V.A., Danchenko M.A.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Adaptation of plant protection technology considering fungalbacterial associations |
Platonov V.A., Chudinova E.M., Elansky S.N.
Vol 16, No 1 (2021) |
Adaptivity of sweet pepper varieties cultivated in the Astrakhan region |
Myagkova E.G.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Affect of growth regulators and irrigation on potato yield in unstable moistening regions |
Zhevora S.V.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Affect of Rhizotorphin on chlorophyll content and productivity of introduced soybean cultivars |
Tsvetkova Y.V., Lyashko M.U., Strazhnikova I.I.
No 1 (2014) |
Age morphology oil gland of domestic ducks under the influence of probiotics SBA in postnatal ontogenesis |
Oganov E.O., Kubatbekov T.S.
No 3 (2015) |
Age peculiarities of simmenthal breed and its cross-breeds with hereford and charolais |
Lukyanov V.N.
No 4 (2015) |
Age-related dynamics of height of bone system of sapling of sheep of basic breeds of South Ural |
Kosilov V.I., Andrienko D.A., Kubatbekov T.S.
No 1 (2015) |
Agrarians’ faculty of People`s Friendship University of Russia contemporary stage |
Plyushikov V.G., Titova E.S.
No 3 (2010) |
Agricultural animals in human's life |
Shavyrina T.G.
No 4 (2013) |
Agriculture and agrarian education in Ecuador |
Plyushchikov V.G., Makarova E.P., Sudnik E.V.
Vol 17, No 1 (2022) |
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of potato Solanum tuberosum L. with constructs carrying the strong plant-derived promoter pro-SmAMP1 from Stellaria media L. |
Khaliluev M.R., Kharchenko P.N., Ovchinnikova V.N.
No 3 (2016) |
Agroecological estimation of the mineralogical composition of the soil |
Savich V.I., Belopukhov S.L., Kotenko M.E., Gukalov V.V., Ilicheva P.I., Fedorova T.A.
Vol 15, No 3 (2020) |
Agroecological study of garden carrot cultivars from collection of Vavilov institute |
Zaitseva N.A., Tumanyan A.F., Seliverstova A.P.
No 1 (2009) |
Agroholdings as a basis of development of dairy cattle breeding |
Pizengolts V.M.
Vol 18, No 3 (2023) |
Allelic frequency of beta-lactoglobulin gene in different cattle breeds |
Khudyakova N.A., Kozhevnikova I.S., Stupina A.O., Klassen I.A., Selkova I.V.
No 2 (2016) |
Amino-acid composition of broiler meat in the application of feed additives “Mikofiks” |
Zabolotnykh M.V., Dikikh A.A., Seryogin I.G., Nikitchenko V.E.
No 1 (2013) |
Aminotransferases in tissues of in piglets cecum |
Terentyeva M.G., Mardaryeva N.V.
No 3 (2013) |
Amylase and phosphatase activity in tissues cecum in growing purebred and crossbred piglets |
Terentyeva M.G., Mardaryeva N.V., Kuznetsova T.V.
No S5 (2012) |
An approach to access urban soils’ spatial variability at the local level |
Vasenev V.I., Fatiev M.M., Lakeev P.S., Ivannikov F.A., Valentini Ricardo -.
No 1 (2016) |
Analisis of population structure of Polygonatum multiflorum L. in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park |
Istomina I.I., Pavlova M.E., Terechin A.A.
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) |
Nikitchenko V.E., Rystsova E.O., Chernysheva A.N.
No 2 (2010) |
Analysis in compare of presentations budennovskaya and donskaya horse breeds in equestrian sports |
Alexeeva L.L., Ershova E.V.
Vol 17, No 2 (2022) |
Analysis, modelling and forecasting of crop yields using artificial neural networks |
Bischokov R.M.
No 4 (2016) |
Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emission from Lawn Ecosystem with Contrasting Soil Profiles |
Rationale Bhoobun B., Vasenev V.I., Hajiaghayeva R.A.
Vol 13, No 2 (2018) |
Analysis of errors identified in the implementation and management of the real estate cadastre |
Sinenko V.A., Volnova A.N., Pichuzhkina M.V., Shiyapov T.I.
No 4 (2014) |
Analysis of organization’s financial stability (by the example of JSC “Moskovskoe”) |
Zharov A.N., Belobrova D.V.
Vol 18, No 1 (2023) |
Analysis of pathogenetic manifestation of decompensated intestinal dysbacteriosis in cats |
Kulikov E.V., Babichev N.V., Telezhenkova A.I., Bugrov N.S., Rudenko P.A.
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) |
Spotkai S.E., Lykhina L.Y.
Vol 18, No 2 (2023) |
Analysis of surgical correction of atlantoaxial instability in dogs |
Vilkovysky I.F., Rusnak I.A., Yagnikov S.A., Sakhno N.V., Seleznev S.B.
Vol 15, No 3 (2020) |
Analysis of the optimal location of the geographical network of long-term experiments with fertilizers application |
Savin I.Y.
No 4 (2016) |
Analyzing the Influence of Diatomite and Mineral Fertilizers on the Features of Cadmium-Contaminated Urban Lawns |
Gosse D.D., Vasenev V.I., Afonina A.K., Shepeleva A.S.
No 2 (2013) |
Anatomical structure of the Aegilops ( Aegilops L.) leaf |
Nasirova N.V.
No 2 (2014) |
Animal care assessment of meat producers of animal and animals used for control of biological |
Seryogin I.G., Mikhaleva L.P., Nikitchenko V.E.
No 1 (2010) |
Anthropic factor influence on evolution of drained dernovo-podzolic soils of Upper Volga Lowland |
Muromtsev N.А., Semenov N.A., Shuravilin A.V., Bushuev N.N., Skorikov V.T.
No 2 (2009) |
Anthropogenic eutrophication of atomic power station's cooling water reservoir as a possible cause of technogenic emergency |
Goryunova S.V.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Anthropogenic impact on stability of forest crops development of silver birch Betula pendula Roth in the green zone of Astana |
Kabanova S.A., Kochegarov I.S., Kabanov A.N., Danchenko M.A., Shakhmatov P.F., Bortsov V.A., Scott S.A.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Antimicrobial resistance of bovine mastitis pathogens |
Firsov G.M., Ryadnov A.A., Ryadnova T.A., Morozova Z.C., Budtuev O.V.
No 4 (2012) |
Antimony in natural-technogenic conditions of the biosphere: water, soil, plants |
Kubatbekov T.S., Aitmatov M.B., Ibraimakunov M.
Vol 15, No 3 (2020) |
Antioxidant contents in potato cultivars from the collection of Russian Potato Research Center |
Gins E.M., Moskalev E.A., Polivanova O.B., Mityushkin A.V., Simakov E.A.
No 3 (2010) |
Antioxidant defense system participation in cross-adaptation of Ocimum basilicum to complex action of UV-B and salinity |
Toaima W.I., Radyukina N.L., Dmitrieva G.A., Kuznetsov V.V.
Vol 18, No 3 (2023) |
Application of GIS technologies in surveying the state of forest crops in the green zone of Astana |
Kabanov A.N., Ospangaliev A.S., Kabanova S.A., Kochegarov I.S., Bekbaeva A.M., Danchenko M.A.
No 3 (2015) |
Application of iodine preparations for prevention of pathology of the postnatal period at ewes and improvement of the hormonal status of lambs |
Petrov A.K., Gnezdilova L.A.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Application of nitrogen fertilizers to spring wheat on meadowchernozem soil in the Omsk Irtysh region |
Voronkova N.A., Tsyganova N.A., Balabanova N.F., Volkova V.A., Pakhotina I.V.
No 4 (2009) |
Aspects of the intensification of reproduction of the large cattle |
Kurnyavko N.Y., Porfiryev I.A., Vatnikov Y.A., Kulikov E.V., Sotnikova E.D.
Vol 17, No 1 (2022) |
Assessment of arboreal and shrubby plants widely used in greening of Orenburg by methods of ecological and phenological monitoring |
Nazarova N.M., Fedorova D.G.
No 4 (2009) |
Assessment of biotechnology capacity of various wheat varieties |
Mohamed S.E., Solovjova A.I., Dolgikh Y.I.
Vol 17, No 2 (2022) |
Assessment of introduction studies on far eastern Primula species in the polar-alpine botanical garden-institute |
Trostenyuk N.N., Sviatkovskaya E.A., Saltan N.V.
No 2 (2015) |
Assessment of natural moisture of the Moscow region |
Poddubsky A.A.
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) |
Artyushina Z.S., Abramov P.N., Polyansky N.B., Tkachev N.A., Serezhenkov V.A.
Vol 17, No 3 (2022) |
Assessment of soils and green stands in the recreational areas with different land-use history in New Moscow |
Demina S.A., Vasenev V.I., Makhinya K.I., Romzaykina O.N., Istomina I.I., Pavlova M.E., Dovletyarova E.A.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Assessment of stability and plasticity of hulless spring oat varieties by yield and 1000 seed weight in the Northern Russia |
Zobnina I.V., Korelina V.A., Batakova O.B.
Vol 16, No 4 (2021) |
Assessment of the efficiency of agricultural land use: a case study of France |
Zharov A.N., Pliushchikov V.G.
Vol 14, No 3 (2019) |
Assessment of vital organ histopathology and plasma oxidative conditions of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss reared in earthen saltwater pond |
Hoseini S.M., Gharavi B., Iri Y.
No 1 (2011) |
Assessment of wheat from American National Collection of Grains (NSGC) on resistibility to leaf rust in infection kennel research of Institute of Phytopathology |
Shcherbik A.A.
Vol 16, No 2 (2021) |
Assessment of yield, plasticity and stability of spring barley cultivars grown in the European North of the Russian Federation |
Batakova O.B., Korelina V.A.
No 1 (2012) |
Asymmetric gene transcription of barley plastome operons |
Aleynikova A.Y., Kusnetsov V.V., Zubo Y.O.
Vol 19, No 3 (2024) |
Automatic milking and incidence of mastisis in cows |
Mikhalev V.I., Zimnikov V.I.
No 1 (2009) |
Bacterium and antagonistic micromycetes influnce on root rot transmission of tomatoes and cucumbers in the indusrtial greenhouses of agrocomplex «Moscovsky» |
Malashkina E.A., Kotova V.V., Pakina E.N., Surkova T.A., Slobodyanuk K.V.
No 4 (2016) |
Basal Respiration as a Proxy to Understand Spatial Trends in CO2 Emissions in the Moscow Region |
Vasenev V.I., Stoorvogel J.J., Plyushchikov V.G., Ananyeva N.D., Ivashchenko K.V., Romzaykina O.N.
No 2 (2016) |
Biochemical composition and quality dining sorts of potatoes grown in the light-brown soils Astrakhan region drip irrigation |
Tumanyan A.F., Tutuma N.V., Shcherbakova N.A.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Biocidal activity of the extracts of Vernonia amygdalina against ticks responsible for livestock diseases |
Bisusa M., Bagalwa M., Zirirane D.N., Mushagalusa N., Karume K.
No 4 (2009) |
Biocrystallodiagnostics of cats urolythiasis |
Martusevich А.К., Russkih A.P., Grishina A.A.
No 2 (2008) |
Biological agents for plant protection against plant parasitic nematodes and other pathogens, and perspectives of their use in the 21st century |
Romanenko N.D., Zaets V.G., Kozereva N.I., Popov I.O., Tabolin S.B.
No 4 (2009) |
Biological and biochemical stability of soil saprophite Trichoderma harzianum Rifai metabolites |
Pakina E.N., Shneider J.A., Smirnova I.P.
Vol 16, No 4 (2021) |
Biological and economic evaluation of AMISTAR Gold fungicide against sunflower rust in the Lower Volga region |
Parpura D.I., Sidortsov A.I., Atmachyan G.P.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Biological effectiveness of insecticides in pear psylla control |
Podgornaya M.E., Didenko N.A., Prah S.V., Vasilchenko A.V.
No 1 (2013) |
Biological evaluation of honey |
Dolgov V.A., Lavina S.A., Arno T.S., Semyonova E.A., Nikitchenko D.V., Seryogin I.G.
Vol 12, No 3 (2017) |
Dolgov V.A., Lavina S.A., Nikitchenko V.E., Seregin I.G.
No 4 (2011) |
Biological features of Arnica montana L. under introduction in the conditions of the Moscow region |
Levandovskyi G.S., Vandishev V.V.
No 3 (2012) |
Biological properties of tobamovirus isolates from tomato plants |
Trang N.H., Keldish M.A., Pomaskov U.I.
No 1 (2014) |
Biologically active compounds of agricultural origin and perspective of their practical using |
Semkina O.A., Smirnova I.P., Kishmahova L.M., Terekhin A.A.
No 1 (2009) |
Biopower estimation of cultivation of spring wheat in conditions of Jordan |
Ziadin Diya -., Tagasov V.I.
Vol 18, No 1 (2023) |
Biotechnologies for accelerated reproduction of Kalmyk cattle |
Babenkov V.Y., Khakhlinov A.I., Sangadzhiev R.D., Makarova E.Y., Mergulchiev O.S.
No 3 (2014) |
Biotesting feed, food and environment objects |
Dolgov V.A., Lavina S.A., Kozak S.S., Nikitchenko D.V.
No 1 (2013) |
Bluetongue and bluetongue-like diseases in beginning of 21 century |
Makarov V.V., Shoopala Johannes -., Dzjupina S.I., Sukharev O.I.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Breeding characteristics of Romanov sheep depending on polymorphism of growth hormone gene |
Abramova M.V., Ilina A.V., Barysheva M.S., Malina J.I., Evdokimov E.G.
No 2 (2016) |
Breeding value bulls in conjunction with various physiological factors |
Shergaziev U.A., Kubatbekov T.S.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Breeding value of safflower in arid conditions of the Northern Caspian |
Zaitseva N.A., Yachmeneva E.V., Klimova I.I.
Vol 15, No 3 (2020) |
Cfa-miRNAs-122 and -21 as modern biomarkers of primary hepatitis in dogs |
El-Sebaey A.M., Abramov P.N., Borunova S.M.
No 3 (2011) |
Chair of economic valuation and land cadastre: history and present |
Elbaev Y.A.
No 3 (2011) |
Chair of safety of vital activity and control of the natural and technogeny risks |
Plyushikov V.G., Khairova N.I.
No 2 (2011) |
Change of a phosphatic condition of soils at application of high doses of organic fertilizers |
Sedych V.A., Savych V.A., Vukolov N.G., Huseyn H.K., Gonzalez A.
No 4 (2011) |
Change of productivity of grades of summer soft wheat at different technologies of cultivation |
Polityko P.M., Ziablova M.N., Nikiforov V.M., Kalanchina A.S., Chistjakov I.V.
No 1 (2009) |
Changes in blood system at stress |
Sotnikova E.D.
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