Efficiency of various ways of processing of ground under cultures of the crop rotation

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In work the analysis of a contamination of crops by weeds depending on receptions of the basic processing ground, their influence on development of cultural plants, distribution among crops and productivity of grain crops is resulted. It is established, that the combined systems of processing of the ground, based on a combination on years of usual plowing and superficial (disk) processings do not reduce productivity of cultures.

About the authors

E F Kiselyov

The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

Email: priemnaya@nemchinowka.ru, mosniish@yandex.ru
The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

V K Afanaseva

The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

Email: priemnaya@nemchinowka.ru, mosniish@yandex.ru
The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

S V Tonojan

The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

Email: priemnaya@nemchinowka.ru, mosniish@yandex.ru
The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

A J Bogdanov

The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

Email: priemnaya@nemchinowka.ru, mosniish@yandex.ru
The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

M P Buneev

The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»

Email: priemnaya@nemchinowka.ru, mosniish@yandex.ru
The Moscow scientific research institute of agriculture «Nemchinowka»


Copyright (c) 2011 Киселев Е.Ф., Афанасьева В.К., Тоноян С.В., Богданов А.Ю., Бунеев М.П.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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