
Morphometric and chemical parameters of hen carcasses of ‘Smena 9’ cross raised under different conditions
Kondrashkina K.M., Nikitchenko D.V., Nikitchenko V.E.
Variability of morphological characteristics of red forms of amaranth with a high content of biologically active substances under conditions of the Moscow region
Platonova S.Y., Torres Mino C.J., Gins E.M., Gins M.S., Romanova E.V.
Molecular Analysis of Parasitoid Flies Tachinidae
Arafa E.E.
Tributaries of the portal vein of the domestic cat
Bylinskaya D.S., Shchipakin M.V.
Morphological characteristics of testicular interstitial cell tumors in dogs
Gazin A.A., Vatnikov Y.A., Abramova E.V.
The clinical morphology of a pancreas of dogs by ultrasonic diagnostics
Seleznev S.B., Esina D.I., Kulikov E.V.
Influence of SUB-PRO probiotic on meat productivity of broiler chickens
Nikitchenko D.V., Nikitchenko V.E., Andrianova D.V., Ristsova E.O., Kondrashkina K.M.
Pharmacognostical study of fruits of Serratula coronata
Komissarova E.Y., Vandyshev V.V., Miroshnikova E.A., Terekhin A.A., Klimahyn G.I.
Vetokh A.N., Nikishov A.A., Volkova N.A.
The main principles of the structural organization of the immune system of the Japanese quails
Seleznev S.B., Krotova E.A., Vetoshkina G.A., Kulikov E.V., Burykina L.P.
The study of the morphology and the lipid complex of the seeds of Plantago psyllium L., and Plantago ovate Forssk., in comparative aspect
Vandishev V.V., Miroshnikova E.A., Terekchin A.A.
Structural test of anatomy of pancreas in pathological process
Esina D.I., Seleznev S.B., Kulikov E.V.
Histological characteristics of glandular and muscular stomach of plimutrok roosters in postembryonic ontogenesis
Nikitchenko V.E., Nikitchenko D.V., Vemper L.I.
Morphological research of the pancreas of dogs and cats with use of the method of ultrasonic diagnostics
Esina D.I., Pervuhina I.J., Seleznev S.B.
Dynamics of muscle growth in chickens of cornish breed
Amelina A.N., Nikitchenko D.V.
The morphological structure of carcasses of cross broilers «Smena-7»
Nikitchenko D.V., Perevozchikova V.N.
Morphological analysis of the regulation of inorganic selenium thyroid function productive rabbit females
Chekurov I.V.
The morphological construction of the liver beside hens (review)
Kurilkin V.V., Nikitchenko V.E.
The morphofunctional characteristic of euarchontoglires’ intestine
Slesarenko N.A., Komiakova V.A.
1 - 19 of 19 Items

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