Identification mutton and goatmeats on the basis of the amplification DNA
- Authors: Permyakov AN1
- All-Russian research institute of veterinary sanitation, hygiene and ecology
- Issue: No 4 (2008)
- Pages: 70-75
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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On the basis of the amplification followed by hybridization the specified DNA of mutton and goatmeats was identified in raw food stuffs as well as in ready meals. Sensitive test-systems have allowed to determine up to 0,01% of similar product in mixed minced meats. A new modified method was worked out which allows to optimize the pre-testing period and to reduce the amount of steps twice and costs as neither K protein nor chromatographic columns have been used for raw products. To identify mutton and goatmeats and to determine false additives the investigation of PCR test-systems Sure Food valuation was carried out in «real-time».
About the authors
A N Permyakov
All-Russian research institute of veterinary sanitation, hygiene and ecologyОтдел технического регулирования, стандартизации и сертификации; Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институтветеринарной санитарии, гигиены и экологии; All-Russian research institute of veterinary sanitation, hygiene and ecology