No 4 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Estimation of production of plant growing in Brazil and Venezuela
In article it is spent principal views of production of plant growing. The analysis of manufacture of grain crops becomes. Their structure is analyzed. Dynamics of production of plant growing with 1990 for 2005 is considered influence of major factors is analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):5-13

Soil water regime and producing ability of apple tree garden
Research results of spreading water in light - chestnut soils under drop irrigation of young apple tree garden in dry - steppe gone of Nighniy Povolghye region are presented. Producing ability of apple tree garden in the first years of yielding depending on pre - irrigation humidity, depth and volume of irrigation are calculated. Practice recommendations for calculating of irrigation amount, taking in account age changes in functioning of apple tree cgrocenosesin young garden are elaborated.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):14-18

Swine's tissue growth law
Through the research of the swine's tissue growth, it was discovered that tissue growth in postnatal life is unequal. During the first two months of piggery's life muscular tissue has the highest rate of growth; the next ones are adipose tissue and osseous tissue. During the following age periods adipose tissue ranks first by the growth speed, then muscular and osseous tissues.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):19-28

The influence of trauma on the morphological signs of animal products
The problem of trauma of productive animals often is not registered in books and recommendations for veterinary sanitary examinations, and the amount of trauma is always increasing. In this case veterinary sanitary analysis of products which undergoes traumatic influence is very actual and is a part of the real research. The general reaction of the organism arises after the infliction of a heavy mechanical trauma and is followed by nervous-humeral changes, a decrease in the feeding regulation of exchange processes. Under examination of the carcass of slaughtered animals, hidden mechanical traumas are seen, intramuscular masses and hemorrhages also are observed. The morpho-chemical changes of traumatic muscles act on the processes of autolysis of muscle tissues of the carcasses, especially under large trauma of living animals. The given tissue and biochemical changes can serve as a criteria for defining the border of the cut of the mechanical trauma of the tissue.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):34-42

Morphological and biochemical indicators morfho-functional disturbances in a cals liver at early post-natal period
Pathogenesis of occurrence morphofunctional disturbances in a liver of newborn calfs remains an insufficiently studied question. However, a number of researchers assume that damages in a hepatic parenchyma are connected with functional disturbances of bodies and the systems, as result of infringements during prenatal development. The carried out researches show, that infringement of function of a liver is shown by a wide spectrum of infringements of a metabolism and hemapoiesis which are reflected in biochemical and morphological indicators of blood.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):43-49

Influence low intensity irradiation of the maintenance of animo acids in blood and a seed of bulls of different breeds
In work results of researches on studying influence low intensity a laser irradiation on the maintenance of amino acids in blood and are submitted to a seed of bulls of different breeds used in cooperative societies and farms of the Kirghiz Republic.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):50-53

New in bacteriophage's usage
There were held studies on possibility of bacteriophage's usage for prevention of salmonella contamination of farce and fabricated sausage goods. Bacteriophage Salmonella typhimurium and S. enteritidis with 1 × 10-7-1 × 0-8 activity were used. They were added in farce through water.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):54-57

Chinchilla breeding - the perspective direction of fur breeding in Russia
In given article it is told about a new direction of fur fur breeding in Russia - chinchilla breeding. About correctness of chinchillas' maintenance, leaving, feeding and breeding. How to get qualitative posterity from the best manufacturers. Also in article various norms of chinchillas' feeding and breeding in polygamous type cages are resulted. And also the theme of fur estimation and animals' genetics is mentioned.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):58-69

Identification mutton and goatmeats on the basis of the amplification DNA
On the basis of the amplification followed by hybridization the specified DNA of mutton and goatmeats was identified in raw food stuffs as well as in ready meals. Sensitive test-systems have allowed to determine up to 0,01% of similar product in mixed minced meats. A new modified method was worked out which allows to optimize the pre-testing period and to reduce the amount of steps twice and costs as neither K protein nor chromatographic columns have been used for raw products. To identify mutton and goatmeats and to determine false additives the investigation of PCR test-systems Sure Food valuation was carried out in «real-time».
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(4):70-75