Resource-saving technology of protection of soil on slopes of Altai middle mountains

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In conditions of middle mountains of Altai contour chisel-planting is the effective soil-protective reception of regulation of superficial drain. In comparison with the minimum processing and usual ploughing it reduces washout of soil and loss of chemical elements with a superficial drain and raises productivity of long-term grasses. At antierosion ways of processing of soil on a slope a steepness 6° migration of chemical substances was more than twice less in comparison with similar variants on a slope a steepness 10°.

About the authors

A V Shuravilin

Russian People's Friendship University

Кафедра почвоведения и земледелия; Российский университет дружбы народов; Russian People's Friendship University

M A Kulagin

Russian People's Friendship University

Кафедра почвоведения и земледелия; Российский университет дружбы народов; Russian People's Friendship University


Copyright (c) 2009 Шуравилин А.В., Кулагин М.А.

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