- Authors: Tolokonnikov V.V.1, Chamurliev G.O.2, Kantser G.P.1, Koshkarova T.S.1, Kozhukhov IV1
- Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
- People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Issue: Vol 13, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 353-359
- Section: Reclamation and melioration
- URL: https://agrojournal.rudn.ru/agronomy/article/view/19432
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-797X-2018-13-4-353-359
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The influence of sowing methods and irrigation regimes on productivity of extra-early soybean cultivar VNIIOZ 86 has been studied at Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture. The use of differential irrigation regimes (70-80-70% and 80-80-70% of FMC) resulted in 2.42 ... 2.51 t/ha yield and mid-level profitability of grain production (80.6%), which was 0.25 ... 0.34 t/ha more compared to the control (80-80-80% of FMC), as synchronization of vegetative growth and reproductive development increased grain amount in total biomass up to 36.2%. Differential irrigation regimes restrained an increase in crude protein level in the seeds (at the level of 35.4 ... 41.2%) compared with the control (36.5 ... 41%). However, they increased fat content in the seeds (18.1 ... 21.4%) compared to the control variant (16.1 ... 18.6%). Optimization of irrigation regime increased protein (up to 0.68 ... 0.94 t/ha) and fat (0.37 ... 0.46 t/ha) compared to the control (0.64 ... 0.83 t/ha and 0.29 ... 0.35 t/ha, respectively). The smallest water consumption coefficient was observed in sites with differential irrigation regimes - 1,174 ... 1,524 m3/t, when in the control site it was 1,651 ... 1,977 m3/t. Extra-early VNIIOZ 86 plants require 8 ... 14 irrigations at a rate of 190 ... 230 m3/ha. It is enough to perform 8 irrigations in relatively favorable years (2013), and up to 14 irrigations in dry years (2014- 2015). To maintain a differential irrigation regime, it is necessary to perform 8 ... 10 irrigations in wet and up to 10 ... 13 irrigations in dry years. The highly profitable cultivation of early soybeans (107.9%) was achieved using drilled sowing (0.30 × 0.042 m) that resulted in significant yield increase (up to 3.02 t/ha) which was 0.41 t/ha higher compared to wide-space sowing technique (0.70 × 0.024 m).
About the authors
Vladimir Vasil'evich Tolokonnikov
Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Author for correspondence.
Email: giorgostsamourlidis@mail.ru
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Volgograd, 400002, Russian FederationGeorgii Omarievich Chamurliev
People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Email: giorgostsamourlidis@mail.ru
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationGalina Pavlovna Kantser
Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Email: giorgostsamourlidis@mail.ru
Researcher, Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Volgograd, 400002, Russian FederationTat'yana Sergeevna Koshkarova
Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Email: giorgostsamourlidis@mail.ru
Junior Researcher, Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Volgograd, 400002, Russian FederationI V Kozhukhov
Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Email: giorgostsamourlidis@mail.ru
Volgograd, 400002, Russian Federation
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