Effects of Gibberellic acid, micronutrient fertilizer and Calcium nitrate foliar fertilizer on growth and yield of tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. cultivated in Vietnam

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In this study, we present the experimental results which evaluate the influence of Gibberellic acid GA3, micronutrient fertilizer and Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato cultivar NHP11 cultivated in a net house located in Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. The experiment including 8 formulas was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. In treatments with the application of GA3, micronutrient fertilizer and Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer, plants were observed to grow better than the control (via some indicators such as plant height, leaf area index, number of flowers per plant, effective flower rate, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight per plant). The yields differed due to different formulas on tomato. Results indicated that the highest yield was recorded at 50.73 tons ha-1 when the combination of GA3, micronutrient fertilizer and Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer was applied in F8, followed by the record of 47.31 tons ha-1 in F6 (in presence of GA3 and Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer), 46.55 tons ha-1 in F5 (in presence of GA3 and micronutrient fertilizer), 45.79 tons ha-1 in F7 (in presence of Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer and micronutrient fertilizer). The yields of tomato in F2, F3, F4 when treated with supplemented separately GA3, micronutrient fertilizer and Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer respectively were higher than those of the control (39.90 tons ha-1) but lower than the yield in mixed formulas. Results show that the treatment combination of GA3, micronutrient fertilizer and Ca(NO3)2 foliar fertilizer can promote the growth and yield of tomato.

About the authors

Van Trong Le

Hong Duc University

Email: bbt.9895@gmail.com
Doctor of Sciences in Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences Thanh Hoa, Vietnam

Bao Thinh Bui

Far Eastern Federal University

Email: buibaothinh9595@gmail.com
School of Natural Sciences Vladivostok, Russian Federation


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