Issue |
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Vol 19, No 4 (2024) |
Formation of productivity of spring wheat ear in arid climate of Orenburg Urals |
Besaliev I.N., Ivanova E.A.
Vol 19, No 4 (2024) |
Using natural product to reduce stress effects of herbicides in the Amur region |
Gretchenko A.E., Mikhailova M.P.
Vol 19, No 3 (2024) |
Estimation of the efficiency of perspective seed treatment methods of winter wheat seeds based on analysis of crop condition and biological yields |
Braginets A.V., Bakhchevnikov O.N.
Vol 19, No 3 (2024) |
Descriptive indicators and germination analysis of ‘Poseidon 625ʼ Helianthus annuus L. seeds in the Orenburg region |
Nazarova N.M., Fedorova D.G., Gvozdikova A.M.
Vol 19, No 2 (2024) |
Productivity of fodder crops cultivated in monoculture and crop rotation in steppe zone of the Southern Urals |
Skorokhodov V.Y.
Vol 19, No 2 (2024) |
The effect of thermovermiculite on the early stages of vegetable growth and development |
Yartseva M.A., Kremenetskaya I.P., Ivanova L.A., Slukovskaya M.V.
Vol 19, No 2 (2024) |
Comparative characteristics of Medicago × varia and Medicago sativa cultivars of various ecological and geographical origin cultivated in the Northern Caspian |
Bulakhtina G.K., Kudryashova N.I., Hyupinina E.V.
Vol 19, No 2 (2024) |
Evaluation of growthstimulating activity of substances contained in bark-containing wastewater from woodworking industry |
Dyagileva A.B., Mikhailova S.B., Smirnova A.I.
Vol 19, No 2 (2024) |
The effect of chemicals with various spectrum of action on yield of potato mini-tubers cv. Ariel and cv. Sadon grown in protected ground |
Malkova T.S., Demyanova-Roy G.B.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Application of nitrogen fertilizers to spring wheat on meadowchernozem soil in the Omsk Irtysh region |
Voronkova N.A., Tsyganova N.A., Balabanova N.F., Volkova V.A., Pakhotina I.V.
Vol 18, No 4 (2023): Pesticides. Looking to the future |
The effect of hydrogel on one- and two-year-old saplings of English oak Quercus robur L. |
Bakaneva A.A.
Vol 18, No 4 (2023): Pesticides. Looking to the future |
Effect of low positive temperature on the antioxidant system formation in de-etiolated and etiolated Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings grown from seeds treated with growth regulators |
Gins E.M.
Vol 18, No 4 (2023): Pesticides. Looking to the future |
Evaluation of different lines of vegetable soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under conditions of the Moscow region |
Mullo Panoluisa F.E., Semenova N.A., Romanova E.V.
Vol 18, No 3 (2023) |
Prolonged effect of growth stimulants on cultivation of planting material of Koyama spruce Picea koraiensis Nakai |
Ostroshenko V.Y.
Vol 18, No 3 (2023) |
Soybean varietal response to irrigation and fertilization in the Lower Volga region |
Tolokonnikov V.V., Vronskaya L.V., Agapova S.A.
Vol 18, No 1 (2023) |
Effect of mineral fertilizers, forecrops and soil-climatic conditions on millet productivity in steppe zone of the Southern Urals |
Mitrofanov D.V.
Vol 18, No 1 (2023) |
Influence of spent mushroom compost on crop productivity |
Zubkova T.V., Vinogradov D.V.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Effect of microbiological agents on spring barley cultivated in the north of the Astrakhan region |
Naumova N.A.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Promising varieties of sour cherry Prunus cerasus L. with a complex of fruit quality traits for growing in the southern Russia |
Zaremuk R.S., Kopnina T.A.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Introducing Schizandra chinensis into the Southern Urals |
Bilalova R.A.
Vol 17, No 3 (2022) |
Promising cultivars of winter triticale for grain production in the north-west of the Astrakhan region |
Fedorova V.A.
Vol 17, No 3 (2022) |
Spatial patterns of crops in Russia |
Savin I.Y., Avetyan S.A., Shishkonakova E.A., Zhogolev A.V.
Vol 17, No 2 (2022) |
Rooting green cuttings of Altai seabuckthorn cultivars in industrial-scale experiment |
Zubarev Y.A., Gunin A.V., Vorobjeva A.V.
Vol 17, No 2 (2022) |
Analysis, modelling and forecasting of crop yields using artificial neural networks |
Bischokov R.M.
Vol 17, No 2 (2022) |
Effects of various pre-sowing treatments on invitro seed germination of Ceratoniasiliqua L. |
Duksi F.
Vol 17, No 1 (2022) |
Influence of multicomponent fertilizers on spring rapeseed productivity |
Zubkova T.V.
Vol 17, No 1 (2022) |
Effects for barley growth and development of single exposure to low-temperature argon plasma at different organogenesis stages |
Petrukhina D.I., Tkhorik O.V., Shishko V.I., Kharlamov V.A., Tsygvintsev P.N.
Vol 16, No 4 (2021) |
Productivity of durum wheat cultivars depending on seeding rates in the Chuvash Republic |
Lozhkin A.G., Mardaryeva N.V., Mardaryev S.N.
Vol 16, No 4 (2021) |
Promising two-row covered cultivars for increasing yield and quality of barley grain in conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia |
Nikolayev P.N., Yusova O.A.
Vol 16, No 4 (2021) |
Effect of forecrop on yield of spring durum wheat and soil potassium in chernozems of southern steppe zone in Southern Urals during long-term research |
Skorokhodov V.Y.
Vol 16, No 2 (2021) |
Phenological traits of red amaranth varieties with a high content of amaranthine cultivated in open fields of Moscow region |
Platonova S.Y., Torres Mino C.J., Gins E.M., Gins M.S., Romanova E.V.
Vol 16, No 2 (2021) |
Assessment of yield, plasticity and stability of spring barley cultivars grown in the European North of the Russian Federation |
Batakova O.B., Korelina V.A.
Vol 16, No 2 (2021) |
Differences in biological efficiency of one- and two-component graminicide on sugar beet crops in Tula region |
Kryukova K.D., Gresis V.O.
Vol 16, No 1 (2021) |
Adaptivity of sweet pepper varieties cultivated in the Astrakhan region |
Myagkova E.G.
Vol 16, No 1 (2021) |
Screening of oat cultivars developed in omsk for conditions of the southern foreststeppe in Western Siberia |
Yusova O.A., Nikolaev P.N., Aniskov N.I., Safonova I.V.
Vol 16, No 1 (2021) |
Effect of growth stimulants on yield and quality of grain corn grown in Piedmont subprovince of Dagestan |
Khashdahilova S.M., Musaev M.R., Khalilov M.B., Magomedova A.A.
Vol 15, No 4 (2020) |
Influence of basic soil tillage methods on fresh yield and quality of winter rape cultivars |
Gadzhikurbanov A.S.
Vol 15, No 4 (2020) |
Productivity of soybean varieties under different irrigation regimes |
Tolokonnikov V.V., Kancer G.P., Koshkarova T.S., Chamurliev G.O.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Oat talgan as a source of antioxidants |
Sumina A.V., Polonsky V.I., Shaldaeva T.M., Shulbaeva M.T.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Effect of humic acid and naphthalene acetic acid on vegetative growth and fruit quality of tomato plants Lycopersicon esculentum |
Suliman A.A., Abramov A.G., Shalamova A.A., Badran A.M.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Adaptation of foreign technologies of intensive cultivation of scots pine planting material in Kazakhstan |
Kabanova S.A., Bortsov V.A., Danchenko M.A.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Influence of Bioactivesoil combined fertilizers on yield and quality of spring hard and soft wheat |
Lozhkin A.G., Malchikov P.N., Mardaryeva N.V., Sidorov V.V.
Vol 15, No 2 (2020) |
Impact of cultivation technologies on yield and grain quality of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. in Moscow region |
Rebouh N.Y., Polityko P.M., Kapranov V.N., Fedorischev V.N., Garmasch N.J., Atmachian G.P.
Vol 15, No 2 (2020) |
Fuzzy logic device for crop analysing, modeling and forecasting in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic |
Bischokov R.M.
Vol 15, No 3 (2020) |
Agroecological study of garden carrot cultivars from collection of Vavilov institute |
Zaitseva N.A., Tumanyan A.F., Seliverstova A.P.
Vol 15, No 3 (2020) |
Influence of abiotic factors on spring oat yields in the Northern region of Russian Federation |
Zobnina I.V., Korelina V.A., Batakova O.B.
Vol 15, No 4 (2020) |
Water regime and dust retention capacity of silver birch Betula pendula Roth. in Northern Kazakhstan |
Kabanov A.N., Kabanova S.A., Danchenko M.A., Kochegarov I.S.
Vol 14, No 2 (2019) |
Development and use of synanthropic phytocenoses with complex invasion in Kaluga region |
Burlutskiy V.A., Mazurov V.N., Osokin I.E., Peliy A.F., Semeshkina P.S., Borodina E.S., Gins M.S., Peliy A.F.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Affect of growth regulators and irrigation on potato yield in unstable moistening regions |
Zhevora S.V.
Vol 14, No 2 (2019) |
Effect of sowing type and irrigation method on productivity of legume-bluegrass mixtures under multiple cutting |
Bulakhtina G.K., Kudryashov A.V., Kudryashova N.I.
Vol 14, No 2 (2019) |
Yield and quality of potato tubers depending on a complex of chemicals applied under radioactive contamination |
Sekirnikov A.E., Sedov V.V., Shapovalov V.F.
Vol 14, No 2 (2019) |
Nutrient removal and payback of mineral fertilizers by harvest of winter wheat varieties under technologies of different intensity levels |
Rebukh N.Y., Polityko P.M., Kapranov V.N., Kiselev E.F.
Vol 14, No 3 (2019) |
Effect of combined use of fertilizer and plant growth stimulating bacteria Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter and Pseudomonas on the quality and components of corn forage in Iran |
Naserzadeh Y., Nafchi A.M., Mahmoudi N., Nejad D.K., Gadzhikurbanov A.S.
Vol 14, No 3 (2019) |
Nutritional value of vegetable Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings grown in Moscow region |
Sergiev I.G., Todorova D.A., Gins V.K., Motyleva S.M., Gins E.M., Moskalev E.A.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
The role of nanotechnology for improving crop production |
Lakzian A., Bayat M., Gadzhikurbanov A., Zargar M.
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) |
Mahmoudi N.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Effects of Gibberellic acid, micronutrient fertilizer and Calcium nitrate foliar fertilizer on growth and yield of tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. cultivated in Vietnam |
Le V.T., Bui B.T.
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) |
Kononenko N.V., Dilovarova T.A., Kanavsky R.V., Lebedev S.V., Baranova E.N., Fedoreeva L.I.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Influence of salinity on vegetative growth and photosynthetic pigments of bitter almond rootstock |
Badran A.M., Savin I.Y.
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) |
Dubenok N.N., Gemonov A.V., Lebedev A.V., Glushenkova E.V.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Resource-saving techniques for increasing tomato productivity |
Kalmykova E.V., Novikov A.A., Petrov N.Y., Kalmykova O.V.
Vol 14, No 2 (2019) |
DNA insecticides as an emerging tool for plant protection and food security strategies |
Nyadar P.M., Razo S.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Tomato fertigation in an open ground |
Chamurliev O.G., Sidorov A.N., Kholod A.A., Chamurliev G.O., Bogomolova N.V.
Vol 13, No 1 (2018) |
The study of morphological and biochemical parametres of Amaranthus tricolor L. Valentina variety |
Platonova S.Y., Peliy A.F., Gins E.M., Sobolev R.V., Vvedenskiy V.V.
Vol 13, No 1 (2018) |
Specificity of combinations of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of glucovine in genotypes of allocytoplasmatic spruce wheat with allel of wild type Wx-B1a |
Semenov O.G., Divashur M.G., Haitembu G.S., Plushikov V.G., Hupacaria T.I., Vvedenskiy V.V., Pochtovyy A.A.
Vol 13, No 1 (2018) |
The studies of the reaction to the salt stress of varieties of fodder crops for formation of pastures in the conditions of North Western Caspian |
Puchkov M.Y., Lysakov M.A., Tumanyan A.F., Loktionova E.G., Strukov V.M., Terekhin A.A.
Vol 13, No 2 (2018) |
Effect of humus preparations on chlorophyl content in leave and potato plant productivity on sandy soil in Moscow distric |
Lyashko M.U., Tsvetkova U.V., Gressis V.O.
Vol 13, No 2 (2018) |
Effect of soil treatment and bacterial fertilizers on the productivity of yarn barley |
Chamurliev O.G., Chamurliev G.O., Feofilova L.A., Parpura D.I.
Vol 13, No 2 (2018) |
Research of influence of various methods of crops zhitnyaka on efficiency of the improved pastures in the arid zone of Northern Prikaspiya |
Bulakhtina G.K., Kudryashov A.V., Kudryashova N.I., Tumanyan A.F., Terekhin A.A.
Vol 12, No 3 (2017) |
Shafigullin D.R., Romanova E.V., Gins M.S., Pronina E.P.
Vol 12, No 1 (2017) |
Non-destructive methods of diagnostics of nitrogen provision of plants by optoelectronic system of plants monitoring |
Vvedenskaya A.V., Vvedenskiy V.V., Gins M.S., Khorokhorov A.M.
Vol 12, No 1 (2017) |
Dynamics of the density of lawn grass and herbage on loamy and sandy soils |
Poddubsky A.A., Lazareva T.S., Mazayskiy Y.A., Piven E.A.
Vol 12, No 2 (2017) |
Organic technology of tea production at Black sea coast of Krasnodar region |
Nagornyy V.D., Gresis V.O., Lyashko M.U.
Vol 12, No 2 (2017) |
Productivity and quality of grain modern varieties Iraq in the conditions non-black land russian Federation |
Majeed A.N., Semenov O.G., Terekhin A.A.
1 - 74 of 74 Items |