Biocidal activity of the extracts of Vernonia amygdalina against ticks responsible for livestock diseases
- Authors: Bisusa M.1, Bagalwa M.1,2, Zirirane D.N2, Mushagalusa N.2,3, Karume K.2,4
- Research Center in Natural Sciences
- Evangelical University in Africa
- Higher Institute of Rural Development
- Goma Volcanological Observatory
- Issue: Vol 14, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 481-491
- Section: Veterinary science
- URL:
- DOI:
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About the authors
Muhimuzi Bisusa
Research Center in Natural Sciences
Researcher in Environmental Sciences, Head of Veterinary Entomology Laboratory, Research Associate D.S. Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Mashimango Bagalwa
Research Center in Natural Sciences; Evangelical University in Africa
PhD at Makerere University, Head of the Malaria Laboratory, Researcher, NSRF, Research Center in Natural Sciences, CRSN-Lwiro; Research Associate, Evangelical University in Africa, Faculty of Agronomy and Environment D.S. Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Dieudonné N Zirirane
Evangelical University in Africa
Master's degree in Environment, Faculty of Agronomy Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Nachigera Mushagalusa
Evangelical University in Africa; Higher Institute of Rural Development
PhD, Faculty of Agronomy; Higher Institute of Rural Development Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Katcho Karume
Evangelical University in Africa; Goma Volcanological Observatory
PhD, Goma Volcanic Observatory, Department of Geochemistry and Environment; Ordinary Professor, Dean of Agronomy Faculty Goma, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
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