Statistical analysis of current development of agriculture in Russian regions
- Authors: Ivanov N.I1, Shevchenko T.V1, Gorbunov V.S1
- State University of Land Use Planning
- Issue: Vol 14, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 520-558
- Section: Management and development of agro-industrial complex
- URL:
- DOI:
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Regional social and economic development is characterized by presence of wide imbalances in structure of industry specialization, which are largely due to spatial development of individual territories. As part of a statistical study of agro-industrial complex development in regions of Russia, uneven agricultural development of certain territories, their involvement, as well as degree of participation in single national economic complex of the country are reflected. At the level of statistical significance, two of the region’s most important in terms of accumulated agro-industrial potential are identified - Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region. Based on the account of a wide range of socio-economic indicators, the subjects of the Russian Federation were ranked by integral indicator of development of agricultural sector and by urbanization level. The regions dominating for certain types of agricultural indicators were identified and their general dynamics over a long period of statistical observations were reflected. In the process of the research, a general conclusion is made step by step about development opportunities of agro-industrial complex in the regions in strategy for sustainable development of rural territories not only at the territorial level, but, more significantly, at the federal and local levels. In order to develop rural territories, among other things, it is necessary to create imperative social conditions that will preserve existing national economic potential and ensure fulfillment of not only production, but also demographic, cultural, historical and laborfunction in the village.
About the authors
Nikolai I Ivanov
State University of Land Use Planning
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for social Affairs and educational work, head of the Department of Economic Theory and Management
Moscow, Russian FederationTatiana V Shevchenko
State University of Land Use Planning
Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Management
Moscow, Russian FederationVladimir S Gorbunov
State University of Land Use Planning
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Management
Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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