Biotechnologies for accelerated reproduction of Kalmyk cattle
- Authors: Babenkov V.Y.1, Khakhlinov A.I.1, Sangadzhiev R.D.1, Makarova E.Y.2, Mergulchiev O.S.1
- Kalmyk State University
- Issue: Vol 18, No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 71-79
- Section: Animal breeding
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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In Russia, the number of beef cattle until recently was concentrated mainly in Kalmykia and adjacent regions. However, the lack of purposeful breeding has led to the fact that the purebred livestock of Kalmyk meat breed has significantly decreased and lost its unique qualities. Introduction of embryo transfer biotechnology can solve the problem of restoring breed qualities under the condition of accelerated reproduction of genotyped livestock. The aim of the research was to study Kalmyk breed response to polyovulation considering further increase in transferrable embryo productivity - the main indicator specific to each breed. As the formation of the breed took place in pasture conditions with a pronounced seasonal sexual cycle, there were doubts about the possibility of using embryo transfer technology in any season. The experiments were carried out on Kalmyk cows at Kalmytskoye farm in 2010 and at the Regional Research and Production Center for Reproduction of Farm Animals, Kalmyk State University, in 2022. The results of the study showed that it was better to synchronize sexual hunting using prostaglandins after 3-4 months after calving (May-October). According to the results of immunogenetic testing, 10 breeding cows and 2 breeding bulls were selected as donors. In September-October, in order to test the embryo transfer method in nomadic animal husbandry, the first work was carried out to stimulate poliovulation and obtain embryos from 3 donor cows. A total of 23 embryos and eggs were obtained, 10 of which were suitable for transplantation. Transferrable embryos were frozen on a ZEM-4 software freezer after equilibration in 1.5 M ethylene glycol cryoprotector solution.
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Table 1
Superovulation and embryo productivity of Kalmyk donor cows
Indicators | Results |
Treated donor cows, head | 50 |
Superovulatory response in cows, total — % | 25–50.0 |
Positive for donor extraction, total — % | 21–84.0 |
Number of ovulations, total — per donor | 217–10.3 |
Number of embryos, total — per donor | 182–8.7 |
Freezable embryos, total — per donor | 132–6.3 |
Freezable embryos, % | 72.5 |
Degenerated embryos and eggs, total — per donor | 50–2.4 |
Degenerated embryos and eggs, % | 27.5 |
Table 2
Stimulation of polyovulation and embryo productivity in Kalmyk cows
Indicators | Results |
Treated donor cows, head | 3 |
Superovulatory response in cows, total — % | 3–100.0 |
Number of ovulations, total — per donor | 26–8.7 |
Number of embryos, total — per donor | 23–7.7 |
Freezable embryos, total — per donor | 10–3.3 |
Freezable embryos, % | 43.5 |
Degenerated embryos and eggs, total — per donor | 13–4.3 |
Degenerated embryos and eggs, % | 56.5 |
About the authors
Vladimir Y. Babenkov
Kalmyk State University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1061-2281
doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher
3 Pyatyi mikroraion, Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian FederationArslang I. Khakhlinov
Kalmyk State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1373-0243
3 Pyatyi mikroraion, Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian FederationRoman D. Sangadzhiev
Kalmyk State University
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6687-9914
Deputy Director
3 Pyatyi mikroraion, Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian FederationElena Y. Makarova
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3297-6521
Embryologist, Independent Researcher
6 Sadovaya st., Gubkin, Belgorod region, 309188, Russian FederationOchir S. Mergulchiev
Kalmyk State University
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6288-0432
Master Student (Technology of meat livestock management)
3 Pyatyi mikroraion, Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian FederationReferences
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