No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Some problems of an agrarian reform and state regulation of agriculture of Kyrgyzstan
In article the theoretical concept of formation of the effective mechanism of influence of the state on agrarian sector of the Kirghiz Republic is offered. Unreasonable decisions on reforming of agrarian sector come to light, and it is offered possible ways of elimination of errors of the spent agrarian reform in the country.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):5-15

System of generators influence to foreign investments on modernization of economy of Cambodia
Article covers to system of generators influence to foreign investments in progress of economy of Cambodia. Cambodia began to pass recently rather to market economy. Therefore, in the country it is necessary to construct new modernization, and new economic structure. In whole, it is necessary for the decision of problems of unemployment, education, public health, and for stable maintenance socioeconomic progresses. By opinion of authors, considering insignificant the volume of national accumulation and savings, Cambodia cannot develop without foreign capitals.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):16-23

Biological features of Arnica montana L. under introduction in the conditions of the Moscow region
Features of growth and development of Arnica montana L. plants in the conditions of the Moscow region of Russia are revealed, possibility of its productive cultivation is shown. Optimum conditions of cultivation of seedlings and adult plants are defined. Peculiar agricultural methods, applying for introduction of Arnica montana L are developed.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):24-31

Potential quarantine wreckers of the agricultural crops in Volga region
The location, soil and climatic conditions of Volga region allow to develop up-to-date agriculture capable of providing the surrounding regions with plant products and competitive in the external market. Thus it is necessary to consider risk of penetration into region of quarantine wreckers and thereupon to strengthen control of imported products of plant growing.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):32-37

Change of productivity of grades of summer soft wheat at different technologies of cultivation
Increase of productivity of spring wheat at the present stage has great value for an agricultural production. It is necessary to study reaction of new and perspective grades at different technologies of cultivation which differ with a level of a mineral feed and to applied means of protection of plants. Productivity of grades of spring wheat at high-intensity technology reaches 6-7 ton/hectare of grain.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):38-44

Efficiency of various ways of processing of ground under cultures of the crop rotation
In work the analysis of a contamination of crops by weeds depending on receptions of the basic processing ground, their influence on development of cultural plants, distribution among crops and productivity of grain crops is resulted. It is established, that the combined systems of processing of the ground, based on a combination on years of usual plowing and superficial (disk) processings do not reduce productivity of cultures.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):45-50

Influence of predecessors and nitric fertilizers on productivity of spring wheat at the irrigation in the conditions of Mesopotamic plain of the Central Iraq
The results of researches on formation of productivity of spring wheat are resulted at an irrigation depending on predecessors and doses of entering of nitric fertilizers in the conditions of Mesopotamic plain of Iraq. It is revealed that the predecessor lucerne in the first year and green fallow (mung bean) as intermediate summer culture the next two years improve ростовые processes and is created by optimum conditions for growth and development of spring wheat and reception of a big crop of grain. Thus nitric fertilizers in a dose of 200 kg/hectares at spring wheat cultivation raise productivity of grain on the average on all predecessors on 32,8% in comparison with not fertilized background.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):51-60

Effect of transplantation of fetal rabbit islets of langerhans to streptozotocin-indused diabetic mice
This article is about the trial of transplantation of fetal cells of pancreas to laboratory mice with streptosotozin diabetes. Cells were infused into liver in the dose of 105 cells/0,5 ml. Mices that received rabbit β-cells had normal level blood glucose within 2 months after xenotransplantation.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):70-76

The morphological construction of the liver beside hens (review)
The analysis of the literature of our country and of foreign literature shows that the information about the poultry's lever morphology is little, of uncoordinated and fragmentary character and sometimes even conflicting. The morphogenesis of poultry's lever in the most critical periods and phases of the postnatal ontogenesis is not fully revealed. The peculiarities of lever structure and development depending on the intensity of raising and fattening of poultry are little-studied and need further inquiry.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):77-87

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(4):95-97