No 2 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 11
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The yield of spring barley in the brown soils of the Nizhnee Povolzh'e region
The results of small (20-22 cm) and relatively deep main processing of the soil (27-30 cm) and variable rate application depth of arable horizon of doses of mineral nutrition (N and P2O5) on yield of spring barley. It is established that ploughing soil up to 30 cm (pillars of Cibima) with in-corporation at the same depth easy phosphorus-rhenium increases the biological activity of the soil microflora involved in the proposal of cellulose substrates is a means of increasing the fertility of light chestnut soil, which is especially important for rainfed conditions. The average crop capacity in the shallow plowing is 2 t/ha and was lower at 15% compared to Varian, where he held a deep subsurface tillage. By years of research sum-total biological activity in the deep subsurface treat-ment amounted to 930 mg of amino acids per gram of leaf, which is higher by 26% the variant with shallow plowing. Compared to shallow ploughing (option 1) at subsurface relatively deep processing of crude soil (option 2) there is greater accumulation of productive moisture in a meter layer. In the period of tillering of plants at average moisture reserves in option 2 is higher by 16% than in option 1 and constitute a 147 mm. In phase trubavina-earing and full maturity of the spring-barley the difference between the productive moisture content increases to between 20 and 33% in the direction of no-till deep processing. Relatively high soil moisture (a consequence of the method of tillage) contributed to a more rapid transition of phosphates in the horizon of 25-30 cm and nitrate in the layer 10-15 cm in available forms of nutrients for soil microorganisms. It is revealed that the application rate of nitrogen and phosphorus should be linked with the main processing of the soil, and the peculiarities of development of the root system of cultivated crops.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):7-14

Biochemical composition and quality dining sorts of potatoes grown in the light-brown soils Astrakhan region drip irrigation
Potatoes - one of the most important human food. It has high taste and nutritional properties. The optimum ratio in potato tubers of organic and mineral substances essential to man, determines its value as food. The tuber contains on average 76-78% of water and from 13 to 36% solids, of which 12-15% is starch, 1-3% protein and about 1% - mineral compounds. Proteins potatoes have a very high biological value because they contain a set of essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body and must be obtained from food. The potato is the most important source of vitamin C. Potato protein is extremely biological value through the optimal ratio of essential amino acids, surpassing peas and beans on the content of methionine and grains - on the content of lysine. The aim of research was to evaluate cultivated on light-brown soils under drip irrigation of potato varieties biochemical indicators and dining. As a result of under drip irrigation on light-brown soils of the Astrakhan region studying the collection of early and Medium early varieties for a number of biochemical parameters were identified early varieties - Dolphin Karatop, good luck, and is mid - Innovator, Resource, The blue, effect, Nevsky, cover, Zhukov Jubilee. Indicators on the table were the best varieties Dolphin Resource The blue, Nevsky Innovator.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):15-22

To the issue of population structure of Convallaria majalis L. and Polygonatum multiflorum L. in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park
The authors of this article conducted a study of the population structure of Convallaria majalis L. and Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. flowered relating to protected species and included in the Red book of Moscow and Moscow region. For the first time in the Bitsa forest Park based on the characteristics of stages of ontomorphogenesis of the investigated species described and analyzed the age structure of their populations.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):23-30

Pre-trial procedure settlement disputes on land tax
Currently, land resources are increasingly acting subject to various transactions, procedures and projects, which is required to estimate their value. According to the Federal Law of 29.07.1998 № 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” under the cadastral value is the value of which is established as a result of state cadastral valuation of any consideration of disputes on the results of determination of the cadastral value of the court or the Commission for disputes about the results of the definition cadastral value. When the procedure of determining the value taken into account the main features of the land, such as the location of the land, the level of prices and competition in the real estate market, the ability to profit from this land when it is used, available infrastructure near the land, various external factors. In this article the authors examine the issues related to the settlement of disputes on land tax, which is calculated on the cadastral value of land; discussed in detail the issues related to pre-trial procedures and administrative and legal regulation of determination and contesting the cadastral value as the tax base.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):31-38

Evelopment of methodology of instruments of technical regulation of organic products
The article presents a methodology which includes a set of analytical and applied research - analysis in the field of standardization of documents, technical documentation industry, scientific and technical literature on the profile of studies, documents of patent licensing division, information technical regulatory framework, as well as Russian legislation, the Customs Union and the EU in terms of organic farming and organic products. According to the analysis conducted ranking of existing requirements to organic products of animal origin and methods of production, scientifically proven to build documents in the system of the organic animal products. The methodology involves a number of techniques, as a result of which the system will be designed instruments of technical regulation of organic products of animal origin. The results of the work and the proposed methodology as a whole can be the basis for the legislative framework in the field of organic production in all sectors of the food industry, to protect the rights of consumers, including protection against tampering of organic products on the market.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):39-45

Rationale of veterinary and sanitary evaluation of pig slaughter product at cryptosporidiosis period
The article presents the results of research carried out in order to support veterinary and sanitary assessment of products of slaughter pigs with invasive disease - cryptosporidiosis. This disease affects many species of animals and birds, it is considered dangerous to humans. The clinical manifestation of the disease observed in young animals, adult animals is characterized by a long asymptomatic carriage of the pathogen. At slaughtering enterprises, unfortunately, do not diagnose the cryptosporidiosis. This leads to the use of meat and other animal products of slaughter without any restriction, which is safe for consumers. Presented in the article the results of researches allow improving the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis in slaughter pigs and recommending methods for the safest use of meat in the food and feed purposes. Proposals on veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat to obtained results of organoleptic, physical-chemical and microbiological tests as well as the danger of cryptosporidiosis pathogen for humans.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):46-50

Amino-acid composition of broiler meat in the application of feed additives “Mikofiks”
Studied chemical composition and amino-acid content of meat in broiler muscle tissue, mostly treated diet feed additive “Mikofiks” in comparison with the meat of broilers not receiving supplement. Define the comparative evaluation of the biological activity of the experimental and control of meat chickens, protein amino-acid score of pectoral muscles of broilers of cross-country “Siberian”. It was found that the use of the feed additive “Mikofiks” increases the physiological activity of chickens and weight gain. The chemical composition and calorific value of broiler meat treated with the additive does have some differences from the meat of chickens that received feed without additives “Mikofiks”. The moisture of meat of experimental chickens was an increase in 1.68%, and the energy value in 10,3-10,7%. In the white meat broiler of experimental group content of essential amino-acids in total increased by 2.7%, nonessential amino acids content decreased by 0.79%. The ratio of the amount of essential amino acids indispensable to the white meat of chickens of experimental group was 2.89% lower than in the control of broiler meat. However, the ratio of tryptophan to hydroxyproline increased by 23,6%. In the protein broiler of experimental group took place a limiting amino-acid (score) - tryptophan. Based on the conclusions of the data that the feed additive “Mikofiks” fattening broiler increases weight gain, and positive changes in the chemical composition of the meat defined by increased content of some essential amino acids, with the score (the limiting amino acid) - tryptophan.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):51-57

Breeding value bulls in conjunction with various physiological factors
The article discusses the role and particular importance to highly productive cows in the breeding of dairy cattle. Currently, one of the priorities of the agricultural sector is the creation of highly productive dairy herd, since it is by far a priority, and it is the country’s food security. We have studied the question of variability genotype bulls under the influence of the physiological state of the mothers, in particular the impact of the intensity and duration of maternal lactation dairy cows in the tribal days Quality sons. The physiological condition of cows is characterized by the level of activity of lactation, and reproductive functions, ie fertility, duration of service period and the number of milking days. As is known, there is a very close link between these functions. Cow fertility depends primarily on coherence of physiological functions. The beginning of all this is a normal metabolism in the body, which is of utmost importance for selection vysokomolochnyh cows. Metabolic disorders in the body vysokomolochnyh cows (ketosis), caused by an unbalanced feeding, shortage of certain nutrients and elements, as well as excessive razdaivaniem with a high proportion of concentrated feed leads to the breakdown of the body’s physiological functions, especially the reproductive organs. In this regard, we consider these factors creates unfavorable conditions for the normal maturation of the egg, the birth and fetal growth retardation. Therefore, when selecting herd replacements necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment, including whether the physiological state of the mother during the birth of offspring.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):58-62

The study of bone marrow in guinea fowls of the volga white breed
In this work the study of the structure and features of development in the ontogeny of the bone marrow of Guinea fowls of the Volga white breed. Bone marrow is located in the cells of the spongy substance, and with age, its absolute mass increases, and the relative mass is reduced. In the period from 1 to 60 days age was observed the highest content of bone marrow in the skeleton of a Guinea fowl. In males the number of bone marrow more than females, in average by 1.5-2%. The bulk of the marrow from the Guinea fowls at the age from 1 to 90 days are in the peripheral skeleton, more than 55% in the pelvic limbs. The axial skeleton of the Guinea fowl at this age contains about one third of all bone marrow and much of it is concentrated in the spinal column. With age, the saturation of the axial skeleton bone marrow sharply increases and reaches to 48.1% of the total content in the skeleton of a Guinea fowl. The peak saturation of the skeleton by bone marrow observed in the first two months of life Guinea fowls. Then this figure was relatively stable until the age of 90 days varies slightly. With 180 day age, there is a sharp drop of saturation of the skeleton of a Guinea fowl bone marrow. At one year of age, the figure is only 57-59% of the saturation of the skeleton by bone marrow at the age of 90 days. With age, red marrow is replaced by yellow bone marrow. Microscopy of smears of bone marrow of individual fat cells found in red bone marrow in the daily age. At the age of 60 days there is a replacement of red bone marrow yellow 20-28%, and in 90 days in 40%. At the age of 365 days, almost the entire bone marrow is represented by yellow.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):63-70

Dynamics of indicators of clinical analysis of urine tripolyphosphate in the treatment of urolithiasis in cats
In article the estimation of efficiency of treatment of urolithiasis on the basis of dynamics of indicators of clinical analysis of urine in 64 clinically ill cats for the period from September 2013 to March 2015. The paper presents the main changes of the clinical condition of patients with urolithiasis tripolyphosphate based on the study of indicators of clinical analysis of urine. Confirmed by the absence of pathognomonic signs, allowing to differentiate pathology from other diseases of the genitourinary system in the early stages. Submitted the efficiency in the use of various schemes of correction of the state of animals in this pathology and evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in urolithiasis in the acute phase. Identified and justified the need for long-term use of antihypoxants course (Mexidol-vet) and antibiotic treatment with cephalosporin the III generation cefovecin (Convenia) help stop the formation and release of tripel'fosfatov.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):71-78

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RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2016;(2):79-81