No S5 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Sedum plant communities, applying on green roofs and dynamic of development
The analysis of plant communities on green roofs of different ages, created by the same technology and using the same set of species, reveals the dynamics of change in species composition and area of the projective cover of plants in the absence of intensive maintenance.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):5-12

An approach to access urban soils’ spatial variability at the local level
There is still lack of clear information on the urban soils mainly because of their extremely high spatial variability. In this study we analyzed the specific features of urban soils’ spatial variability at the local level (64 ha plot; 126 sampling points). Four contrast urban soil sub-types were distinguished in the study area: primitive urban soils on the technogenic parent material, grey-humus soils with urbopedogenensis features, urbanozems and urban soil on the layers of sewage accumulation. Comparison between the results of regional and local analysis did not show the trend of spatial variability decrease as a result of detailed elaboration. Thus it may be concluded that high spatial variability is an integral feature of urban soils, that assumes principally different approach for their spatial analysis.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):13-24

Diagnosis of the internal state of the Tilia cordata trees using complex acoustic ultrasonic imaging Arbotom ®
The purpose of this study to identify internal structural defects hidden from view within tree trunks and probability internal decay in standing trees Tilia cordata in Summer, Garden Mikhailovsky Garden and Garden of the (Engineers’ Castle) using an ultrasonic tomographic technique (Arbotom ®). Ten Tilia cordata trees were examined with an ultrasonic instrument Arbotom 2D software (Rinn Tech, Germany). Were examined The interrelationships between the age of a tree, the ultrasonic velocity. Two-dimensional images of the tree samples were constructed using (Arbotom ® software). The results show very promising possibilities of applications these techniques.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):25-32

The observation of the changing of plants followed the historical restoration of the Summer Garden (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
In the article the primary changes of the garden ecosystem followed the reconstruction of 2009—2012 are presented the observations were made during the first season after the opening of the garden to the public. The complex of the dominant species of pests of trees and shrubs was studied. The areas of their occurrence in different parts of the garden were identified. The main principals of the psychopathological monitoring were worked out.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):33-42

The innovation in greenhouses gases’ monitoring methods in representative landscapes of the megapolis
This article presents the innovative approach to the organization of monitoring researches of the greenhouses gases’ fluxes main components in the case of representative landscapes of the Moscow megalopolis as well as initial results of this technique approbation.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):43-54

Megapolise infrastructure: vegetecture as a part of the architectural environment
This article concerns a new vision of degradation problems of the urban landscape of the biggest cities on the context of superseding of the green infrastructure of the open spaces. We suggest to the way search to the returning back of the green plants such the obligatory architectural components of the urban landscape structure in its system integration with the innovative objects of Architecture.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):55-61

Feartures of recreational potential of forest ecosystems of Klinsko-Dmitrovskay Gryada
The article is devoted to recreational opportunities of forest ecosystems of Clinsko-Dmytrovskaja Grjada. Recreational potential in connection of forest types was given as result of male study. As a result of studies is assessed the recreational potential in relation to forest types. The impact of various forms of rechation on the state of the main elements of the forest has been given. The description of flora and fauna have been given.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):62-65

Economic peculiarities of the production process in landscape gardening and landscape construction
In the article economic features of the enterprises of landscape gardening and landscape construction are considered. Specifics of production in landscape construction is analysed. The following economic concepts were allocated: fixed assets and current assets of the enterprises, costs of production, costs of production, prime cost, profit, profitability and taxation bases.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):66-74

Landscaping the park «Northern Tushino» to create conditions for public recreation
The article describes the conditions for reconstruction and rehabilitation of slum Park «Northern Tushino» area of 58 hectares: the need for recreation centers, objects of cultural, historical, aesthetic, recreational and health purposes, recreation and sports facilities in order to create an environmentally acceptable places for public recreation.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):75-84

Influence of an urban environment on pollution of soils by heavy metals depending on structure and age of wood forest stands (on an example of wood skilled giving Department of Ecology Russian State Agrarian University — MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev
The condition of wood plantings in forest-park ecosystems of megalopolises and performance of private sanitary and ecological functions by them substantially depends on intensity of influence of anthropogenic factors of the city. Intensity of these changes is corrected also by structure of tree species: it is established that for the centenary period (1909—2000) pollution of soils of LOD by heavy metals considerably increased: on lead — at 40—50 time, on copper at 17—24 time and to zinc — 4—9 times. Accumulation of heavy metals in the soil is closely connected with removal from a pollution source (city highways, the industrial enterprises), and also with a complex of properties of the soils caused by its consolidation at intensive recreational loading, and also from structure wood and shrubby plantings.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):92-98

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2012;(S5):99-101