No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 10
- URL:
- DOI:Х-2011-1
The state cadastral estimation of the grounds of agricultural purpose
In clause methodical approaches to cadastral estimation of cost of the grounds of agricultural purpose are considered. Concepts of the grounds of agricultural purpose are considered. Definition of integrated parameters on fertility of soils, to technological properties and a site is spent. Calculation of cadastral cost and the investment income is done. The technological scheme of cadastral cost of the ground is resulted.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):5-12

Concerning the Bauhinia L. species (fam. Fabaceae Lindl., subfam. Caesalpinioideae Kurth.) seeds' macrostructure
Microstructure (cross-section and longitudinal cuts) of mature dry seeds of 12 species of Bauhinia L. genus was examined. It was shown that according to the seeds' microstructure type the investigated Bauhinia L. species form two different groups. Signs of seed microstructure, useful as diagnostic for classification of the genus, were revealed.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):13-27

Сomparative estimation of biological and chemical preparates influnce on cabbage young plants development
Monitoring of cabbage young plants root rot diseases has been carried out. It was also estimated biological preparates Gamair and Gliocladin and fungicide Ridomil influence on the energy of seeds growth and morphological characteristics of young plants.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):28-33

Assessment of wheat from American National Collection of Grains (NSGC) on resistibility to leaf rust in infection kennel research of Institute of Phytopathology
The article presents the materials, characterizing the resistance of soft (Triticum aestivum) and durum wheat (Triticum durum) of different origin to one of the most dangerous disease of this crop - Puccinia triticina Erikss. As the result we present sorts of wheat with high to diseases and with different varieties of resistance.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):34-39

Epizootology and clinico-morphological characteristics salmonellosis in pig farms
We studied epizootiology and clinical-morphological characteristics of salmonella in pig farms. Salmonella in pig farms often recorded under adverse conditions of feeding and housing of animals. The disease in pigs took place in acute, sub-acute and chronic forms.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):40-44

Chronic obstructive illnesses of bronchial tubes at horses
Chronic obstructive illnesses respiratory ways of horses include inflammatory diseases of bronchial tubes and рецидивирующую obstruction respiratory the ways, differing on many parameters, including an etiology and clinical display. At a long and heavy current relapse obstructions arise conditions for which the irreversible obstruction of respiratory ways is characteristic. The classification of a chronic bronchitis accepted in veterinary science, can be added by elements of classification of chronic inflammatory diseases of the bronchial tubes, accepted in medicine.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):45-49

Morphological research of the pancreas of dogs and cats with use of the method of ultrasonic diagnostics
In article questions of ultrasonic diagnostics of a pancreas of dogs and cats from positions of the morphological analysis and the subsequent clinical treatment of the received results are considered. The adapted technique of application of ultrasonic research for fine animals is stated and the algorithm of its realization in conditions of veterinary clinics of a mega city is developed.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):50-59

Mari population of bees apis Mellifera mellifera L. in the XXI century
In article it is considered results of studying of breed of bees of Mari population of Central Russian breed. In apiaries of Republic of Marias-EL only 45% beecolonies have characteristic signs of Central Russian breed, and the others have signs ob bees of yellow Caucasian breed. Characteristics of bees of Mari population of Central Russian breed in comparison with bees with signs from yellow Caucasian breed allow firm confidence to be engaged thoroughbred selection economy of Republic of Marias-El.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):60-66

Speed of subsidence of red blood cages at horses of different breeds
In article at pregnant mares Oryol, Russian-rysistoj and thoroughbred riding English breeds and the foals received from them modern results of researches of an indicator of erythrocyte sedimentation rate are presented to the colostrums, dairy period and after branch from mothers at a diet on cultural pastures and during the winter stall period, at feeding by the hay prepared on cultural pastures. ESR in blood of mares by the pregnancy end decreases, and with approach of new pregnancy and a lactation starts to raise and remains till 7-8 months of pregnancy at identical level. At foals after branch from mothers and full transition to a vegetative diet ESR is accelerated to the top sizes of physiological norm. ESR at mares of thoroughbred riding English breed, in comparison with Oryol and Russian-rysistoj, is accelerated in connection with acclimatization to new conditions of the North Ossetia of foothills of Caucasus.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):67-79

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(1):80-82