No 3 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 11
- URL:
Science at the Agrarian faculty
The results of Agrarian faculty in scientific research have been reviewed in this article. Scientific and pedagogical schools functioning in the faculty are presented. The implementation of Agrarian Faculty innovative educational program Education and work of innovative analytical laboratories, used in teaching and research, are discussed. Scientific and educational center (SEC) and small innovative enterprises (SIE), formed at the faculty, are represented. The achievement of scientists from Agrarian Faculty in the field of international scientific cooperation is presented.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):5-21

Creation, formation and achievements of Chair of genetics, plant growing and protection of plants
In article the basic information on history of creation and formation of chair, the basic directions of research activity, achievements, prospects of development and directions of vocational training of bachelors, masters and post-graduate students is presented.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):22-29

About of pedology and soil scientists-engineers in Russian People's Friendship University
A brief historic information about the Chair of Pedology and farming of Russion People's Friendship University formation and development is given; the research and research production potential is reviewed; the main activity trends, its tasks and functions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):36-45

Moral and legal education of the veterinary and sanitary specialists
The article covers aspects of moral and ethical behaviour in the vet, presents results of monitoring of the requirements to the veterinary and sanitary experts. Experts in the field of veterinary-sanitary examination must not only have professional qualities, but also moral and ethical behaviour.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):46-54

History of the Chair of veterinary pathology
In the article the story of creation and activity of the chair of veterinary pathology is given. The article provides information about the structure of the chair and disciplines taught in it, about the teachers of the chair. Are described the major achievements of the chair staff in the field of science and communications of the chair with production and research institutions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):55-56

The activities of the Chair of anatomy, physiology and animal surgery of the agricultural faculty of PFUR
The article shows the work of the Chair of anatomy, physiology and surgery of animals, shows the main stages in the Chair and staff. The examples of direct action in terms of educational, scientific and methodical process. The basic scientific directions and inter-institutional communication. Marked base practices, providing training for students.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):59-66

Chair of safety of vital activity and control of the natural and technogeny risks
Chair of safety of vital activity and control of the natural and technogeny risks founded the Order of Peoples' Friendship University Rector № 489 of July 19, 2005, in order to improve methodological and scientific work in agriculture, engineering and physics and mathematics faculty in disciplines related to the Integrated Safety Education institutions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):67-71

Chair of economic valuation and land cadastre: history and present
In September, 2011 Agrarian (agricultural) faculty of PFUR will celebrate 50 years anniversary. In 1997 was created the Chair of agroeconomy. In 2012 the staff of the Chair, which after a number of transformations is now Chair of economic valuation and land cadastre, is going to celebrate the 15-th anniversary and the first graduation of the new bachelor degree «Land management and cadastres». In article the dynamical history of creation and development of the Chair and its main property that is staff is shown.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):72-78

Osteomalacia in cattle and its influence on the development and milk production of posterity
The present study investigates the influence of bone disease in cows on their milk production and productivity of their offspring (in 3 generations). In herds with a manifestation of bone disease using oxen-improvers has no effect.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):79-85

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2011;(3):86-88