No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Organization and executing of independent evaluation while ensuring agricultural crops yields
In the system of agro-industrial complex there are risks of planned yield lowering at agricultural crops growing. The reasons of yield reduction could be both as technological so hydro-meteorological. During evaluation of insurance cases experts should definite reasons of insurance case, the volume of injury and divide its reasons to agrotechnical (liability of named insured) and hydro-meteorological (liability of insurance carrier). To execute the control of technological reasons the pre-insurance expertise is used.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):5-11

Effect of certain substances on the physical-chemical properties and toxicity insecticides
The paper shows the possibility of using various substances with insecticide to reduce the norms of the drug per unit area. Preparations Sumi-alpha and Kurakron in full and half-norms jointly and severally with the subsidiary additives slightly altered physico-chemical properties of solutions. Oils increases the toxicity of solutions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):12-17

New vector of the potato virus X - Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary
Prove participation in the dissemination of the potato virus X zoospores of the fungus Phytophthora infestans. The minimum period for the acquisition virofornos was 12 hours of infection 72 hours after exposure to suspensions, zoospores at a donor within 24 hours, the efficiency of transmission increased. We found that the activity of transmission varies depending on the infected variety and soil temperature. And also influence of nitrates on growth and on number zoospores fungi Ph. infestans.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):18-23

Reception of preparation of the entomopathogenic nematodes and the estimation of their efficiency
Results about invasion activity of 3 kinds entomopathogenic nematodes from family Steinernema (S. feltiae, S. carpocapsae, S. glaseri ) concerning 2 pest insects of a cotton (cotton scoops Spodoptera littoralis and a cotton bug - Pectinophora gossypiella) and house fly (M. domestica) is analyzed. It is found that the greatest efficiency in the relation larvae stages of pests is S. feltiae. Pupae, in general, were less susceptible to nematode infestation.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):24-28

The study of the peculiarities of the early potato varieties of LNNIISH breeding in the light-chestnut soils on the northwest of Astrakhan region
The collection from 8 grades of a potato of early terms of maturing of selection of the Leningrad scientific research institute of agriculture is studied: Spring white, the Bullfinch, League, the Magician, the Naiad, Charm, Holmogorsky, Pamjati Osipovoj. The most productive are defined and early-maturing varieties at cultivation in arid conditions with use of technology of a drop irrigation. The highest productivity has been noticed at a grade the Magician - 32,6 t/hectare that is authentic above indicators of the standard sample on 19,3 t/hectare. High level of productivity the grade League (30,0 t/hectare) differed.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):29-33

Antioxidant defense system participation in cross-adaptation of Ocimum basilicum to complex action of UV-B and salinity
The 10 min UV-B irradiation (12 dj/m2) and 100mM NaCl action on medical plants Ocimum basilicum L., grown in water culture, was studying. The plants treated by UV-B irradiation were more resistent to salinity. There were two groups of compounds. One - proline, carotinoids, phenols are accumulated under salinity conditions. Second group - pigments - antocyans and flavones. Its biosynthesis is stimulated by UV-B irradiation. Under complex stressor action pigments were increased and this increasing helped plants to overcome the high salinity. The antioxidant enzyme superoxid dismutase did not play essential role in adaptive response. The low molecular weight antioxidants were more effective for formation of adaptation response. The peroxidase activity had not correlation with superoxid dismutase activity and we supposed that H2O2 could be result of other process and served as signal molecul.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):34-40

Water regim of light-brown soils at cultivation the table beet
Special attention in our studies was paid to conditions of formation of water and soil nutrient regimes, as basic elements in regulation of the production process beet under irrigation in order to obtain the planned harvest of the Centre in range 40...100 t/ha. With irrigation sprinkler canteen beet on light chestnut soils and maintaining before irrigation humidity level 80-80-70% (F.C.) with differentiated depth irrigation 0,3 to 0,6 m and Making N320P175K145 ensures yield commodity Roots till 111,5 t/ha. The combination of controllable factors on the yield of table beet economically and energetically favorable.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):41-46

Agricultural animals in human's life
The information about domestication and area: of settlement (natural habitat) of such agricultural animals as cows, goats, sheep, horses and pigs is given in the article. For primitive people animals meant to be preys for life support. To make the hunt successful, primitive people scrutinized animals'habits, which they thought, were quite similar to theirs. The human believed that he descended from the animal. Religious belief in animals-forefathers is called totem. There appear the myths, where various animals and birds act. Animals became visible images of gods and they were endowed with the capacity to turn into gods-humans, who, at the same time, could become animals, understand their habits, speak their language. Religiously mystic studies about reincarnation are known as metempsychosis.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):47-65

Chronicles of acts of nature and emergencies in Russian agroindustrial complex in the finals of 2009. Measures to prevent and liquidate their consequences
Dangerous climate events of several years cause significant injury to Russian economics, which could be estimated as 25-60 billion rubles. Agroindustrial complex corresponds to 65% of total injury of the country. One of the main targets of strategic development of agricultural production is to support sustainable development in the conditions of natural cataclysms and technological errors by means of risks' reduction of emergencies in the industry.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):66-72

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(3):73-74