No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Estimation of okra manufacturing in the world
In the article the okra manufacturing in the world is considered. Volumes of manufacture both in the world, and on the basic regions and the countries-manufacturers are analyzed. Areas under crops of the given culture are considered. Their dynamics are studied. Productivity influence of okra on regions and the countries-manufacturers is defined. Their dynamics are studied. On a basis of trend analysis attempt of the forecast of dynamics of productivity and areas under crops of okra till 2014 is become. Attempt to define type of manufacture of the given culture is become also. Riskiness of manufacture is studied.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):5-13

Quality management by manufacture of dairy production
A huge variety of the dairy production presented nowadays in the Russian market forces special attention to give to a problem of quality of milk reaching the consumer and, especially, its substitutes and milk products. Recently at the state level, and also at level of regions and the large enterprises attempts of creation of effective system by quality management of all dairy assortment and its components become. It is necessary to keep also available positive experience in quality management of dairy production.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):14-20

Drop irrigation of the soya on heavy soils
Studying of a drop irrigation of soya on soils of the Volgograd region was spent. Moisture distribution in soil is revealed in process of drop irrigation depending on the norm of irrigation, type of soil and speed of water delivery. The technology of loosening of soil in borders of a contour of humidifying by special working bodies in crops at local distribution of roots is developed. The new technology is recommended to be combined with maintenance of optimum humidity of soil.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):21-26

The experience of cultivation of vegetable cultures at low-capacity irrigation in arid conditions
The materials of researches of low-capacity irrigation technology in arid conditions are presented in this work. High efficiency of drop irrigation is established at cultivation of vegetable cultures. In comparison with superficial watering on furrows the considerable economy of water, the increase of crop and decrease in expenses of water on a unit of production is revealed. Test of systems of drop irrigation has shown that it is recommended to combine drop watering with a mode of the speeded up water delivery.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):27-33

Efficiency and quality of livestock production at different space activity. Part 1
It is established, that a gain of heifers and fowl, a milk yield of cows, a chemical compound of milk, an egg production of hens, safety of young animals of large horned stock, fertilization of cows and heifers correlated with parameters of space activity. On the average value of a correlation coefficient makes on mass 0,24, on a milk yield 0,26, on fat 0,19, on fiber 0,18. The opportunity of the forecast of changes of efficiency of animals concerning the predicted space activity is shown.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):34-46

Rather-anatomical research of mineral mummy Bilibin horse
On the basis of the received results anatomic parameters of mineral mummy Bilibin horse are established and their comparative studying with the data of the literature is carried out. The morphological analysis cranial parts of mineral mummy Bilibin horse who has been found out in the Western Chukotka, has allowed to come to a conclusion that on key parameters of a head, necks, a chest cell and chest finiteness she is close to mummy Selikarn horse, horse Przheval'skogo and of the Yakut domestic horse and borrows between them intermediate position.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):53-58

Toxicity and therapeutic efficacy of injections based on еnrofloxacin and colistin
We studied the acute and sub-chronical toxicity of the drugs on the basis of еnrofloxacin and colistin in laboratory animals. The drug according to GOST 12.1.007-76 apply to Class 3 danger - little dangerous. We studied the influence of the drug on the basis of composite еnrofloxacin and colistin at doses 0,5, 1,0 and 5,0 ml per 10 kg body weight on the clinical and biochemical indicators of the blood in piglets and calves. It was found that the therapeutical efficacy of new drug with kolibakterioze calves equaled 90,7%, piglets - 91,4%, while the effectiveness dizparcolum (base product) was 78,9% and 80,0% respectively.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):59-65

Local and general effects of injection of medicinal forms of enrofloxacin with colistin
The carried out research of local - irritant, skin - resorvent and allergic effect of injection form of drug induding enrofloxacin and colistin in animals. It has slight irritant effect on the skin and doesn't have any skin - resorvent and allergic properties. The influence of composition of enrofloxacin with colistin on the physiological status of animals. It was found that an intramuscular injection of the drug in doses of 0,5 and 1,0 ml per 10 kg bodyweight doesn't have any negative impact on the overall condition of laboratory animals, does not alter the morphological and biochemical indices of their blood. Exchange of drug in a therapeutic dose does not change.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):66-73

Clinical, epizootical, pathological and morphological diagnosis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
The main symptom of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome is a violation of reproductive function in sows, which is accompanied by abortion, premature birth of dead, weak and ugly piglets and mummified fetuses. Clinical signs of disease in sows usually develop in late gestating (100-114 days). The greatest number of stillbirths and deaths of piglets in the first days of life in PRRS observed in epizootic period of flow, when passing in the enzootic period, the number of stillborn piglets markedly reduced. In households, where the vaccine against the disease was not carried out, re-epizootic outbreaks occur every 18-19 months, and continue 4-5 months. The number of stillborn piglets in the initial appearance of reproductive respiratory syndrome of pigs is higher than in its recurrence. Bringing diseases occur with repair pigs and boars from farms with PRRS. Differential diagnosis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome should be on those diseases, whose pathogens can cause the death of embryos or abortion.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(3):74-81