No 1 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 11
- URL:
Estimation of material base of an agricultural production of Brazil and Venezuela
In article the analysis of material resources of two independent states of Latin America is carried out: Venezuela and Brazil. The characteristic of structure of a fixed capital of agriculture is given. Their structure is analyzed. Dynamics of number of tractors and combine harvesters is considered. Consumption of principal views of fertilizers is analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):5-11

Agroholdings as a basis of development of dairy cattle breeding
In article experience of functioning of agroindustrial associations of the holding type which has had development in dairy cattle breeding of the Belgorod region and is generalized convincingly shown that regional dairy-grocery holding - the perspective form of integration in market conditions of managing.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):12-16

Problems of the estimation of the property of the modern agricultural enterprises in Russia
The structure of the agricultural enterprise as property complex joins all kinds of the property intended for its activity, including the ground areas, buildings, constructions, the equipment, raw material, the rights, requirements, debts, and also the rights to the designations individualizing the enterprise (trade marks) and other exclusive rights. According to the first part of Civil code of the Russian Federation the enterprise is considered not as the subject but directly as object of the civil rights. The urgency of a problem is strengthening by the fact that there is no researches under property in agriculture valuations taking into account features of branch. Creation of model of the property of the agricultural enterprise valuation, meeting the requirements of market economy and to features of branch is expedient.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):17-25

Biopower estimation of cultivation of spring wheat in conditions of Jordan
At cultivation of a spring wheat in conditions of Jordan where limiting factor is the moisture, it is energetically favorable to use as the basic processing - chiselе where factor of power efficiency the highest due to reception of higher productivity, and energy locomotion at realization of direct crop do not pay off the received crop, hence it is necessary to refuse direct crop.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):26-29

Irrigation of perennial grasses sewage in the Southern Yemen
The results of experimental studies on the impact of irrigation wastewater major cities of southern Yemen (Aden, Ibb, and Taiz) on soil properties and crop yield perennial grasses. For little-used irrigation mineralization waste water after their mechanical and biological treatment to ensure a high yield of perennial grasses in green mass reliably great, as compared with pure water from irrigation wells. In doing so, the negative impact of waste water on the properties of red-brown soils are not evident.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):30-35

The grown's character of puppies different breeds
Character of growth of puppies (large and fine breeds) from 2 to 6 months years old is revealed. During this period, the small and medium breeds of puppies are more developed then the large breeds. Thus tends to gain live weight, height of the shoulder, chest, metacarpus and bone index.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):36-40

Comparative analysis of mesenteric lymph nodes of mail and femail of nutria
A comparative analysis of mesenteric lymph nodes number, absolute and relative mass of male and female nutria in postnatal life of standard color nutria from newborn till 32-month old was made. It was stated that newborn nutria have all groups of mesenteric lymph nodes. Male newborns have more mesenteric lymph nodes than female ones. With females' growth, the number of mesenteric lymph nodes is reducing in their gut. In most age groups females have larger relative mass than males do.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):41-45

Morphofunctional characteristcs of lymphonodes kastrated nutria
Mass of gut lymph nodes of castrated male in age 3 and 6 months and female in age 6 months more, but female in 3 months lost, then in control group of nutria. Absolute mass of gut lymph nodes of female more, then male in age 6 months.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):46-49

Changes in blood system at stress
In work results of researches of indicators of blood at dogs are resulted at stress in experimental conditions. It is taped, that an immobilisation and painful stresses-factors cause a number of changes which can be surveyed as implication of stresses-reactions as a part of blood: augmentation of quantity of leucocytes and erythrocytes, segmented neutrophils, glucose level, depression of the maintenance of lymphocytes, a colour indicator, and also an exit of leukocytic indexes for limits of physiological norm - signs of intensity, inferiority of reaction of an organism.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):50-55

Bacterium and antagonistic micromycetes influnce on root rot transmission of tomatoes and cucumbers in the indusrtial greenhouses of agrocomplex «Moscovsky»
Monitoring of root rot transmission and associated micromycetes was carried out on tomatoes and cucumber plants in the industrial greenhouse of agrocomplex «Moscovsky». The influence of various bacterium antagonists on root rot intensity was also estimated.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):56-64

Method for studying of individual mitochondrial gene transcription in plants
The article dedicates the optimization of run-on transcription method for studying regulation of mitochondrial genome expression in plant cell. Here we describe principle aspects which might give difficulty during investigation of transcription rate in plant mitochondria. The aim of this work is to promote quick application of run-on transcription method in practice research.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(1):65-72