No 3 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 12
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Semantic view on the composite and decorative features of the landscape object
In article problems of an art and sign assessment of quality of the surrounding landscape environment and objects of landscape architecture are considered. Volume and spatial characteristics of an image of landscape object promote visual determination of volumes and characteristic features of the elementary forms filling them structures in color, brightness, the movement, a sign, contrast, nuance, etc. Using of semantic signs in the creation of identical model of space means of landscape design assumes integrity of an image of landscape object with decorative and art characteristics. The choice of spatial signs stretches from early experiments of the end of the 30th years of the last century with plasticity of a relief and natural materials up to now and ecological design with soft integration of the project into a landscape of this climatic zone at the principles of nuance and identity. In article it will be a question of development of new typological bases of design of landscape objects on the basis of the subject “Silhouette and Plasticity”.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):7-17

Constructing 3D model of air pollution of Moscow and recommendations at the choice of gas resistant plant variety for landscaping areas of Moscow
A consequence of the rapid growth in production is the intensive during recent decades an atmosphere saturation of cities by gaseous and waste dust. A necessary tool for monitoring the state of the air basin is the monitoring of ambient air, the results of which are extremely important and necessary for the sustainable development of the environment. The best means to work with a wide variety of data are geo-information systems. Among the components of the biosphere's living matter the most important factor of neutralization of the gaseous toxicants is the vegetation, especially trees and bushes.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):18-22

Morphometrics parameters of postembryonal ontogenetic stages of Sanicula europaea L. in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park
The authors investigated ontogenesis and structure of populations of Sanicula europaea L. related to rare species included in the Red book of Moscow and Moscow region. For the first time in the Bitsa forest Park peculiarities of ontogenesis, identified and described the morphological characteristics of individuals at all stages of ontogenesis.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):23-30

Accumulation of biochemical substances in grass sward on different types of deposit
The results of three years' researches on influence of various wood and shrubby biomass plowed to the cespitose and podsolic loamy soil and fertilizers on biochemical indicators, important for feeding of animal (KRS), artificial seedings - crude protein (CP), crude cellulose (CC), crude fat (CF), crude ashes (CA) are stated. Application of fertilizers at seal of underwood with aspen, the less of all - is most effective at seal of young growth of willow where especially accumulation in plants of crude fat in artificial seedings decreased by 19%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):31-36

Efficiency of cultivation of lupine grass mixtures in the condi-tions of radio-active contamination
As a result of three-year experiments, carried out on the radio-active contaminated sod-podzol sandy soil, the influence of different seeding rates of lupine grass mixtures on two backgrounds of potash fertilizer in doses K180 and K120 on the yields of green mass, grain forage and specific activity of Ce137 in the yields of marketable products has been determined. The optimal seeding rates of different lupine-grass mixtures ensuring maximum yields of green mass at the level of 32,1-35,4 t/ha, grain forage - 2,56-2,91t/ha and specific activity of Ce137 being lower in levels set by sanitary standard (SanPin 2.3.2 1078-01) on the background of potash fertilizer in dose K210.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):37-46

Development of effective systems of plant regeneration Paulownia shan tong (P. fortunei x P. tomentosa)
Paulownia is an extremely fast growing, short rotation woody crop plant. Recently, there has been increased interest in this genus because of its potential use in reforestation. Tissue culture methods provide the potential for rapidly multiplying valuable genotypes for reforestation and will help in the race to increase forest productivity. The main objective of this work was, therefore, to develop a rapid and efficient regeneration system for Paulownia Shan Tong.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):47-55

Contribution of consensus 5'-untranslated region to the translational efficiency of heterologous genes in plant cells
The results of bioinformatics analysis allowed to reveal the following consistent pattern: the average length of the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTRs) for most A. thaliana's genes with high expression levels range from 80 to 120 bp, with an average GC content of 36,5%. Based on alignment results was defined motive in 5'-UTRs, as a new regulatory element, which could potentially provide highly efficient expression and synthesis of the target product in plants. This sequence has a length of 87 bp and GC content of 35.6%. It was demonstrated that consensus sequence of 5'-UTRs increased accumulation of the bi-reporter protein more than 25%, by that acting as a potential positive regulatory element on translational efficiency.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):56-68

Histological characteristics of glandular and muscular stomach of plimutrok roosters in postembryonic ontogenesis
We studied the histological structure of the glandular and muscular stomach in the Cornish and Plymouth roosters meat breeds. The major elements in the research was found that the intensive development of membranes goiter observed up to 155 days of age, followed by a gradual decrease in growth of up to 420 days. Also it was established correlation between the average male body weight and the thickness of the mucous membrane of the crop.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):69-76

Age peculiarities of simmenthal breed and its cross-breeds with hereford and charolais
Biochemical blood test analysis results of cross-breed bull-calves, obtained from crossing Simmenthal cows with both Hereford and Charolais bulls, are provided in the article. Data on both protein and lipid content metabolism indices in various age periods in bull-calves blood are also provided. It has been discovered that urea content in blood of new-born bull-calves exceeded its content in one-year-old bull-calves by 65.4-80.1%, and glucose content - by 66,6-112,7% (P ≤ 0,001). As compared to new-born bull-calves content nonesterified fatty acids in blood of a day-old bull-calves increased by 17,7-39,0%, and in a month-old bull-calves - by 32,3-48,8% (P ≤ 0,01-0,05).
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):77-87

Influence feed additive «M-Feed» on growth and energy gematological parameters rams kalmyk sheep breed
In article results of researches on studying of influence of various doses of nanoproduct “M-Feed” on hematological parameters and the dynamics of live weight Kalmyk breed rams for ages. The authors found that in almost identical production live weight of the rams of the second experimental group, treated with M-Feed” dosage of 5 g per head per day by the end of the experience had a live weight at 6,26 kg more than control counterparts (P < 0.01), 4.1 kg, than the first experimental group (P < 0.001) and 2,84 kg in the third group (P < 0.01). During the period of experiment the rams in the second experimental group was given absolute increase 39,57 kg, which is higher than that of control - 6,06 kg, analogues of the first experimental group - 4,43 kg and the third - on 2,51 kg. In the blood of growing rams Kalmyk breed of sheep experimental groups treated with different dosages of feed additives “M-Feed” there has been some increase in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. Thus, the content of erythrocytes in the blood of rams from the control group was 1.2% (P > 0.05) and 0.8% (P > 0.05) lower than that of counterparts, from the first experimental group, 12,14 and 10.8% (P < 0.01), from the second group by 3.2 and 2.7% than in the third experimental group (P > 0.05).
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):88-94

Application of iodine preparations for prevention of pathology of the postnatal period at ewes and improvement of the hormonal status of lambs
Influence of preparations of iodine on physiological indicators of ewes and lambs in the post-natal period was studied. Researches were carried out in the Stavropol Territory on the North Caucasian sheep breed. It is established that application to ewes before childbirth of preparations of organic and inorganic forms of iodine increases indicators of the general resistance of an organism and phagocytic activity of blood of pregnant animals, prevents pathologies of childbirth and the postnatal period, promotes the birth of healthy viable posterity and improvement of their hormonal status. So by results of the analysis of the obtained data phagocytic activity in the first group increased for 10,2%, in the second for 6,8%, and in the control decreased by 2,1%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):95-100

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(3):101-103