Affect of growth regulators and irrigation on potato yield in unstable moistening regions
- Authors: Zhevora S.V.1
- Lorch Potato Research Institute
- Issue: Vol 14, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 362-373
- Section: Crop production
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents the results of studies (2014-2016) concerning the assessment of the use of growth regulators (Energia-M, Vigor Forte, Atonik Plus) in combination with irrigation in the field experiment during potato cultivation (Udacha variety). The study was conducted in the Ilek district of the Orenburg region, Krasnokholmskaya Agro-firm. The soil was residual meadow southern chernozem. According to the effectiveness of impact on potato yield in southern chernozem of the Orenburg region, the factors were as follows: irrigation provided yield increase from 40% (without fertilizers) to 65…66% (NPK + Regulators); mineral fertilizers provided yield increase from 41% (without irrigation) to 59% (with irrigation); growth regulators on optimal variants provided yield increase: Vigor Forte / Atonik (tubers + plants) - 12…13% for bogharic agriculture; 16…19% with irrigation to the corresponding mineral ground. The maximum yield of potatoes under irrigation was obtained on variants with 2-fold application of Atonic and Vigor Forte growth regulators (tubers + plants) - 44.2…44.5 t/ha, an increase to the mineral fertilizing (N100P120K100) - 17.9…18.6%. The optimum soil moisture was 70…75% FC in the irrigated area. This increased the payback of 1 kg NPK due to an increase in yield from 19.6 kg (mineral fertilizing, bogharic agriculture) to 55.6…67.2 kg of tubers (combination of NPK, irrigation and regulators). Water consumption decreased from 212 m3/t (mineral fertilizing) to 140…145 m3/t (combination of mineral fertilizers and plant growth regulators).
About the authors
Sergey Valentinovich Zhevora
Lorch Potato Research Institute
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Director
Moscow region, Russian FederationReferences
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