Non-destructive methods of diagnostics of nitrogen provision of plants by optoelectronic system of plants monitoring
- Authors: Vvedenskaya AV1, Vvedenskiy VV2, Gins MS2, Khorokhorov AM1
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Issue: Vol 12, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 7-16
- Section: Crop production
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to solving actual scientific-technical and economic challenges - development of non-destructive method of diagnostics of the domestic varieties of plants, implemented by appropriate optoelectronic system. Substantiated general method [1] of the spectral analysis of the pigment composition of photosynthetic vegetation unit. Proved dependence of concentration of mineral substances in a plant from the pigment composition of photosynthetic vegetation unit. The character of the link between the nitrogen provision status of plants, depending of the spectral reflectance curves and of the value of the main vegetative index of the method - NDVI. Experimentally obtained the dependence of the spectral reflectance index of photosynthetic unit of vegetation from the concentrations of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil for selected plant species. During experimental studies confirmed the theoretical position on the possibility of using non-destructive optical methods for determining nitrogen provision of plants. To implement the proposed method is selected optoelectronic monitoring system according to the level of development of agricultural machinery.
About the authors
A V Vvedenskaya
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Author for correspondence.
2 Baumanskaya str., 5, Moscow, Russia, 105005
V V Vvedenskiy
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Miklukho-Maklay Str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198
M S Gins
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Miklukho-Maklay Str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198
A M Khorokhorov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
2 Baumanskaya str., 5, Moscow, Russia, 105005
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