Application of nitrogen fertilizers to spring wheat on meadowchernozem soil in the Omsk Irtysh region
- Authors: Voronkova N.A.1, Tsyganova N.A.1, Balabanova N.F.1, Volkova V.A.1, Pakhotina I.V.1
- Omsk Agricultural Research Center
- Issue: Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy
- Pages: 61-75
- Section: Crop production
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The effectiveness of fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers in cultivation of spring common wheat was studied in the conditions of the Omsk Irtysh region on meadow-chernozem medium-sized medium-humus heavy loamy soil. The research object was spring common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. ‘Melodiya’. The purpose of the research was to establish the effectiveness of fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers depending on the level of labile phosphorus in meadow-chernozem soil on yield and grain quality of spring common wheat in the conditions of the Omsk Irtysh region. The field experiment had three factors (2×4×2): Factor A — phosphorus background: 1. No fertilizers; 2. Application of P30 a. i./ha; factor B — main application of ammonium nitrate in increasing doses: 0, N30, N45, N60; factor C — foliar feeding with ammonium nitrate and carbamide at a dose of N30: 1. Once in heading stage; 2. Twice in heading stage and milky ripeness. It was found that the most effective was main application of nitrogen-p hosphorus fertilizers in doses of N30–45P30; crop productivity in these variants increases by 40…48 % in comparison with the nonfertilized variants due to the gain in 1000-seed weight (r = 0.40…0.42), productive stooling (r = 0.83). The agronomic profitableness of one kg of a. i./ha applied fertilizers in these variants was 21.5 and 19.9 kg of grain with 7.5 and 6.1 kg increase in protein content, respectively. Late foliar sprayings, regardless of their number, did not increase crop productivity and quality of wheat grain. Thus, fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers in years with insufficient moisture levels (hydrothermal index 0.6–0.7) is not effective.
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Fig. 1. The effect of fertilization on yield of spring wheat depending on the phosphorus background: a — Background P0; б — Background P30 (LSD05 А — 0.23; В — 0.33; С — Ff < Ft; АВС — 0.80)
Source: created by the authors
Fig. 2. Effect of the main application of nitrogen fertilizers on yield of spring wheat
Source: created by the authors
Fig. 3. The share of influence of the studied factors on yield of spring wheat
Source: created by the authors
Table 1. Spring wheat grain quality indicators
Factor | Variant | Protein content, % | Grain size, g/l | Glassiness, % | Gluten content, % |
Factor В | N0 | 15.9*/16.2** | 732/737 | 53/53 | 32/31 |
N30 | 16.8/16.4 | 731/739 | 53/53 | 32/31 | |
N45 | 17.0/16.7 | 729/732 | 54/55 | 34/34 | |
N60 | 16.7/16.7 | 736/736 | 54/55 | 33/34 | |
Factor С | Foliar feeding 0 | 16.4/16.4 | 735/734 | 53/54 | 32/33 |
Foliar feeding 1 | 16.5/16.6 | 731/734 | 54/54 | 32/33 | |
Foliar feeding 2 | 16.9/16.7 | 730/741 | 54/54 | 35/33 | |
Average by factor А | Р0 | 16.6 | 732 | 54 | 33 |
Р30 | 16.6 | 736 | 54 | 33 | |
LSD05 А В С | Ff < Ft 0,5 Ff < Ft | Ff < Ft | Ff < Ft | Ff < Ft | Ff < Ft |
Note: * — by background Р0; ** — by background Р30.
Table 2. Agronomic payback, kg/kg
Variant | Foliar feeding 0 | Foliar feeding 1 | Foliar feeding 2 |
Background Р0 | |||
N0 | 0/0 | 4.7/0.8 | 2.0/0.4 |
N30 | 10.3/2.4 | 5.0/1.1 | 6.7/1.5 |
N45 | 11.1/2.4 | 7.6/1.6 | 3.6/1.0 |
N60 | 6.2/1.3 | 6.9/1.4 | 3.4/1.0 |
Background Р30 | |||
N0 | 21.3/3.7 | 8.8/1.6 | 8.3/1.4 |
N30 | 21.5/7.5 | 14.6/2.6 | 8.8/1.6 |
N45 | 19.9/6.1 | 9.9/1.9 | 9.6/1.9 |
N60 | 13.0/3.4 | 10.3/1.9 | 7.6/1.5 |
Note: payback of 1 kg of the active substance by adding: *— crop; **— protein.
About the authors
Natalya A. Voronkova
Omsk Agricultural Research Center
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4797-9765
SPIN-code: 7745-7881
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Agrochemistry
26 Korolev ave., Omsk, 644012, Russian FederationNadezhda A. Tsyganova
Omsk Agricultural Research Center
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-6365-7303
SPIN-code: 5142-3159
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Agrochemistry
26 Korolev ave., Omsk, 644012, Russian FederationNatalya F. Balabanova
Omsk Agricultural Research Center
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1445-2203
SPIN-code: 1213-6542
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Agrochemistry
26 Korolev ave., Omsk, 644012, Russian FederationVictoria A. Volkova
Omsk Agricultural Research Center
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3798-1116
SPIN-code: 7243-4843
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Agrochemistry
26 Korolev ave., Omsk, 644012, Russian FederationIrina V. Pakhotina
Omsk Agricultural Research Center
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9709-1951
SPIN-code: 4557-8357
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Grain Quality
26 Korolev ave., Omsk, 644012, Russian FederationReferences
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