No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 16
- URL:
- DOI:
Determination of safety and quality criteria in producing canned meat
The researches have been carried out to determine the criteria of safety and quality at different production phases of canned meat. Microbiological criteria and specific structure of raw material have been observed. It is shown that at the stage of acceptance of raw materials the method of identification of meat on the basis of immunodiffusion is effective and specific, it is more economic than methods on the basis of PCR-diagnostics. For the analysis of all control critical points while identifying pathogens the technique on the basis of amplification from subsequent DNA-hybridization is effective which has been allowed the time reduction of the analysis in comparison with classical bacteriological methods in 2-3 times.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):5-11

The new approach in an estimation of some parameters of safety of pork transgenic origins
For the first time the new system of a toxicological estimation of safety of pork and products of its processing on a new kind the test-organisms - quail, incubatory quail eggs, and also with use traditional the test-organisms - rats and infusorians Tetrahymena pyriformis for estimation GMI in view of the remote consequences is offered.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):20-27

Experience of regulation of ground attitudes in the agriculture in Russia and аbroe
Total area of world ground fund - 1343,2 mln ga. The agricultural grounds are located non-uniformly. To the Europe and Asia, including Russia, it is necessary more than half of process able grounds of the world. The largest files of an arable land are concentrated in the USA, India, Russia, China, Canada and Brazil, in aggregate making about half of all process able grounds of the world.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):28-37

About influance state for the development agricultural cooperation
The article contains information (material) about practical state influence of development cooperation in agriculture, tendencies and problems, and also about her legal status, the history of development before communist period, in and after communist time because of including it in national project of priority «Development of agriculture» by The President of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):38-42

Modern condition of vegetables manufacture in the Russian Federation
In present article the current condition of vegetable cultures manufacture in territory of the Russian Federation in 2000-2005 is considered. The analysis of total gathering, areas under crops and productivity, both in dynamics, and on regions is carried out. Attempt to estimate riskiness of vegetable cultures manufacture both on districts, and on regions in these districts becomes. Attempt to generate group of regions on rates of a gain of productivity and areas under crops becomes.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):43-52

Modern condition of cereals manufacture in Central Federal District
In present article the current condition of cereals manufacture in Central Federal Districts in 1997-2005 is considered. The analysis of total gathering, areas under crops and productivity, both in dynamics, and on district regions is carried out. In the course of such analysis all regions break into groups. The analysis of riskiness of grain crops manufacture on district regions is carried out also.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):53-59

Economical production of tea in the Republic of Kenya
Kenya has become one of the largest supplierlargest supplierd markets. Last year, it was second only to Sri lanka.This success story is the product of two main developments. First came the establishment of an efficient estate sector under the leadership of British Tea Companies which, in the last 35 years, have introduced revolutionary improvements in estate and factory management, as well as investing in increased planted areas, with a resulting five-fold surge in output.The selection of high-yielding varieties, the selective application of herbicides and fertilizer, improved planting and cultivation methods, had together had a dramatic effect on yields, which in turn has changed manufacturing processes in order to deal with the larger volumes of harvested leaf.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):60-64

Influence of biologically active substancts on number aphid-vectors viruses
It has been shown, that plant hormones (contents and composition) are factor in regulating active spread, inecease in degree of infection and widening of area Bean yellow mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic virus are formed as a result of adaptation of aphids vector to new tropic plants. The concentration of hormones affects the number of migrant stades vectors and their reproductive functions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):65-70

Activity extracts of different plants for against various pathogenic fungi - Sphacelotheca cruenta, Ustilago nuda and Fusarium nivale
The estimation pesticide activities 16 species of the tropical plants from 13 families, growing to republic Yemen, in relation pathogenic fungi - Sphacelotheca cruenta, Ustilago nudu and Fusarium nivale. It is shown that synthesized substance some of the plants capable to suppress the development a pathogen, preventing their accumulation and spreading. Antifungal compownds show on germination spors and growing mycelia display the extracts from 3 species (Lawsonia inermis, Psidia arabica and Dodonea viscose), but else 1 type - R nervosus - turned out to be effective only against Sphacelotheca cruenta and Ustilago nuda.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):71-78

Use wastewater for irrigation forage crops in North of Yamane
Work represents chemical analyses of using treated wastewater, North of Yamane (Sana, hajja and Damar). Exposure, the effect of using rese wastewater on the characteristics of mountain red-brown soil and corn yield biomass. Monitoring irrigated treated wastewater shows positive influences on the characteristics (physics and chemical) and there fertility potential ,would be considered batter with CEC (cation exchange capacity), soil nutrients, organic matter as will as structure. Treated wastewater appeared decrease yield production compared to using good quality water for irrigation.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):79-85

Reflexotherapy application for canis digestive apparatus diseases treatment
The Application of reflexogenic zones dynamic electrostimulation method (RZDE-method) for reflexogenic zones located in the area of abdomen in the projection of stomach, liver, spleen, duodenum, pancreas of canis with diagnosis of nonspecific aetiology gastroenteritis provides for clinical state improvement during 3-day period. The Application of RZDE-method results in biochemical activities changes during 5-day period and the changes reach the biochemical activities level of healthy canis till the end of the 10th day. RZDE-method is used for canis medical treatment with diagnosis of gastroenteritis and can be recommended for wide application.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):86-91

The ecological and morphological characteristic of correlation mutual relations of parameters of a skull marmotinae Sciuridae southern Priuralya
The Application of reflexogenic zones dynamic electrostimulation method (RZDE-method) for reflexogenic zones located in the area of abdomen in the projection of stomach, liver, spleen, duodenum, pancreas of canis with diagnosis of nonspecific aetiology gastroenteritis provides for clinical state improvement during 3-day period. The Application of RZDE-method results in biochemical activities changes during 5-day period and the changes reach the biochemical activities level of healthy canis till the end of the 10th day. RZDE-method is used for canis medical treatment with diagnosis of gastroenteritis and can be recommended for wide application.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):92-97

The way of treatment of hip joint displasia in dogs
In this article shown the results of our study of structural and biomechanical reasons of hip displasia development. Also shown the way of surgical treatment of hip displasia that is less traumatyc and highly effective.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):98-101

Clinical-morphological parallels in the estimation of the structural-functional state of kidneys in cats
Structurally functional conditions of kidneys at cats in norm are studied and at diffusion cystic to the form of defeat, ultrasonic attributes of the given pathology are revealed and established morphosonographic parallels of the received results. The received results can be used in scientific work at research of morphology and pathogenesis polycystosis of kidneys, and also can form fundamental base for work of veterinaries of cabinets of ultrasonic diagnostics.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2008;(1):102-106