No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 9
- URL:
Ways of improvement of grape and wine production marketin Azerbaijan Republic
In article the analysis of a current state and market problems of grape and wine production in Republic Azerbaijan is resulted. The reasons and circumstances of arrival of branch to a crisis state are stated, positive dynamics in the branch, outlined in last years is shown. Value of wine growing for Azerbaijan is underlined, economic efficiency indicators of grape and wine production complex are resulted. Directions of formation and development of integration communications in grape and wine production complex are offered, the system of actions for the further development of branches of manufacture and grapes processing is recommended.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):5-12

ABA-binding proteins was detected in cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803)
This article dedicates the study concerning evolution of the hormonal system of plants, in particular, detection of components of the regulatory system of abscisic acid (ABA) in cyanobacteria, which are considered as the precursors of the chloroplasts. ABA-binding proteins with molecular masses of 23, 50, 60 and 67 kDa were isolated using affinity chromatography on Sepharose conjugated with ABA from the lysate of cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Interaction of isolated proteins with idiotypic antibodies to the ABA was shown. Total transcription in transcription system of cyanobacteria was activated by this ABA-binding proteins in vitro. This suggests, that some elements of the hormonal system of plants, which are associated with the ABA, was transfered from cyanobacterias to the eukaryotic cell.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):13-19

Gemycellulose substratum inductor of biosynthesis of L-lysin-α-oxidase (lo) by Trichoderma sp.
Studies on the biosynthesis of L-lysine-α-oxidase enzyme by Trichoderma sp. were carried out using various growing methods and media with various carbon sources. The enzyme was actively synthesized only on the wheat brans medium. The growth of Trichoderma strains on the gemycellulose substrate medium showed a different range of L-amino acid oxidase activety.With the Trichoderma culture getting older, the range of amino-oxidase activety widened, but for each strain it remained unique.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):20-26

Comparative analysis of physiological salt tolerance mechanisms for some Indian mustard varieties
The comparison and assessment have been performed to characterize salt tolerance of some varieties of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea Czern.) seedlings and young plants. Some mechanisms of NaCl tolerance have been studied and the indirect relationship between accumulation of Cl ions in leaves and their proline content have been established. After 10-15 days of mustard plant salinisation, proline content decreased and the correlation between proline and proline dehydrogenase activity has been proved.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):27-38

Petrographic and mineralogical structure of alluvial meadow dark-coloured soils of delta of the river of Volga
Results of research of petrographic and mineralogical structure of alluvial meadow dark-coloured soils are resulted. Studying soil parts has allowed to receive the qualitative and quantitative characteristic of clay minerals. Their influence on physical properties is established. At an intensive irrigation of cultivated cultures mobili-sation possibilities of K and other biogene elements from soil decrease.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):39-45

Anthropic factor influence on evolution of drained dernovo-podzolic soils of Upper Volga Lowland
Hydromorphic dernovo-podzolic soils, placed in Upper Volga Lowland (Tver region) are investigated. It is established reasons of land melioration effect decrease in Noblackland zone of Russian Federation. It is studied mineralization of drained flow in year season. It is determined factor complex on improvement drained soil production. It is recommended to build no only draining system, but also system with two-way soil water regime. If application of mineral fertilizers in soil norm N200P150K150 agrochemical indexes improve and yield oats increase in 3 once.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):46-51

Acetylcholine-acetylcholine esterase system in the stomach of different-aged piglets
The paper presents results of the researches on acetylcholine-acetylcholine esterase system's formation in the stomach of piglets at an age of 1, 10, 21, 30, 60, 120 days. Regularities of age-related changes for transmitter`s acetylcholine content and acetylcholine esterase enzyme activities are identified in different sections of the stomach as diverticulum, cardiac, fundus, pyloric area of stomach. It was found out that age-related changes of acetylcholine - acetylcholine esterase system are of irregular and heterochronic character. There is a relative stability of acetylcholine - acetylcholine esterase activity in the tissues of stomach areas under consideration of both piglet groups that starts from the age of 2 months. Acetylcholine - acetylcholine esterase concentration in the cardiac and fundus stomach area's tissues is relatively stabilized from the ages of 1 month and 2 months. There is no relative stability in the diverticulum and pyloric stomach area's tissues.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):52-63

Morphological characteristics of liver and mucosa of small intestine of piglets in the application of enrofloxacin and colistin
Intramuscular injection of the drug on the basis of compositional enrofloxacin and colistin in doses of 0,5, 1,0 and 2,5 ml per 10 kg weight of the animal within 20 days of piglets did not violate arhitektotoniku girder structure of the organ and morphometric parameters of hepatocytes. Use of the drug did not alter the amount and distribution of the lobules of the liver glycogen and lipid content of DNA in the nuclei and RNA in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, as well as the amount of total proteins in hepatocytes. The composite preparation on the basis of enrofloxacin and colistin of piglets had no effect on the structural organization of the mucosa of the small intestine and morphometric parameters, as well as DNA content nuclei and RNA in the cytoplasm. It does not change the core area, area and cytoplasmic-nuclear ratio of enterocytes apical and lateral surfaces of villi and crypts.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):64-73

The growth of muscles in rams of the edilbaevskoy breed during moderate growing up and fattening
A study of muscle growth was carried out on newborn sheep of the edilbaevskoy breed aged 3, 7, 10, 12,5- months old under moderate rearing and fattening. It was established that muscles grow most intensively up till 7 months age in lambs. Muscle increase takes place unevenly according to anatomical regions. The absolute weight of trunk muscles in 12,5 months old compared to newborn lambs increases by 10.68 times, muscles of fore limbs by 7,63 times, muscles of hind limbs by 9.21 times, that brings to a change in their ratio. For instance, the relative weight of muscles of the abdominal walls increases from 5.45% (in newborn) to 8,91%; muscles of the shoulder girdle increase from 13.41% to 14,43%; muscles of fore limbs decrease from 17,56% to 13,91%; muscles of hind limbs decrease from 35,22% to 34,17% respectively. The distribution of muscular mass into different parts of the limbs depends on the genetic program of morphogenesis and character of distribution of functional loading; thus, the more proximal the group of muscles, the higher is the rate of growth and multiplication of weight increase.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(1):74-81