No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 11
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Degeneration of the embryo and endosperm, as a consequence of damagetion of fruits and vegetable Umbelliferae crops Graphosoma lineatum l.
In Ramenskoe district (Moscow region) a broad spread of insect pest Graphosoma lineatum L is ascertained. This pest harms considerably on seed plants of Apiaceae family. Amount of insects on one plant reaches 9. Maximal amount of insects (5,3-7,3 per plant) on every examined crop registered in phase of blooming. Larvae and adult pests feed mainly on generative organs of plants and damage buds, flowers and seeds during all phases of their development. Often they suck a content of ripe seeds. Study of influence of G. lineatum L. is particularly effective with use of soft-ray radiography. Germlessness varies depending on crop: 9-11% (carrot), 5-9% (dill), 2-12% (sulfurwort), 15% (parsnip). Amount of seeds with degenerated endosperm depending on year is 7-36%. General fraction of seeds with damage of embryo and/or endosperm on various examined crops reaches 19-79%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):5-11

Urban environment monitoring dendroflora method of assessing biochemical marker indexes
The first link on a biochemical level to which exposure to toxic agents, are the chloroplasts. Changes in the content of pigments, specifically, chlorophyll, used as an indicator reaction damage occurring under the influence of air pollutants. A determination of ascorbic acid content, taking part in the most important energetic processes of the plant cell - photosynthesis and respiration. It is shown that the levels of ascorbic acid can serve as a test characterizing the stability and adaptive capacity of plants. The content of ascorbic acid in spruce varies from 4.7 to 15.3% in pine from 3.6 to 14.7%, larch from 3.5 to 7.8%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):12-17

Morphological structure of the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit
The average length of the small intestine in rabbit is 270 cm, duodenum is 48 cm, jejunum is 190.6 cm and ileum is 31.5 cm. The length of the large intestine is 194.9 cm, caecum with appendix is 62.6 cm, large colon is 26.3 cm, small colon is 80.1 cm and rectum is 25.9 cm. The length of the gastrointestinal tract is 465 cm. The total thickness of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract ranges from 1329 micrometers (rectum) to 3054 micrometers (gastric fundus), thickest than the mucosal layer, which is in the range is 374-2146 micrometers, followed by muscle is 47-1324 micrometers and submucosal layer is 28-357 micrometers. Thus, it is possible to conclude that at a histologic structure of a gastrointestinal tract of hare hare has differ structures, especially in the blind gut, where the mucosa has a large folds structure with various distances among them, from 50 to 3000 microns.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):18-24

Group antigens of various animals
In many animals on the erythrocytes are present group antigens similar to the antigens of the system AB0 human. Immunogenetic features of blood does not change throughout the life of the animal. Primates have different combinations of blood group 0, А, В and AB. Described the various systems of blood groups of farm animals: cattle - 12, sheep - 7, in pigs - 17, horses - 7. There are 14 systems of blood groups and more than 60 antigens in chickens. In dogs described 10 systems of blood groups, cats 3. Blood group systems allow you to combine one animal species in certain groups according to the similarity of their blood antigens.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):25-34

Characteristics digestive and metabolic processes in growing bulls adding to the diet of “protected” form of L-carnitine
To study the efficiency of application of “protected” form of L - carnitine in ruminant rations held physiological studies on growing bulls with rumen canules. A positive physiological and productive action on the identified trends improve metabolic processes in rumen, increasing the digestibility of nutrients, increased retention of nitrogen, which leads to faster growth of young cattle.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):35-42

The efficiency genetic transformation by using retroviral vectors of chicken primordial germ cells
In this article we studied the impact by using retroviral vectors for genetic transformation of chicken primordial germ cells IN VITRO and IN VIVO to produce transgenic chickens. By using of retroviral vector system it was shown that the efficiency genetic transformation of chicken embryonic gonads can be of up to 3.2%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):43-47

Action iodine preparations on blood biochemical parameters and feeding qualities of young sheep
Studied the effect of organic and inorganic forms of iodine preparations on blood biochemical parameters and feeding qualities of young sheep. Studies were carried out in the Stavropol Territory, endemic iodine. On the North Caucasian sheep breed. The analysis of the results obtained, it was found that the use of iodine preparations, giving raise to 12.35% glucose, triglycerides by 11.55% to 20.15% chloride, 5.95% cholesterol, reduce the level of alkaline phosphatase per 89%, as well as improve other performance. The best results were obtained from animals of the second experimental group, which was added to the basic diet drug organic forms of iodine - Yoddar. Gain in the second group as well was the most high and amounted to 13.04 kg.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):48-54

Veterinary-sanitary characteristics of argan oil ( Argania spinosa L.)
Studied vegetable oil produced in Morocco from the seeds of the rare fruit tree, argan tree prickly, methods of obtaining argan oil, its chemical composition and the use of population in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Conducted sensory and microbiological evaluation of food and technical (non-food) argan oil delivered from Morocco.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):55-61

Improvement of organizational and economic mechanism in development of agrarian and industrial complex on the bases of agricultural consumer serving cooperatives
In the article the structural changes allowing to use most effectively the capacity of rural territories with participation of local authorities and active involvement in social and economic processes of their development of country people are offered, they are aimed at the development of modern forms of state regulation and the market economic mechanism used in agrarian and industrial complex through creation of multilevel system of the cooperation in the village combining efforts of municipalities, the rural builder and agricultural producers. Today in the Russian Federation counts with 7349 agricultural consumer cooperatives from which 74,5% - in providing services and processing, and among them only 1% is are cooperatives in the sphere of rural construction. Nevertheless, this direction is actual in connection with practical need of creation of rural construction system as sectors of rural economy to which the solution of such problems as reduction or elimination of disproportions of development of urban and rural areas, counteraction to real monopolists of rural building industry, etc. is assigned. Examples of introduction of this mechanism in regions of the Russian Federation are shown in article.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):62-69

Agrarians’ faculty of People`s Friendship University of Russia contemporary stage
Agrarian faculty develops actively and takes a worthy position on the education market. Training quality, existing programs effectiveness, the improvement of material and technical base, scientific achievements, educational work, information support of educational activities, work with alumni remain the primary and the main objectives for the future five-year period.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):70-79

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RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(1):80-83