No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 9
- URL:
Property in agribusiness valuation
The article covers specifics of property valuation in agribusiness, shows peculiarities of property market formation in Russian agribusiness, substantiated needs of creation of information base to count property on the federal level, also example of the information system scheme is given.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):5-15

The place of cooperation in the region food provision
One of the most real and effective way to provide stable growth of agrarian production in private plots and farm plots and creation of correspondent infrastructure is the development of all forms of cooperation in the region. Herewith the background of the start capital of cooperation might be material and technical base of consumer cooperation. Specifically consumer cooperation and also agricultural consumer cooperatives can be suppliers of services to the private plots. Within the limits of national project «Agribusiness development» realization cooperation organizations are able to organize and render zoo veterinary services, technical and engineering services, information and consulting services to agrarian producers to provide processing and selling of produced products.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):16-26

Estimation of modern condition of peas manufacturing
In article the modern condition of peas manufacture is analyzed. The structure and dynamics of areas are analyzed. 10 countries-leaders on areas under crops are allocated. Productivity is analyzed, and 10 countries-leaders on the given indicator are resulted. Total gathering on territory are considered. The countries taking in the lead positions in peas gathering are resulted.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):27-34

Anthropogenic eutrophication of atomic power station's cooling water reservoir as a possible cause of technogenic emergency
Change of structure and spatial distribution of water plant association caused by eutrophication processes of Kursk Atomic power station's cooling water reservoir is studied. Further eutrophication can lead to technogenic emergency due to extensive development of biological disturbances.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):35-42

А new crop of Non-Blak Soil Zone of Russia is the oriental radish
When introducing the Oriental radish crop into the open and protected ground in Bryansk region we believe that one of the most important economic indices is this crop productivity and its shelf-life in the storage conditions in winter time. Results obtained show that this crop has good prospects for cultivation in our region.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):50-54

The maintenance of somatic cages in milk of cows depending on their genotype
Biochemical polymorphism of milk whey proteins was studied. Trials on the study of factors affecting the content of somatic cells in cow milk were performed. Correlation between genotype of animals for the locus of β-Lg and content of somatic cells in cow milk was discovered. Least somatic cages in 1 ml of milk contains at cows with homozygous ВВ a genotype. Force of influence of a genotype on locus β-Lg on quantity of somatic cages makes 17,7%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):55-60

Clinical and morphological characteristic of exudation in peritoneal cavity depending on the kind of pathology
The article is devoted to the research of exudation in peritoneal cavity of dogs. Special attention was paid to ascites appeared, caused by cardiovascular diseases. It also give the percentage of pathologies which caused diffusion of liquid in abdominal cavities is given in the article. It also tells about peculiarities of predisposition to liquid diffusion in abdominal cavity and exudation in peritoneal cavities of different breeds of dogs. Also dynamic of biochemical and morphological indicators of animal blood and the data of citograms.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):61-68

The comparative morphological characteristic of a penile bone of some representatives of group Rodents (Rodentia)
In this study macroanatomical structures of os penis were examined on adult male guinea pigs, Norway rat and golden hamster. At a guinea pigs os penis is complete, its ends are a little bent dorsal, the head bears it three small tubercle. At a rat os penis consists of the basic part or a trunk and distal a shoot, connected among themselves by a cartilaginous tissue. At a hamster the bone is presented by four departments connected with each other connected among themselves by a cartilaginous tissue.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2009;(2):69-73