No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 10
- URL:
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Qualitative approaches to the estimation of agriculture enterprises financial stability (on the example of “Petelinskaya poultry factory” CJSC and “Chicken kingdom” JSC)
We updated expert approach to the estimation of the agriculture financial sustainability, according to their specific industries. These improvements let increase data reliability and develop forecasting potential of this method. Based on these techniques are designed and analyzed following indicators of financial stability the two largest agricultural enterprises in Russia: CJSC Petelinskaya, a poultry factory, and JSC “Chicken Kingdom”.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):5-11

The signs of Swida alba ( L.) Opiz. ripe and dry fruit and seeds as raw material to extract oil
We have studied ripe and dry fruit and seeds of Swida alba (L.) Opiz., cultivated in Moscow and Moscow province. We have proposed morphological and anatomical signs of Swida alba (L.) Opiz. ripe and dry fruit and seeds for raw material quality control.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):12-18

Effect of temperature on seed germination vegetable crops umbelliferae
The effect of temperature during germination of seeds of some species of vegetable crops umbelliferae. The different cultures react differently to the temperature factor: change the number of days until the maximum rate of growth and percentage of germinated seeds. The effect of temperature on the growth of the embryo in the seeds of the studied cultures. Studied in different cultures. Was analyzed the “degree of underdevelopment of the embryo” (DUE), which characterizes the morpho-anatomical features of the embryo. The temperature coefficient (Q 10) for the rate of growth of the embryo umbrella vegetable crops.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):19-28

The humus state ferralitic soil ecosystems in the high land of Vietnam
On bases of an analysis of the actual materials and important questions on the significant issues as a part of a problem of knowledge of the nature and receptions of regulation of a condition of organic matter and a humus in soils of various landscapes of Vietnam.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):29-35

Role of volcanic soils in structure of the soil cover of Ethiopia»
The four types of Andosols defined above all occur in Ethiopia. Ochric Andosols are tipical in the drier parts of the Rift valley. Mollic Andosols occur in the wetter parts of the Rift valley and along the northeastern escarpment. Humic Andosols have been described on Mt. Ras DejenandMt. Batu. Vitric Andosols occur throughout the Rift and elsewhere in the country where coarser textured pyroclastics predominate. Sodics saline and Lithic phases are common in Mollic and Vitric Andosols in the Rift valley, and Lithic phses occur in the wetter highland, on steep slopes.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):36-43

Bluetongue and bluetongue-like diseases in beginning of 21 century
This research deals with the features of the actual bluetongue epidemiology in real epizootic situation in South Africa (Republic Namibia) endemic nozoareal. Onset and spreading the transmissible exotic transboundary and bluetongue-like animal diseases in the unendemic areas are the current step of the natural history in infectious pathology and the actual problem in epidemiology.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):44-60

Biological evaluation of honey
The article shows the results of the use of ciliates Tetrahymena pyriformis, for biological evaluation of honey. It is known that ciliates Tetrahymena pyriformis, similar in general characteristics of metabolism with higher animals, can serve as sufficient testing organism during biological evaluation of honey which is a good nutrient substrate for these simple. The main criteria of harmlessness and biological usefulness of honey is its growth promoting effect which is appliable to ciliates Tetrahymena pyriformis.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):61-67

Features of gas exchange in lungs at rabbits in condition of axoplasma shortage in vagus nerve
The estimation of functional possibilities in rabbits vespiratory organs in the conditions of the axoplasma current shortage in wandering nerves before and after carving out of muscular loading by definition of air oxygen and carbon dioxide, the oxygen and carbon dioxide consumption level by tissue is carried out in this work. It is estabilished that the temporary stop of an axoplasma current in wandering nerves is accompanied by decrease in the specified parameter in conditions before and after carrying out muscular loading. The axoplasma current in nervous fibers is a necessary condition for gas exchange maintenance in lugs.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):68-74

Aminotransferases in tissues of in piglets cecum
Defined the aminotransferases in the tissues of the three parts of the intestines (proximal and medial and distal) at growing of pigs. Different character of age changes of enzymes activity in tissues of piglets was detected.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):75-80

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(1):81-83