No 2 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 12
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Studying the composition of biologically active substances in the underground parts of Carica papaya L., cultivated in green house conditions
A study of Carica Papaya L. organs was carried out and was noted that the roots of Carica papaya cultivated in Ryazan under controlled green house conditions contains water-soluble polysaccharides, saponins, fructozanes and essential oils. It has also been established that the essential oil derived consists mainly of phenyl-isothiocyanate and other isothiocynates.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):16-21

Development diagnostic methods of bacterial blight of rice on based PCR
Primers identifying bacterial blight pathogen, without cross-reactions with closely related species were designed based on the analysis of the original and GeneBank DNA sequences of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Media YPGA containing cycloheximide 50 mg / l + cefazolin 30 mg / l + gentamicin 2 mg / l has been optimized for BIO-PCR. Sensitivity of the BIO-PCR analysis using original selective media up to 100 times more effective than direct PCR analysis. The sensitivity of the primers in BIO-PCR analysis with original selective media has achieved 50 CFU/ml.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):22-27

Morphological study of the flowers and blossoms Sambucus nigra L. in the Moscow region
The article presents material concerning the observation and description of flowering Sambucus nigra L. in the conditions of Moscow region and morphological studies of the flowers and blossoms. For the first time presents quantitative data on the sizes of the parts of a flower and the number of flowers in inflorescences Sambucus nigra L. growing in the conditions of Moscow region. The material can be used for obtaining of medicinal plants.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):28-32

Absorbing capacity of alluvial soils eastern part of Nile delta
Studies have shown that the highest absorbency characterized by alluvial meadow soils, lower rates have alluvial meadow carbonate and the smallest alluvial cespitos carbonate soils. According to soil profile the depth the sum of exchangeable cation in the Soil absorbing complex changed depending on the availability of the clay fraction in the particle size distribution, the processes occurring in the alluvial soils and geomorphological - hydrogeological conditions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):33-38

The clinical morphology of a pancreas of dogs by ultrasonic diagnostics
In article are defined anatomic and ultrasonic reference points of a pancreas at dogs from the point of view of topographical anatomy and its standard morphological indicators are established. It is thus shown that they completely correspond to ultrasonic data and are defined somatotypes animals. On the basis of the analysis of data of a morphometry and ultrasonic research compliance of structural characteristics of a pancreas to its ultrasonic indicators, both in norm is revealed, and at pathology. Scientific justification of application of a method of an ultrasonographic at diagnostics of pathologies of a pancreas at the dogs, based on results of studying of topography-anatomic and ultrasonic parameters of this body is presented. Advantage of application of an ultrasonic method of research as the main diagnostic indication is shown at identification and treatment of animals with pancreas pathology.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):39-50

The morphofunctional characteristic of euarchontoglires’ intestine
The research results of morphofunctional peculiarities of lagomorpha and rodentia intestine are represented. The peculiarities of the intestine’s structural functioning of the examined species are also represented. Risk zones of the pathological process development in intestine are discovered.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):51-57

Comparative evaluation and relationship of toxicity parameters of different substances to tetrahymena piriformis and white rats
The article presents the results of a comparative evaluation of various substances toxicity parameters for Tetrahymena pyriformis and white rats, shows their relationship and the possibility of interspecies extrapolation of bioassay results obtained on infusoria on higher animals.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):58-65

Animal care assessment of meat producers of animal and animals used for control of biological
The article presents information on the improvement of veterinary-sanitary examination of products of slaughter animals and producing recommendations for inclusion in the “Regulations on the use of meat obtained from slaughter-producing animals and used for control of biological products”, enabling better safety of meat raw materials and finished products produced by enterprises biological industry.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):66-72

The strategy of innovative development of livestock of the Kyrgyz Republic to 2020
The article deals with the theoretical and practical concept of strategy of innovative development of livestock Kyrgyz Republic. In addressing this issue, evidence-based strategies of livestock development with regard to the provisions of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic and the possibility of further development. Described a gradual increase in competitive pressure of foreign manufacturers that supply to our market is cheaper, various products. The current policy in relation to agriculture may improve the situation and lead to an increase in poverty in particular farmer (peasant) farms. One of the most important groups of problems in the development of agriculture creates small size of land holdings of farmers, the low level of land consolidation. Weak production capacity is an important factor that complicates the access to financial resources and, accordingly, the possibility of acquiring the market for goods and services that are used in the production process (fuel, fertilizer, machinery, services, veterinary services, etc.). Numerous efforts to build agricultural cooperatives, agro-industrial clusters, co-operatives and agricultural processing industry and trade were not successful and did not give the expected results. The combination of these problems as well as environmental factors creates a set of problems that hinder the growth of output and efficiency of agriculture and livestock sub-sector. This calls for the development of a strategy of innovative development of animal husbandry and agriculture in general.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):77-84

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(2):85-87