No 5 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 15
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Dynamics of plant communities on traditional scandinavian green roofs
The analysis of plant communities on traditional Scandinavian green roofs created by the same technology and the use of natural turf reveals the dynamics of change in species composition while in the absence of intensive maintenance. A list of local plant species appropriate for creating resilient biodiverse plant community for Green Roofs is recommended.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):5-14

Methodology of functional-ecological monitoring of objects and landscaping of Moscow
The role of urban areas in the global land-use structure is permanently growing. Urban ecosystems differ principally from natural ones in formation conditions, driving factors and functioning. Green areas play a key role in city structure, performing important environmental, ornamental and health functions. The methodology widely accepted so far for the environmental control of urban green zones is not able to consider multiple functions of urban areas as well as their unique spatial variability. Herewith we propose a new approach for functional-environmental monitoring of urban green zones in Moscow city, including not only static, but also dynamic parameters and considering their spatial variability and profile distribution. The proposed approach was tested for the case of six green areas within the Sadovoe Ring, Central administrative district of the Moscow city. It was demonstrated that the proposed methodology was much more informative than conventional ones and also better support taking optimal decisions in the sphere of maintaining environmental quality of urban ecosystems.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):15-27

The problem of Summer Garden soils formation and its contemporary condition
The soil cover of a Summer garden is homogeneous, all territory is engaged anthropogenous soils with powerful organic fertile horizon, sandy soil with inclusion of building dust. Anthropogenous soils were formed on natural podzol and bog soils, characteristic for a taiga zone. In soil of a Summer garden pH 5,8-7,4 from poorly sour up to poorly alkaline. A degree of a saturation by the bases high - more than 80%. Security by the mobile forms K 2O- average, P 2O 5 - from average up to high. The lead content higher then the maximum permissible concentration.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):28-37

Environmental assessment of the role in the formation of urban lawns GHG
Global climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions is one of the most pressing problems of our time. With an abundance of information on carbon dioxide emissions, information on other greenhouse gases are not as widely presented. This article describes the impact of operational and recreational pressure on the flow of methane and nitrous oxide urban ecosystem represented different kinds of lawns.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):38-48

Landscaping and gardtning the landscape architecture objects considtring ecjtourism
The presented paper is devoted to problem of recreation. Ecotourism is typical for many countries. The paper selects the latest projects of ecoparks around the world, and very interesting it is proposed and described at the Yaroslavl region. (Also the paper selects the latest projects of ecoparks around the world) Provides information of the functional zoning of the territory. Proposed landscape, recreation and hydro activities will improve the attractiveness of the area and at the same time improve its stability. The paper would be a valuable resource and reference for landscape designers, architects, students.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):49-60

Features of cultivation Salix caprea for reconstruction of the landscape gardening heritage
Questions of cultivation Salix caprea L are taken up. For reconstruction of a landscape gardening heritage. The technology of cultivation of the given plant is developed for fast creation of green hedges and strengthening of slopes.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):61-66

The development of tourism infrastructure in the conditions of the Russian North
The article is about expediency of development of tourism infrastructure in the conditions of a natural landscape in the Russian North. The article discusses possible ways of developing tourism in the Russian North. The authors say about the various tourist circuits. The article gives examples of positive property organization of the northern territories.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):67-75

Space planning of university campus in order to provide environment considering modern requirements in city structure
The article describes the basic elements of planning campuses. In existing campuses describes the role of the landscape as the basis, which is the link between the human and architectural ensemble. The combination of landscape and architectural structures is the hallmark of each university or college. One of the main ideas of the modern campus planning - create a unified architectural and spatial environment. On the example of designing territory RANEPA, traced the need to create a comfortable space with a well-organized structure of the campus. Researchers have been taken into account modern requirements for a comfortable stay of all participants of the educational process by creating an environment, the use of modern small architectural elements, technological innovations, and application possibilities of modern materials.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):76-85

The basic principles of improvement of urban environment
Greening populated place as a factor in urban environment - is the creation of areas with vegetation, as well as individual planting trees and shrubs, is inextricably related to the magnitude and importance of the city, with its planning structure, architectural and spatial composition and local climatic conditions.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):86-92

Environmental assessment of soil N 2O fluxes spatial and temporal variability on the forest plot of the nature reserve «Petrovsko-Razumovskoe»
In article deal with the problem of greenhouse effect and the influence of global climate change on environmental condition of modern megalopolis, on the example of Moscow. The research are focused on nitrogen oxide (I), which is one of the least studied greenhouse gases. Research were carried out in the territory of Forest Experimental Station RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev since May till September, 2013.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):93-104

Technological principles of selection of plants and engineering features of gardening of roofs of the european part of Russia
In a review the basic technological principles of selection of plants for gardening of roofs of the European part of Russia are considered. Long-term grassy and widely expanding plants for gardening of roofs are presented and described. This type of gardening is almost universal: sedum it is possible to apply on flat horizontal and inclined roofs, and also roofs with a bias corner more than 25°, to land turned on any part of the world, and also to use for an extensive and intensive way of gardening of roofs.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):105-112

Natural-defines approach to landscape transformation of the territories of industrial objects
Reorganization of space and landscape simulation environment based on natural-defines approach to urban land industrial use: slope areas with difficult terrain (urban areas of ports with water areas), with flat terrain and the waste land (territory of existing railway lines and areas adjacent to it), as well as former railway lines, hidden in the terrain.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):113-117

The influence of ion composition of soil-absorbing complex on soil colloids different on the genesis of soils
Soil fertility depends to some extent on the nature and composition of soil-поглащающего complex, which ultimately determines the value of the resulting harvest. From the composition of the present in the soil-absorbing complex of ion exchange depend on the physical, physico-chemical properties of soil, the relationship between the soil and the plant, the productivity of the soil.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):128-133

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RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(5):134-137