Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://agrojournal.rudn.ru/agronomy/issue/view/972
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-797X-2017-12-2
Full Issue
Crop production
Organic technology of tea production at Black sea coast of Krasnodar region
This paper presents preliminary results of the first try to introduce organic technology of tea leaves production at the resort area on the Black Sea coasts in Krasnodar district. The named technology is introduced on the tea gardens of the firm “Matsetinskyi tea” in 2007. Tea gardens situated on hill slopes which have elevation 350 above the sea level. Experimental plots (three on each of two gardens) were situated 170 m apart down along the slope of a range of Caucasus mountains. Soil and leaf samples were taken at leaf harvesting time in June 2015. Chemical analysis of soil and leaves were carried out in accordance with recommendations adopted by Georgia Institute of subtropical crops. Tea leaves for analysis and yield on experimental plots were collected five times during the season. Chemical analysis of nutrient content in the leaves, and quality of tea have been done in the analytical laboratory of the Agrotechnological Institute Of PFUR. Preliminary results of experiment revealed rather notable decrease of total yields of leaves in both gardens in comparison with previous yields when mineral fertilizers were applied annually in the rate N300P150K150. Decrease of the yield may be explained by the decrease of nutrient supply due to slow nutrient release by mineralization from trimming materials. Dead leaves, cut weeds and tea bush trimmings, which are the only source of nutrients might be added to the soil. Lower yields at the top of the hills also correlate with lower supply of organic material to the soil on the top of the hills. Thorough analysis has to be done to determine ‘for’ and ‘contra’ to organic tea production taking into account loses of yield and gains in cost of production decrease and possible higher price for organic tea. Positive affect of organic technology of tea production on ecology should be also accounted for.

Productivity and quality of grain modern varieties Iraq in the conditions non-black land russian Federation
Wheat - One of the main crops on the world. In Iraq - one of the traditional centers of cultivation of this crop, reducing its productivity observed in the last years. This requires astudy in the country’s for variety of resources to assess the possibility and expediency of their further inclusion in the selection process. In this regard, the study of these varieties in different soil and climatic conditions (Non-black land of Russia) possible to establish the variability of the main elements of plant productivity and determine the level of gluten content and quality as the main factor, determining baking properties of varieties. In the aggregate the quantitative characteristics of the productivity of all elements of Iraqi nine varieties of soft wheat with their reproduction in the conditions of the Non-black land of Russia belong to the category of productive varieties. However, the results of a comparative study of nine soft wheat varieties do not give grounds for selection of varieties on the basis of the characteristics of the elements of productivity in relation to minor differences of these characteristics, and also in relationship with presence of compensation effect of productivity during formation elements, when at intensive formation of the elements the previous stage of organogenesis reduced quantitative characteristics of the element, which is formed in the subsequent period of organogenesis. Considerable variety of Iraqi varieties on the content and quality of gluten. Seven varieties soft wheat from nine distinguished gluten (from 28.6% to 35.3%). Among them are the three varieties combine this property with high quality gluten (Fatih Al-Rashid and Tammuz-3). Distinguished also introduced two varieties of selection “Ibaa” Center for Agricultural Research low-gluten content Ibaa-95 (25.6%) and Ibaa-99 (22.1%), which is obviously related to the national characteristics of consumer requirements to the grain.

Risk management in agriculture
Insurance of natural and technological risks in the interest of social support of population in emergency situations
The article presents data on the prospects for the insurance of natural and man-made risks for social support of the population in the elimination of large-scale emergencies. Critically analyzed the basic position maintained in this occasion of discussion. On the basis of the analysis of the practice of emergency management determined the possible consequences of strengthening the role of insurance in addressing issues of social support of the population during liquidation of emergency situations. The authors justified the conclusion that the establishment of a transparent institutional environment in this area is possible only with the support of the state.

Landscape architecture and design
The main criteria of selection of assortment of plants for landscaping school educational institutions
The article discusses the main criteria for the selection of vegetation for landscaping school educational institutions: the lack of poisonous substances in all parts of plants, hypoallergenic, decorative. Allergic diseases with regular frequency occur in 10-30% of the population of major cities in the world and every year the percentage of incidence increases. The most popular vegetable allergens, such as Bétula , Álnus , Phleum , Festuca , and others. Identified the ranges of the prevalence of allergic diseases in secondary school educational institutions of the city of Moscow. In connection with inexpediency of cutting down the existing trees were proposed recommendations for mechanical to reduce the spread of allergens and their effects on the human body. Hypoallergenic selection of tree, shrub and flower plant crops that will help to reduce the symptoms of allergic diseases, non-poisonous plants to avoid poisoning children, and ornamental plants, to create a modern landscape solutions. The proposed modular composite from the prepared range of plants are an example of decorative landscaping of the specialized agencies.

Veterinary science
Ferments in the colon tissues of different age piglets
The article presents the results of research activity of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, α-amylase, alkaline and acid phosphatases in the tissues of the outer and inner colon intestines of pigs of large white breed, grown in a pig. Installed the nature and intensity of age-related changes in boars and boars-castrated at the age of 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 60, 90, 120 and 180 days. In the outer tissues of the colon the most intense age-related changes in Alt activity detected in molozivno-milk (reduced 40.4%) and third dairy (increases 1.6 times) of phases of supply; the level of ASAT - phase power as molozivno-milk (reduced 42.3%) and definitive (increased 1.5 times); the activity of α-amylase in milk-molozivno phase (increased 2.5 times); the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the second (an increase of 1.9 times) and in the third phase of milk feeding (reduced by 50,1%) in the first phase of the definitive power (increasing by 1.9 times). In the inner tissue of the colon changes in the activity of enzymes of Alat is found in the first breast (falls to 61.9 per cent), in the third dairy (increases 1.6 times) and the first definitive (increased 2.4 times) the power phases; ASAT - in the first phase of milk feeding (reduced 68.4%) and in the first phase of the definitive power (increase in 1.6 times); α-amylase is reduced in the second phase of milk feeding (47.1%) and increased in the third (1.8 times) and fourth (1.9 times) phases definitive power; Alkaline phosphatase is increased in the first phase of milk feeding (1.6-fold) and decreases in the second phase of milk feeding (52.8%); KF first milk increased respectively by 3.7 and 2.6 times and the first definitive falls to 75.4 per cent and 64.2%.

Growth muscel dinamics of chickens of cross “Sheiver 2000”
The growth muscles dynamics of males and females chickens of 1-, 28-, 42-, 140-, 210-, 320- and 476-days of age of cross “Shaver 2000”. It was found that the most intense muscle growth occurs up to 42 days of age. The total weight of the carcass muscle in postembryonic period increased in males at 96,82 times, in females - 71,91 times. Muscle growth of anatomical areas is uneven, the absolute mass of the axial skeleton in 476-day-old males increased in comparison with the mass of 1-day-old at 120,40 times, chickens (females) - at 101,36 times; peripheral at 83,38 and 60,16 times; wings - at 86,99 and 64,97 times, pelvic limb - at 81,47 and 57,78 times, respectively. With age and the increase of the carcass muscle in the total weight mass relative axial skeletal muscles of males increased from 31,81% (1-day-old) to 40,30% (476-day-old), chicken (females) - from 28,47% to 40,19%; peripheral (males) decreased from 68,19% to 59,70%, females - from 71,53% to 59,81%.

Selection of the cell culture to accumulate in vitro the sacbrood virus of bees
Bees, like other living organisms are exposed to various pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, protozoans, parasites and viruses. Viruses are of particular threat to beekeeping. Some diseases caused by viruses that lead to the collapse of the bee colonies, which leads to loss of a huge number of bees and it causes a recession in the industry. One of the major bees diseases caused by viruses is a sacculated brood. This pathology causes significant damage to beekeeping, because sick families without assistance does not give the commodity honey and not able to provide themselves food, then farms lose the opportunity to sell queens and bee packages. Problem of prompt diagnosis is inaccessibility of bees culturing cells method in vitro virus, which is why understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying viral diseases is limited. These difficulties in the virologists works leads to late diagnosis of disease and as a result, there are large losses in farms. Currently, there is very little information about the cultivation of viruses bees on heterogeneous cell cultures, which give after passage of the pathogen any degenerative changes. However, in last few years there is an active debate on the cultivation of bees viruses in cell cultures. It is known that the highest sensitivity to the saccular brood virus are explants of ovarian nymphs queens bees, chick fibroblast culture, bee fibroblasts tissue of the pectoral muscles of adult bees, culture of the tissue reproductive organs, muscle and egg bee primary trypsinized culture of monkey kidney, primary cell culture, obtained from the larvae of worker bees, culture PC-15, IBRS-2. The major problem of cultivation of bees viruses - a small amount of data on heterologous type of sensitive cell cultures. However, research in this area continues, and scientists around the world are trying to solve a serious problem of cultivation of bee viruses.

To implement techniques of cutdown approach
In order to reduce the time of wound healing of the operated animals and the prevention of complications, we have developed the device of the wound notched hook form by increasing its non-invasive and handling, as well as the retractor for moving apart organs in the abdominal cavity to facilitate the surgical approach, sufficient visibility and control designated and recorded organs by it during surgery. Wound notched hook consists of framing handle with a longitudinal through hole connected to the retaining ring, while on the other side of the fixation ring is formed with the rod with operating element consisting of bent tines. Unlike the commonly used wound notched hook its free ends of the tines are made with drop-shaped thickening for their non-invasive reliance on soft tissue. Application of the developed wound hook notched allows you to: achieve fast and safe placing of the free end tines into the operating cavity as well as the smooth and safe removal of wound hooks notched outside the operating cavity or wound; avoid undue injury tissue of the operated animal. Upgraded retractor comprises a carcass handle connected to the retaining ring, while on the other side of the fixation ring formed conically widening plate bent at right angles and forming the operating element in the form of restrictive platforms. Unlike the conventional retractor restrictive site are made through identical longitudinal rectangular openings arranged parallel to each other and to the longitudinal axis of the retractor for moving apart organs. Developed retractor allows you to: reduce the overlapping area of the continuous operating member retractor in the side aperture of the abdomen; eliminate long clamping organs between the retractor and lateral aperture of the abdomen; reduce the time for the operation; facilitate ligation; reduce the weight of the retractor for moving apart organs; improve the usability of the tool. Together, these tools significantly improve performance with auxiliary surgical instruments and improves the safety of working with them.

Dynamics of biochemical factors of blood in the therapy of hypocalcemic syndrome in africal grey parrots
The dynamics of biochemical factors of blood and results of effectiveness of administrated therapy in African grey parrots with hypocalcemic syndrome are showed in this article. All clinically affected birds were divided into three groups. Control group comprised birds with owners that refused from suggested therapy. Birds in study groups were subdivided by the severity of clinical sings. In this study, we analyzed correlation between changes of biochemical blood factors, clinical sings and changes in life welfare of studied birds, by effectiveness of hypocalcaemia therapy. By administrated therapeutic correction we reached reference values of blood factors by 14th day of treatment in birds with mild severity of the disease. Birds with severe clinical sings improved their blood rates by 44th day of therapy. An objective control of clinical response was obtained in 87,5% of birds with hypocalcemic syndrome. As a result of conducted therapeutic correction welfare of affected birds in both studied group significantly improved.

The modern features of epizootic process of anthrax in cattle populations in the Republic Of Chad
As in other African countries, anthrax in the Republic of Chad continues to be a big social problem and problem of livestock. Annually registered outbreaks of the disease in several regions, mainly in the rainy season. Long experience proves that the ongoing prevention of this disease has no effect on the sources and reservoirs of its causative agent.In order to prevent such outbreaks, it is necessary to study the features of the manifestation of epizootic process, and to identify ways of transmission mechanism and use them to control the disease.

Veterinary sanitary inspection
Morphological composition of carcasses and muscle development of eland antelope
Studied veterinary-sanitary indicators of portioned and small-sized myelinated semi-finished beef meat, pork, lamb and white meat bird in comparison with the feed in the initial period of experience in storage and production refrigerated for 5 days. Noted a marked change in the organoleptic, physics-chemical and microbiological indicators of semi-finished products as compared with the original raw meat. Deviations in indicators of laboratorian studies revealed most often in semi-finished products made of pork and poultry meat. Based on the data developed proposals to reduce the shelf life of meat products depending on the source of veterinary-sanitary indicators of meat products.