Author Details

Шуравилин, Анатолий Васильевич

Issue Section Title File
No 4 (2011) Articles Influence of predecessors and nitric fertilizers on productivity of spring wheat at the irrigation in the conditions of Mesopotamic plain of the Central Iraq PDF
No 3 (2013) Articles Features of changing of alluvial soils of the east part of the Nile delta at anthropogenous influences PDF
No 3 (2013) Articles Research of humidity regimes of the soils for drop irrigation of potatoes in arid zone PDF
No 2 (2016) Articles The yield of spring barley in the brown soils of the Nizhnee Povolzh'e region PDF
No 2 (2013) Articles Cultivation of onions under drip irrigation in Southern Nepal PDF
No 1 (2011) Articles The state cadastral estimation of the grounds of agricultural purpose PDF
No 4 (2012) Articles Influence of modes of the drop irrigation on growth of the apple-trees in the garden of intensive type PDF
No 3 (2014) Articles Problems of restoration of fallow land in the forest zone of Russia PDF
No 3 (2010) Articles Water regim of light-brown soils at cultivation the table beet PDF
No 2 (2014) Articles Absorbing capacity of alluvial soils eastern part of Nile delta PDF
No 1 (2012) Articles Water-salt mode of soils of Mesopotamic plain PDF
No 4 (2010) Articles Formation of water-salt regime of soils under long-term irrigation of municipal wastewater in Egypt PDF
No 4 (2010) Articles The efficiency of ridge cultivation technology agricultural crops under drip irrigation PDF
No 3 (2012) Articles Substantiation regime of drip irrigation and mineral nutrition of onions in Nepal's condition PDF
No 3 (2015) Articles Accumulation of biochemical substances in grass sward on different types of deposit PDF
Vol 12, No 1 (2017) Soil science and agrochemistry Development zakustarennyh land by results of modeling in lysimeters PDF

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