- Авторы: Remini H1,2, Dahmoune F1,2, Sahraoui Y1,3, Madani K1, Kapranov VN4, Kiselev EF4
- University of Bejaia
- University of Bouira
- University of Boumerdes
- GNU Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture “Nemchinovka”
- Выпуск: Том 13, № 4 (2018)
- Страницы: 257-286
- Раздел: Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза
- URL: https://agrojournal.rudn.ru/agronomy/article/view/19425
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-797X-2018-13-4-257-286
Полный текст
Об авторах
H Remini
University of Bejaia; University of Bouira
Email: hocine.remini@univ-bejaia.dz
F Dahmoune
University of Bejaia; University of Bouira
Email: hocine.remini@univ-bejaia.dz
Y Sahraoui
University of Bejaia; University of Boumerdes
Email: hocine.remini@univ-bejaia.dz
K Madani
University of Bejaia
Email: hocine.remini@univ-bejaia.dz
V N Kapranov
GNU Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture “Nemchinovka”
Email: hocine.remini@univ-bejaia.dz
E F Kiselev
GNU Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture “Nemchinovka”
Email: hocine.remini@univ-bejaia.dz
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