Litter feed additive as source of amino acids and beneficial bacteria
- Authors: Stepanova A.M1, Tarabukina N.P1, Scryabina M.P1, Neustroev M.P1, Parnikova S.I1
- Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
- Issue: Vol 14, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 466-480
- Section: Animal breeding
- URL:
- DOI:
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Feed additive was derived from poultry manure by microbiological synthesis. After a 10-day feeding poultry with probiotic strains of bacteria B. subtilis TNP-3 and B. subtilis TNP-5, the litter does not contain potential enteropathogens and can be used as a raw material for feed additive. Based on the results of microbiological and biochemical studies the technology of feed additive (powder) with the use of extrusion was developed. Extrusion at a temperature of up to 120 °C for 5-6 seconds provides presence of beneficial bacteria and significantly high content of essential amino acids. According to the results of biochemical studies, litter feed additive contains 18 free amino acids. The total concentration of free amino acids in the feed additive (powder) is 406.3 mg/kg, which is 1.7 times higher than that in the litter without fermentation and extrusion. The experiments have shown that inclusion of 3.3% feed additive in the diet does not have negative effect on physiological state, viability and productivity of laying hens. Survival of birds in both groups was 100%. Additive application in the experimental group of chickens revealed absence of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms and microscopic fungi, presence of bifidobacteria and spore-forming aerobic Bacillus bacteria in powder, as well as predominance of beneficial micro flora and lack of potential enteropathogens (compared to control). It allows to conclude that feed additive obtained by microbiological synthesis from bird droppings possess probiotic properties. The results of biochemical study of egg production indicate that the use of food additives (to 3.3% of the basic diet) for laying hens significantly increases content of major micro and macro-elements in eggs, compared to the control. Therefore, the use of feed additive-powder (up to 3.3% of the basic diet) does not reduce egg quality. Thus, based on the results of these studies, it can be concluded that the litter obtained from laying hens, after application of probiotic ‘Nord-Bakt’, further fermentation with strains Bacillus subtilis TNP-3 and Bacillus subtilis TNP-5, followed by extrusion can be used as a feed additive as a source of amino acids and beneficial bacteria.
About the authors
Anna M Stepanova
Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, senior researcher, Laboratory for development of microbial preparations
Yakutsk, Russian FederationNadezhda P Tarabukina
Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory for development of microbial preparations
Yakutsk, Russian FederationMarfa P Scryabina
Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, leading research associate, Laboratory for development of microbial preparations
Yakutsk, Russian FederationMikhail P Neustroev
Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory of veterinary biotechnology
Yakutsk, Russian FederationSvetlana I Parnikova
Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher, Laboratory for development of microbial preparations
Yakutsk, Russian FederationReferences
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