Methodical approach to assessing risks of possible yield losses during implementation of agricultural technologies

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The methods of risk assessment and decision-making in the management of agrotechnology were studied in order to develop a methodical approach to assessing the risks of possible yield losses in case of deviations from the project parameters in the implementation of agrotechnology. The study uses methods of analyzing information from the subject area of risk management in the management of agricultural technology. A registry of possible deviations in the design values of process parameters in the implementation of agricultural technologies has been compiled. A new approach has been developed to assess the risks of possible yield losses in the implementation of agrotechnology with deviations in process parameters from project values. Using the proposed approach will provide an automated ranking of options for decisions on the degree of risk of possible crop failure in case of deviations from the designed values, which will facilitate the transition to intelligent management of crop production.

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Table 1. Risk Matrix


Probability description

Scale of effect








Very low




Very high









Almost certain














Probably not







Almost certainly not






Note. М —  low risk; C — m edium risk; B — h igh risk; K — v ery high risk.


Table 2. Scale of effects of subjective errors in the management of technological processes  as part of agricultural technology

Technological process

Description of possible error

Possible yield losses and other error effects




Deep tillage

Dry soil

Drying and overcompaction of soil causes an increase  in its resistance to plow by 150 % (+ 11…16 l/ha of additional diesel fuel). When the soil dries to a depth of 30 cm, it makes no sense to count on a high yield.

Deep tillage

Waterlogged soil

Waterlogged soil is difficult to cultivate. During processing, huge layers are formed, which quickly dry out, it ultimately leads to an increase in evaporation surface area. Probability of yield reduction is by 1.7—1.8 times

Violation of agrotechnical requirements (terms of plowing or pre-sowing treatment)

The delay in pre-sowing tillage hinders sowing. In case of violation of the optimal sowing time, which lasts for 5—7 days after the onset of physical ripeness of the soil, yield loss per one day of sowing delay averages 0.8 c/ha for Belarus

Pre-sowing tillage

Insufficient field alignment

Yield reduction up to 30 % due to sifting and failures in operation modes of sowing and planting machines

Basic fertilization


Decrease in grain yields due to lodging up to –43 %, in row crops —  decrease in yield due to the spread of diseases


Lack of nitrogen leads to a decrease in grain yields up to 60 %. The lack of calcium stops the vegetation of plants. For row crops, when the dose is underestimated, the losses are in the range of 30…56 %



Ahead of the optimal period

Losses can be up to 5 %

Missing the optimal time

Barley: 20 days up to –30 %; oats: for 20 days up to –20 %; spring wheat: for 10…12 days: up to –23…27 %. Losses of row crops can reach 1.5…2 % for each day of delay


All indicators of crop structure are reduced —  productive tillering, number of grains and mass of grains per ear, weight of 1000 grains

Crop tending

Deviation from optimal timing of events

Yield losses are estimated at 15…17 %


Harvesting unripe crops

There are losses, but they are not estimated, crop quality is significantly reduced

Harvesting overripe crops

Harvesting delay by 10…14 days leads to yield loss up to 60 %; every day of overstay, grain yield decreases by 1—2 %, and under adverse weather conditions, it decreases significantly.

Preparing for storage

Violation of the modes of sorting, drying, cooling

Reduced quality of finished products


Table 3. Risk levels of yield losses as an effect of subjective errors  in the management of agricultural technological processes

Technological process

Description of possible error

Scale of effects

Probability of an error

Risk level of yield losses due to management error






Deep tillage

Dry soil

Very high (5)

Certain (5)

Very high (В)

Waterlogged soil

Very high (5)

Certain (5)

Very high (В)

Violation of agrotechnical requirements (terms of plowing or pre-sowing treatment)

Medium (3)

Almost certain (4)

Medium (С)

Pre-sowing tillage

Insufficient field alignment

Medium (3)

Probable (3)

Medium (С)

Basic fertilization


Medium (3)

Probably not (2)

Medium (С)


Low (2)

Almost certain (4)

Low (М)

Sowing (planting)

Ahead of the optimal period

Low (2)

Probably not (2)

Low (М)

Missing the optimal time

Medium (3)

Almost certain (4)

Medium (С)


Very low (1)

Probably not (2)

Low (М)

Crop tending

Deviation from optimal timing of events

Medium (3)

Probable (3)

Medium (С)


Harvesting unripe crops

High (4)

Probably not (2)

Medium (С)

Harvesting overripe crops

High (4)

Probable (3)

High (В)

Preparing for storage

Violation of the modes of sorting, drying, cooling.

Medium (3)

Probable (3)

Medium (С)


About the authors

Vyacheslav V. Yakushev

Agrophysical Research Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8434-5580

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for Information Support of Precision Farming

14 Grazhdansky av., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Valeriy V. Voropayev

Agrophysical Research Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7537-4862

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory for Information Support of Precision Farming

14 Grazhdansky av., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Vladimir S. Lomakin

Agrophysical Research Institute

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2051-3877

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Engineer, Laboratory for Information Support of Precision Farming

14 Grazhdansky av., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2022 Yakushev V.V., Voropayev V.V., Lomakin V.S.

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