No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 10
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Medicinal plants of Côte-d׳Ivoire and their use in medicine
The material is presented in article about some the herbs growing in southeast part of the Côte-d’Ivoire. In the review the description of information on composition of biologically active agents of these plants is given, data of ethnobotanical and farmakognostichesky character on the raw materials used by natives of Southeast Côte-d’Ivoire at treatment of diseases are provided.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):5-12

The description of Sambucus nigra L. ripe and dry fruit and seeds for raw material quality control
We have studied ripe and dry fruit and seeds of Sambucus nigra L. from Nalchik province. We have proposed morphological and anatomical description of ripe and dry fruit and seeds of Sambucus nigra L. for raw material quality control.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):13-21

Studying of some characteristics of a grass and seeds of two species of Nigella received from plants, grown up in the conditions of a salt stress
In article results of studying are given in comparative aspect of some characteristics of a grass and seeds of two species of Nigella: N. damascena and N. sativa received from plants, grown up in the conditions of salinization. Influence of salinization on some biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds of the studied plants, on accumulation in elevated part of BAV groups and extractive substances, lipidic fraction in seeds of plants is investigated. More noticeable decrease in the content of extractive substances in a grass and lipidic fraction in seeds at N. sativa plants is noted. On the studied indicators N. damascenа plants appeared more tolerant to a salt stress.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):22-29

Effect of different fertilization systems on productivity of Ornithopus sativus on sod-podzolic sandy soils of Bryansk region
Proposed in a sod-podzolic sandy soils effective system of fertilization of seradelly that will significantly increase the production of feed appropriate health and safety standards, as well as reduce the need for fertilizers of subsequent cultures.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):30-36

Features of changing of alluvial soils of the east part of the Nile delta at anthropogenous influences
The results of researches concerning changes of properties of alluvial soils of the Nile valley are stated in work. The morphological structure, agrophysical and chemical properties of the alluvial sandy soil, alluvial loamy and meadow and alluvial clay soils of the Nile Delta are studied. It is revealed that the meadow and alluvial soils possess epy most favourable qualities. As a result of long-term meliorative and agricultural influence there was some deterioration of physical and chemical properties of alluvial soils.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):37-44

Research of humidity regimes of the soils for drop irrigation of potatoes in arid zone
The results of researches of drop irrigation of potatoes in Oman depending on a threshold of preirrigation humidity of the soil and creation of a water heat-sink layer are presented. It is established that at maintenance of the differentiated threshold of preirrigation humidity of the soil the most effective use of irrigating water is provided and high productivity of potatoes is reached. It is established that increasing level of preirrigation humidity of soil during the vegetative period from 70 to 80% yield of potatoes can be increased on the average by 26,2%. Artificial formation of water accumulative zone by application of sapropel and bentonite clay promotes decrease in expenses of irrigation water by 5—6% and increases the potato yield by 10—11% and 3—5% respectively.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):45-52

Amylase and phosphatase activity in tissues cecum in growing purebred and crossbred piglets
Defined active α-amylase, alkaline and acid phosphatases in the tissues of three parts cecum (proximal, medial and distal) in growing pigs. The highest activity of the studied enzymes in the tissues of all parts of the intestine studied in pigs of large white breed and crossbred determined: α-amylase — a three-week and six-month, alkaline phosphatase — a two-week, acid phosphatase — in two-, three-and four-week.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):53-59

Expediency of application of ionization of air at cultivation of chickens-broilers
In article data on influence of aero ionization on productive (meat) qualities of chickens — broilers cross KOOB-500, brought up in conditions vivifies of PSAA are resulted. Aero ionization was reached by application of the small-sized hardware block for artificial ionization of air developed under the direction of pro-fessor S.I. Kuznetsov. The negative ions received at a pressure 50 kilo voltage, force of a current 50 microampere and distance of 1 m up to skilled animals, pro-mote increase resistant an organism, has stimulating an effect on meat efficiency of chickens — broilers.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):60-67

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2013;(3):74-76