No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 11
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The development of crop production in the Central federal district
The Central Federal District is one of the key macro-regions of Russia. Agriculture plays an important role in its economic development. In this article we analyze the development of one of the key sectors of agricultural production. The dynamics of gross yield, acreage, yield of grain crops, industrial crops, potatoes, vegetables. Factors that influence the development.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):5-12

Development of a set of measures to radically improve the natural root land contaminated by radionuclide cesium-137
In terms of radioactive contamination of the environment has developed comprehensive techniques (agro and agro-chemical) for the rehabilitation of natural lands Root systems producing fodder appropriate sanitary standards. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the accumulation of 137Cs in the natural and sown herbage water meadows.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):13-20

Role of a grade in technologies of cultivation of a winter wheat
On the basis of the lead analysis of references and own supervision it is shown, that grades play an appreciable role in decrease in development of wreckers and illnesses. The share of influence of grades on productivity in technologies of cultivation reaches 15-20 and more %. Consumer qualities of grain improve. The maintenance gluten in grain reached 39%, fluctuation from 25% at grade Немчиновская 24 up to 39% at a grade Moscow 40. On quality gluten all the tested grades are carried to II group.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):21-30

Biologically active compounds of agricultural origin and perspective of their practical using
The article reviews the studies of biologically active extracts of higher and lower plants and perspective of their practical using. The article presents data from scientific studies of Russian leading institutions, Department of Biological Chemistry, Department of General pharmaceutical and biomedical technology of Russian University of Peoples' Friendship (Moscow). In the article were shown the possibility of using extracts of different types of plant raw materials by development of medicine for the treatment and prevention of different therapy orientation diseases and perspective of fungi extracts using as inhibitors of dangerous plant diseases.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):31-37

Immunological and biochemical parameters milk of lamb the first days of lactation
According to the received results milk of lamb the first days of lactation differs higher parameters Ig G (A) and is a good source of antibodies in the first days of life lamb. As if to higher contents Ig G in milk of lamb advanced age in comparison with young it, most likely, speaks more long contact of their immune system to various bacterial activators. From the point of view of biochemical structure milk of lamb the first days of lactation differs higher parameters of dry skim dairy rest and dairy fat that results in increase of his density and testifies to his more high-grade structure.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):38-44

Age morphology oil gland of domestic ducks under the influence of probiotics SBA in postnatal ontogenesis
The article presents the results of experimental studies in the PC gland domestic ducks. In particular on the impact of probiotic SBA on the development PC gland ducks in postnatal ontogenesis. The results showed that bacterial drug stimulates the growth and development of the glandular structures and muscle membrane, that is confirmed by reliable indicators on 57th day life ducks.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):45-51

Structural and functional reorganization spleen rabbit under stress and impact on the background “Gamavita”
The paper presents the results of a study histostructure white pulp of spleen rabbit against a prolonged combined stress and its immunotherapy drug “Gamavit”. The use of the drug “Gamavit” under stress helps to activate the mechanisms of adaptation of animals, causing a reduction in the wall thickness of the central arteries, increasing the perivascular areas of large and medium-sized lymphoid nodules, as well as reducing space and rocket center of the mantle zone, but the increase in the marginal zone of the white pulp, which triggers a rise immune activity of spleen and confirmed a positive influence on the morphological and functional changes in the structure of the organ.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):52-58

Incubatory qualities of white shell eggs of hens with the different ratio of weight and volume
The increase in the ratio “weight : volume” increases the value of the indicator “protein index” at white shell eggs from 0,44 to 0,49. Value index “units Hough” increase from 77,8 to 80,1. Of eggs with a higher ratio of “weight : volume” brought in an average of 3,5% more chickens.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):59-63

Improving the quality control of fish and fish products
We examined veterinary-sanitary tests of fish and fish products by organoleptic, chemical, bacteriological and histological methods of product freshness. The histamine increased in safety process in comparative to un normal technology of safety and fish processing.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):64-69

Morphological and commodity value of broiler chickens ‘Smena 7’
We studied the morphological composition of carcass and its anatomical parts of broiler chickens in 28-, 35-, and 42-day-old cross of “Smena 7”. We have estab-lished with the aid of these experiments that highest yield in 42-day-old broilers of is 37.04% of breast, carcass - 19.41%; thigh - 16.39%; shin - 13.51%, and wing - 10.16%. In carcasses contains 72.57% of muscle tissue, bones - 15.36% and with remnants of skin fat - 8.92%. The cost of ongoing anatomical parts of carcasses depends not only on morphological structure of carcasses, but also on the demand of buyers into separate parts.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):70-75

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2014;(1):76-78