No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 11
- URL:
The 50th anniversary of agrarian faculty
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):7-10

Innovation as a factor for sustainable economic growth in agribusiness
In this paper is a point of view of innovation as the main tool for achieving strategic competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. According to the authors the present state of economic environment, significantly discourages the development of innovation activities of major participants of the food market, focusing them on the organic, mostly extensive, the growth of that term, leading to low investment attractiveness and market value. Formulate proposals for improving the level of innovation of agro-industrial companies, including both the improvement of their business model and the necessary actions of regulators of the market.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):11-16

Management of safety and quality of milk on the principles of HACCP
Milk, being a human food product, must be stored in safe area. The quality of raw milk may be increased by introducing in farms of achievements of EU Tacis Project FD RUS 9704 «Improving Quality Control of Selected Food Products». The product is raw milk supplied to processing plant. It should conform to GOST 52054-2003 and processor's requirements. This HACCP plan reviews existing milking practice, hygiene, animal husbandry and milk storage and based on Good Manufacturing Practice. Hazards will be divided into the following groups: physical, microbiological and chemical, product safety will also be considered.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):17-27

Up-to-date diagnostic methods for some thrips spp based on PCR-RFLP and direct sequencing
The study reveals diagnosis peculiarities for main Thrips spp. occurring during phytosanitary testing. Morphological diagnostic methods were compared with PCR-RFLP and direct sequencing. High reliability of molecular and genetic methods has been shown. These methods provide for determining the species of thrips larvae and damaged specimens of imagoes.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):28-35

The prolonged after-crop green fertilizer and fertility of turfpodzol soils
In conditions of central regions of Non-chernozem sone of Russia after-crop green fertilizer together with crop rotation, system of mineral fertilizers and plant protection give a good effect in ecological cultivation of turfpodzol soils, eliminating negative effects of cereal specialization of farming and increasing of cereals yield from a unit of areas under crop rotation action.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):36-42

Drought-resistant accessions spring barley
Conducted a study on drought resistance and heat resistance of spring barley accessions in the field and laboratory conditions. Distinguished accessions possessing drought combined with high productivity under arid conditions, which can be used in breeding work on drought tolerance.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):43-49

Diagnostic capabilities of computed tomography in the pathology of the abdominal cavity in small animals
Computed tomography (CT) provides highly informative results as a diagnostic test used to diagnose diseases of the abdominal cavity. Correct animal's positioning and a scan examination protocol allow to obtain a number of high-quality CT images. An artificial contrast agent given by either enteral or parenteral route helps visualize more clearly local changes in the structure of tissues of the abdominal cavity on the CT image. CT can detect tiny tumor foci located within the parenchyma of abdominal organs of the animal body. CT is usually ordered for a full examination of the abdominal cavity to clarify a diagnostic in conjunction with ultrasound and radiography modalities.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):50-58

Linear estimation of cows of black-and-white breed and its correlation with dairy production
Long selection of cows on high yields of milk leads to deterioration of a udder. Bulls noticeably influence expressiveness of attributes of a linear estimation of the exterrier of daughters. In system of selection of bulls it is necessary to use result of its estimation on a exterrier of posterity.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):59-64

Using of method of isoelectric focusing for identification of raw material of animal origin
The results of researches on detecting a specific belonging the raw material of animal origin using of the method of isoelectric focusing are presented in the paper. This method allows with high exactness to identify specific belonging of albumens of animal origin. Extracts from the muscles of animal different species after an electrophoretic division have different albuminous spectrums which albuminous areas, general for different species, and also albuminous areas, characteristic only for the certain species of animals - typespecific albumens, are present on. Exactly on these albuminous areas (marker areas) it is possible to detect a specific belonging of meat of different species of animals.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):65-72

Analysis in compare of presentations budennovskaya and donskaya horse breeds in equestrian sports
Studies have shown that the average age of onset of speeches Budionovskaya rocks is 5-7 years. Donskie horses begin to act in sports later. In professional equestrian sport has decreased the results of both breeds. In the amateur equestrian sport has increased the number of horses Budionovskaya breed and improve the results of sports performances.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):73-78

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2010;(2):79-81