Impact of cultivation technologies on yield and grain quality of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. in Moscow region
- Authors: Rebouh N.Y.1, Polityko P.M.2, Kapranov V.N.2, Fedorischev V.N.2, Garmasch N.J.2, Atmachian G.P.1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Nemchinovka Federal Research Center
- Issue: Vol 15, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 113-122
- Section: Crop production
- URL:
- DOI:
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The current study is aimed at evaluating the reaction of winter wheat varieties according to cultivation technologies at a different level of intensity i.e. basic, intensive and high intensive. The cultivation technologies included fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators at different combinations and concentrations. The experiment was established in order to determine the optimum conditions of winter wheat cultivation. Three winter wheat varieties were studied: Moskovskaya 40 (V1), Nemchinovskaya 17 (V2) and Nemchinovskaya 85 (V3). Yield performances and grain quality (measured through protein and gluten content) were determined according to the tested cultivation technologies. The results showed that the cultivation technology affected grain wheat productivity and quality on all varieties studied, since the highest yields were obtained using high intensive cultivation technology for all varieties studied, Moskovskaya 40 - 9.65 t/h, Nemchinovskaya 17 - 8.58 t/h and Nemchinovskaya 85 - 9.87 t/h. However, according to the basic technology, the yield was lower by 20…64 %. The tested cultivation technologies demonstrated that high intensive cultivation technology increased wheat quality. The highest protein content (18 %) was recorded in Nemchinovskaya 85 variety. The present results give real opportunities for a largescale application of the tested cultivation technologies in different agricultural lands of Russia.
About the authors
Nazih Y. Rebouh
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Author for correspondence.
PhD student, Agrobiotechnological Department
Moscow, Russian FederationPetr M. Polityko
Nemchinovka Federal Research Center
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Varietal Technologies of Winter Grain Crops
Moscow region, Russian FederationVladimir N. Kapranov
Nemchinovka Federal Research Center
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Varietal Technologies of Winter Grain Crops
Moscow region, Russian FederationViktor N. Fedorischev
Nemchinovka Federal Research Center
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Moscow region, Russian FederationNina J. Garmasch
Nemchinovka Federal Research Center
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Moscow region, Russian FederationGaik P. Atmachian
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
PhD candidate, Agroengineering Department
Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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