Vol 13, No 1 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://agrojournal.rudn.ru/agronomy/issue/view/1053
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-797X-2018-13-1
Full Issue
Crop production
The study of morphological and biochemical parametres of Amaranthus tricolor L. Valentina variety
Morphometric and biochemical indices of the red-colored Amaranthus tricolor L. Valentina variety were studied, the content of the reduced form of vitamin C, the amaranthine pigment in roots, leaves, stems and inflorescences was determined. Studies have shown the presence of a high concentration of vitamin C in the leaves of amaranth both in the open ground (195 mg%) and in the film greenhouse (176 mg%). In the leaves of amaranth of different varieties of the species Amaranthus tricolor , a large amount accumulates a secondary compound - an antioxidant - amaranthine. The red-violet color of the inflorescences is due to the presence in the vegetative organs of the plant of the red-violet pigment of amaranthine. It is important to note that the amaranth Valentine variety have found substances with antioxidant activity: ascorbic acid, selenium, carotenoids, methionine. In the largest amount, amaranthine is found in the inflorescences (2.18 mg/g) and leaves (1.41 mg/g). Its predecessors are D-glucose and L-tyrosine - photosynthetic metabolites, which are used in growth processes and in the biosynthesis of amaranthine In red-colored plants of the genus Amaranthus , betacianin-amaranthine is 5-O-glucuronidoglucoside betanidine. Leaves with a high content of red-violet pigment amaranthine used in the production of food additives-dyes Amvita and Amphicra, used in the food concentrates industry. These additives, due to their antioxidant properties, enhance immunity and have immunomodulatory activity. Extraction of amaranth leaves in H2O revealed high rates of antioxidant activity (CCA from 1.81 mg EQ GK/g). The low gluten content makes amaranth an extremely valuable and useful for functional food.

Specificity of combinations of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of glucovine in genotypes of allocytoplasmatic spruce wheat with allel of wild type Wx-B1a
As a result of screening of the allelic composition of genes associated with baking properties, a significant genotypic variety of forms of allocytoplasmic spring wheat (ATSGG) from the ATI PFUR collection was established. In addition to the altered forms, 15 genotypes were isolated as a result of recombinations and introgression, in the genome of which the presence of a allel of wild type Wx-B1a (primer 4F / 4R) was detected. Analysis of the content and quality of gluten in these forms of ACPG made it possible to differentiate these genotypes according to their functional characteristics, which are related to baking properties. The amplitude of the differences in the genotypes of the ACPG in terms of the mass fraction of gluten is from 21.7% to 37.8%, the quality of gluten according to the IDK parameters in the majority of the studied genotypes of the I-st group. The genotypes of the category of strong wheat are of particular value: No. 24 (cytoplasm T. timopheevii), in which the mass fraction of gluten is 37.8% (class of super-strong wheat), and also genotypes of the 1st class, in which the gluten content is not less than 32%, and the quality of gluten is not lower than the I-st group (IDK - 43-77 units.). These are genotypes No. 25 (the cytoplasm of T. timopheevii) and No. 29 (the cytoplasm of T.aestivum L., as a result of backcrossing). To the category of strong wheat of the 2nd class (mass fraction of gluten is not lower than 28%, and the quality of gluten is the I-st group), four genotypes are classified. The category of valuable wheat of the 3rd class includes two genotypes, in which the mass fraction of gluten is not less than 25%. However, the quality of gluten in these genotypes is not II-th group, but higher - it corresponds to the I-st group. Genotypes with a specific combination of the mass fraction of gluten characteristic of strong and valuable wheat, with the qualitative characteristics of gluten of the I-th group, expand the range of their intended use in the production of bakery products.

The studies of the reaction to the salt stress of varieties of fodder crops for formation of pastures in the conditions of North Western Caspian
On the territory of the North-Western Caspian, significant areas occupy soils with varying degrees of salinity, therefore, to form pastures in these areas, it is necessary to select species and varieties of crops that tolerate salt stress. We conducted expeditionary studies on the study of floristic composition, as well as phenological, biometric observation and thoroughly studied the soil cover of pasture communities. As a result, plant species from these communities were selected, which were the most adapted to the unfavorable conditions of the Northwest Caspian region, and other species and cultivars were added from the world collection of All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing of other ecogeographical regions. Expeditionary research on the selection of species of pasture plants was carried out on the territory of the West Ilmenno-hillock landscape area, and laboratory studies in the laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Research in the period 2011-2017. The purpose of the study is to select varieties and species of perennial pasture crops that are most resistant to high salt content in the soil. When studying the ability of species and varieties to tolerate salt stress, plants were isolated according to their fitness for stress. The most adapted plants, where the percentage of viable seeds was from 24% to 30%, the average ability to tolerate salt stress with germination in seeds of 15%, and varieties and species with an germination from 0.1% to 0% - are unsuitable. To very adapted to salt stress include species and varieties of the plant: Elytrigia elongate (Host.) Nevski, var. Salt - 30%; Elymus novae-angliae (Scribn.) Tzvelev) Ozernensky variety - 28%; elongated elm (Elytrigia elongate (Host.) Nevski) variety Stavropol 10 - 28%; elongated elm (Elytrigia elongate (Host.) Nevski) sort Argonaut - 27%; Agropyron pectinatum (M. Bieb.) Variety - 26%, Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub, cultivar Stavropol 31 - 24%.

Soil science and agrochemistry
Technological minimization main soil processing
The article presents data on the effect of chisel processing using the ROPA working organ on the area of the loosening profile of the soil, given by 1 m of the width of the tool. The dependence of the height of the zone of continuous processing on the depth of chilling and the location of attachment of the horizontal knife is also presented. The use of a chisel ripper to a depth of 25-40 cm allows to increase the quality of the treated layer and provide a zone of continuous loosening of 0,6-0,12 m, which is necessary for cereals and high-growth tilled crops. The article presents the working organ “ROPA”, designed for minimum soil cultivation with a strip deepening. In it functions of a chisel inclined rack and a standard deep plow are functionally combined. The curved bar has an intrasoil bend in the direction of the field cut at an angle of 45 degrees and is equipped with a flat-cutting foot, a knife and a shoe with an overlaid chisel. The technology of minimal tillage with a strip recess is provided in a constructive way - by the ratio between the lengths of the horizontal component of the horizontal projection of the knife and the blade - the feet on the transverse vertical plane, which are respectively 1/4 and 1/2 between the tracks.

Land management
Organization of activities for conducting single state registry of real estate on the example of Moscow
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 13, 2015 “On State Registration of Real Estate” (hereinafter - Law No. 218-FZ), the Unified State Real Estate Register is a collection of reliable, systematized information on the accounted in accordance with Law No. 218-FZ real estate, including the registered rights to such immovable property, the grounds for their occurrence, rightholders, as well as other information established in accordance with Law No. 218-FZ. According to Article 1 of Law No. 218-FZ, state registration of rights to immovable property is a legal act of recognition and confirmation of the occurrence, change, transfer, termination of the right of a certain person to immovable property or restriction of such right and encumbrance of immovable property. The procedure for state registration of rights is made by entering in the Unified State Register of Real Estate records of the right to such property, the information of which is included in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. In his article authors gives the main changes introduced by the Law No. 218-FZ and are taken into account when organizing the maintenance of the Unified State Real Estate Register, and also analyzes the results of the activities for maintaining and providing information from the Unified State Real Estate Register in the territory of Moscow.

Morphology and ontogenesis of animals
Morphological substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of protein hydrolyzate in the mink industry
The effect of enzymatic hydrolyzate on morphological parameters of mink is reflected in this work. The possibility and expediency of using protein hydrolysates as additional economically advantageous sources of protein in the feeding of cage-growing fur-animals has been scientifically grounded and experimentally confirmed.

Veterinary sanitary inspection
Veterinary-sanitary requirements of slaughter of animals on meat in different countries of the world
Veterinary and sanitary requirements of slaughter of animals for meat production have been studied in some foreign countries, especially veterinary and sanitary examination and evaluation of slaughter products concerning diseases. There are some differences in the structure and content of the main regulatory documents - Veterinary Expertise or meat laws, which should be used by veterinary experts of exporting countries and importing countries in international trade of meat raw materials. The discrepancies in the veterinary and sanitary evaluation of meat and by-products are determined for some diseases detected in Russia and abroad when slaughtering animals. Recommended for approval of the new Russian “Rules for the veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products” to make additions taking into account the veterinary and sanitary evaluation of slaughter products approved in foreign countries, which will optimize the veterinary requirements for slaughter animals, meat raw materials and ready-to-eat meat products.

Opportunities and prospects biosensor technologies for food analysis
Existing developments in the field of biosensor technologies with the possibility of practical application for establishing food safety indicators were considered. The classification of biosensors is described depending on the physical phenomena underlying its work, the essence and examples of specific developments for the determination of microorganisms, heavy metals and antibiotics in food products are presented. Prospects of biosensor technologies in the food industry are estimated.