Vol 19, No 3 (2024)
Crop production
Estimation of the efficiency of perspective seed treatment methods of winter wheat seeds based on analysis of crop condition and biological yields
Field experiment on determining the effect of seed presowing treatment by promising methods (ultraviolet radiation, ozonation, low-frequency electromagnetic field) on the state of crops and biological yield of winter wheat was carried out. The results obtained were compared with the results of conventional seed treatment with chemical agent. It was found that presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation stimulated seed germination and increased their field germination. Biological yield of control plants was higher for plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone by 5.8 and 2.34%, respectively. Seed treatment with electromagnetic fields did not result in higher yields. Actual yield data confirmed this trend. Straw and grain weight and their ratio significantly exceeded the control value in the plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone. Chemical analysis showed that only grain from plots where seeds were treated with ozone had significant excess over the control value: protein and gluten content was higher by 4.2 and 5.2%, respectively. The results obtained in the field experiment are largely consistent with the results of previous published studies. The combination of exposure to ozone and UV radiation during presowing treatment of seeds will provide disinfection and stimulation of germination, increase field germination, plant density, yields, and improve grain quality. These methods have shown better results in comparison with the method of seed treatment by chemical agent and, therefore, they can be recommended for implementation in production. Their combined use will make it possible to carry out effective disinfection and stimulation of germination, as well as to increase the yield and quality of grain.

Descriptive indicators and germination analysis of ‘Poseidon 625ʼ Helianthus annuus L. seeds in the Orenburg region
In formation of a sustainable agricultural system for each climatic zone, the priority goal is to increase yield of a number of commercial crops, such as sunflower, in terms of both quantity and quality. In this regard, there is a need to study sowing qualities of sunflower seeds in specific soil and climatic conditions of cultivation to optimize agricultural technology, plant protection, and increase yield. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of invariance of descriptive indicators and germination of ʻPoseidon 625ʼ Helianthus annuus L. seeds under the conditions of the Orenburg region. The experiments were carried out at the experimental site of the Botanical Garden of Orenburg State University, as well as in the laboratory of experimental botany of the Botanical Garden of Orenburg State University. 5 descriptive indicators were studied, the laboratory and soil germination of ʻPoseidon 625ʼ H. annuus seeds were evaluated in the Orenburg region. It was found that the most invariant indicators were seed length and 1000 seed weight ( Cv 9 and 2%, respectively). Seed weight of ʻPoseidon 625ʼ H. annuus is determined by seed length (at the level of statistical significance p < 0.5). Laboratory and field germination are consistently high (88 and 85%, respectively). Field germination is determined by the rate of germination of 75% of the seeds. It was established that increase in temperature of medium at early stages of ontogenesis significantly reduced elongation period of ʻPoseidon 625ʼ H. annuus seedlings (0.8; p-level = 0.1). The climatic factor “humidity” was not a statistically significant indicator having at least some influence on the analyzed parameters of germination of ʻPoseidon 625ʼ H. annuus seeds.

Soil science and agrochemistry
Microbial communities of urban soils in the Norilsk agglomeration
Arctic cities are an important and relevant object of research due to the unique combination of extreme natural and climatic conditions and anthropogenic impact. Microbial communities are sensitive indicators of changes occurring as a result of anthropogenic impact, including urbanization, the consequences of which in the Arctic zone are poorly studied and poorly predictable. The aim of this study was to assess the microbiological potential of urban soils of the Norilsk agglomeration (Norilsk, Kayerkan, Oganer and Talnakh) to perform ecological functions based on the study of some microbiological parameters. The number of saprotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria, microscopic fungi (plating method), microbial biomass and respiration (substrate induced respiration method), functional diversity of microbial communities (MicroRespTM technique), and the sanitary and hygienic state of soils were studied. It was revealed that urban soils were characterized by low microbial biomass (from 107 to 159 μg C g–1) compared to the background, but sufficient microbial respiration (from 0.28 to 0.64 μg C g–1h–1), which indicates their high activity. An increase in the number of culturable bacteria and microscopic fungi was noted in urban soils and, in some areas, an increase in the functional diversity of microbial communities compared to the background. Microorganisms capable of decomposing easily accessible compounds — carbohydrates and carboxylic acids — prevailed in the community, but the proportion of microorganisms utilizing difficult-to-decompose compounds was also high (up to 20%). The sanitary and hygienic condition of urban soils of the agglomeration was assessed as moderately hazardous. An increase in the number of coliform bacteria, enterobacteria and opportunistic microfungi has been noted, which is generally characteristic of urban ecosystems and is not critical. The identified patterns suggest that urban green infrastructure can form niches for the microorganisms that can effectively perform ecological functions despite stressful conditions. In this case, issues of an integrated environmental approach to solving the problems of landscaping and improvement of Arctic cities, selecting a range of plants and technologies for the care and maintenance of green infrastructure are becoming increasingly relevant, which will contribute to the formation of sustainable and healthy urban ecosystems.

Influence of plant soil mixtures on plant vegetation
The study was focused on investigating the effect of composition of light soil on vegetation of lettuce plants. Nowadays, reducing the density of plant substrates is becoming an important component for obtaining quality products. This soil property is not so essential for growing crops in the field. But using a specially prepared substrate for cultivating plants in various types of multi-tier greenhouses, eco-villages with roof gardens, and private bio-domes, it is important. This feature is due to the following: the higher the density of the applied substrate, the greater the strength that needs to be considered when designing the supporting structure of objects and the more materials will be required. This means that the cost of construction will be higher. Therefore, the issue of creating a light, but at the same time fertile substrate for plants, which will allow obtaining environmentally friendly plant products and at the same time will have a low density relative to natural soil, is currently being actively studied. The light soil tested was perlite with addition of biohumus. For foliar feeding, uTerra organic complex was used. It was determined that the best variant for light soil was perlite with addition of 10% (by volume) of uTerra crumbly biohumus. Thus, the article discusses current issues of structure of fertile soil, possible options for composition of a lightweight substrate based on mineral components (perlite, expanded clay) and biohumus suitable for growth and development of plants. In addition, the experiment concerning the study of the influence of light soil on plant crops was described, conclusions are drawn and its results were substantiated. The final part summarizes the work done and outlines its future prospects.

Protective afforestation
Influence of hydrological regime on plants of English oak Quercus robur L. under conditions of Volga-Akhtuba floodplain
Different methods of planting English oak (Quercus robur L.) — acorns, one-year-old seedlings and two-year-old saplings — on experimental plots of Volga-Akhtuba floodplain in the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district, village of Solenoye Zaymishche were studied. The following variants of hydrological conditions — long-duration flooding, short-duration flooding, non-flooding — were studied. Forests of the Astrakhan region are experiencing enormous natural and anthropogenic loads, which leads to the degradation of forest phytocenosis. Therefore, such studies are relevant for this region. The purpose of the research was to study the methods of planting English oak (Quércus róbur) with various planting materials, including acorns, one-year-old seedlings and two-year-old saplings in the floodplain conditions of the Volga River in the village of Solenoye Zaymishche. The data obtained were processed by the method of variance analysis of B.A. Dospekhov (2014) using the Microsoft Excel program. According to the results of the three-year study (2021—2023), the highest survival (56 %) was noted under conditions of Volga-Akhtuba floodplain on long-duration flooding site with two-year-old saplings, which exceeded the other variants by 4–5 times.

Animal breeding
Comparison in indicators of growth and development affecting the meat productivity of cockerels in resource populations
Creation of animal resource populations is a convenient tool for studying genetic diversity, increasing efficiency of breeding, and conserving genetic resources. In the article, we studied the resource population of males of egg and meat direction of productivity, as well as their progeny of the first and second generations, analyzed the differences in growth and development in different generations. An analysis of the difference and variability in terms of live weight was carried out. Characteristic of exterior was given based on the indices of massiveness and broad body - indicators that have dependencies with meat productivity of poultry. In birds of the first and second generation, a significant difference in live weight was revealed in comparison with the parental form of the Russian White breed at all ages, and in comparison, with the Cornish breed - from the 4th to the 12th week in birds of the second generation and to the 16th week in birds of the first generation. Coefficient of variation showed that in males of the first generation at the age of 10…12 weeks it was above 25%, which indicates a high degree of variability of the trait in terms of live weight, in comparison with other animals in the resource population. The Cornish breed had the lowest coefficient of variability for the traits at 6, 12, and 20 weeks of age. In terms of broad body and massive indices, the effect of heterosis was observed in males of the second generation during their development by the age of 20 weeks, which characterized them as healthy and fast-growing individuals with well-developed muscles. The results of our study can help poultry farmers in breeding work when selecting chickens to create new breeds and lines with improved characteristics, and for private and personal farms to increase the efficiency of their own production.

Influence of natural organic matter on chemical composition of broiler chicken carcass
Intensively developing poultry industry requires a constant search for new methodological approaches to increase not only quantity, but also quality of finished products. Due to the ban on the use of feed antibiotics, more and more research has been carried out aimed at the use of various growth stimulants of plant origin. In our research, a systematic analysis of the effect of vanillin at concentrations of 0.25 mg/kg of the main diet (group 1), 0.50 mg/kg (group 2) and 0.75 mg/kg (group 3) was carried out. The degree of influence was assessed by means of weekly weighing (live weight), determination of chemical composition, macro- and essential elements. The experimental data obtained showed that of all the concentrations of vanillin used, the most pronounced positive dynamics was observed after the use of 0.25 mg/kg of feed, since at the final stage average indicators of the final body weight in this group exceeded the control values by 22.16% ( p < 0.05). Indicators of chemical composition indicated the maximum level of protein and ash residue against the background of the minimum values of water and fat in the studied biological samples. The studied indicators of the elemental status also indicated a positive effect of this concentration on percentage of accumulation with the maximum values of calcium, sodium and zinc. Therefore, vanillin at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg of the main diet can be recommended as an effective feed additive.

Genetics and selection of animals
Slaughter qualities of young sheep depending on genotype
Influence of the effect of crossing the Romanov and Edilbay sheep breeds on the main indicators of slaughter was studied. As the object of study, we used the Romanov breed (I group), its crosses with the Edilbay breed of the first generation (½ Romanov × Edilbay - II group) and the second generation (¼ Romanov × ¾ Edilbay - III group). The effect of crossing in terms of slaughter qualities in crossbred young animals was established. At the same time, wethers of group I were inferior to crossbred peers of groups II and III in terms of the carcass fullness coefficient K 1 by 3.40 and 4.48 %, respectively, and the level of thigh completion coefficient - by 6.80 and 7.82 %, respectively. Crossbreeds of groups II and III were superior to purebred wethers of group I in pre-slaughter live weight by 11.18 kg and 13.32 kg, fresh carcass weight - by 6.03 kg and 7.56 kg, carcass yield - by 1.63 and 2.62 %, slaughter weight - by 6.16 kg and 8.00 kg, slaughter yield - by 1.57 and 2.71 %, respectively. The advantage in terms of the studied slaughter indicators was in the second generation crossbreeds of the third experimental group.

Veterinary science
Oxidative stress in dogs with cardiorenal syndrome caused by endocardiosis
Oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant defense were registered in dogs with endocardiosis. Complication of underlying pathology in the form of cardiorenal syndrome leads to aggravation of lipid peroxidation processes and causes further decrease in activity of enzymes of antioxidant defense system of animal organism. The aim of the study was to evaluate the pathophysiological significance of oxidative stress in the processes of formation and progression of cardiorenal syndrome in dogs with endocardiosis. Concentration of malondialdehyde, ceruloplasmin, diene conjugates, activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase were measured in venous blood serum samples from 24 dogs with uncomplicated forms of endocardiosis, 31 dogs with endocardiosis complicated by cardiorenal syndrome, and 22 healthy dogs. Compared with the group of healthy dogs, dogs with endocardiosis were diagnosed with statistically significantly higher median of serum concentrations of malondialdehyde, ceruloplasmin, diene conjugates, as well as statistically significantly lower activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, which indicates activation and progression of lipid peroxidation processes against the background of simultaneous decrease in parameters of antioxidant defense system. Presence of cardiorenal syndrome in dogs with endocardiosis led to a sharp increase in manifestations of oxidative stress, which should be considered by clinicians when optimizing therapeutic and preventive measures. Lipid peroxidation products, as well as indicators of enzyme systems of antioxidant defense can be used as potential biomarkers of the development of cardiorenal complications in dogs with endocardiosis.

Automatic milking and incidence of mastisis in cows
One of the main aspects of obtaining milk of high sanitary quality is functioning of milking equipment. Currently, the main volume of dairy products produced comes from dairy complexes equipped with milking parlors with automatic milking system. However, as practice shows, in the automatic milking system, settings may fail and be incorrectly set, leading to negative effect on mammary gland of cows. Hence, the goal of the research was to study the effect of settings of automatic milking equipment (vacuum in teat chamber, minimum milk flow when removing milking machines) on functional state of mammary gland of high-yielding lactating cows. The experiments were carried out in two milking parlors. At milking parlor 1, there was no maintenance of milking machine for three years. At milking parlor 2, there was regular maintenance with testing of each milking machine. It was established that with regular maintenance (milking parlor 2), the “milking vacuum” was in the range of 37…39 kPa, in the main pipe - 40…42 kPa, i. e. the difference was no more than 2-3 kPa. Insufficient vacuum in teat chamber (34…36 kPa) resulted in 1.6-2.0-fold increase in duration of milking, 2.5-4.0-fold increase in number of cows with udder irritation, 3.0-4.2-fold increase in incidence of subclinical mastitis, 3.2-11.8-fold increase in incidence of clinical mastitis, 2.0-3.2-fold increase in number of somatic cells in collected milk. Increase in minimum milk flow up to 450…500 g/min after turning off the milking machine ensures 3.9-fold reduction in the number of cows with udder irritation, 4.1-fold reduction of cows with subclinical mastitis, 21.2-fold reduction of cows with clinical mastitis, and 4.2-fold decrease in the number of somatic cells in collected milk (145.5 thousand/ml that corresponds to premium milk).

Clinical efficacy of epidural injection of betamethasone in dogs with lumbosacral stenosis
Results of conservative treatment of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in dogs are presented. For the first time, clinical efficacy of epidural injection of anti-inflammatory drug Diprospan (betamethasone) in dogs with lumbosacral stenosis was shown. 32 animals were treated at VetProfAlliance Veterinary Surgery Center from 2023 to June 2024. Comparable data in case histories and feedback for evaluating treatment outcomes were established with the owners of 22 dogs. 22 case histories were analyzed. To exclude possible concomitant orthopedic pathologies, X-ray examination of knee and hock joints in mediolateral projection and hip joints in ventrodorsal projection was performed. Patients with discospondylitis at lumbosacral level were excluded from the study group. All dogs with lumbosacral stenosis belonged to large and giant dog breeds. The age of clinical symptoms is from 6 to 11 years old, and breed variability to this disease was also noted. Males predominate by gender - 59% (13/22). At the same time, 69% (9/13) of males were castrated and 78% (7/9) of females were sterilized. 32% (7/22) of dogs in this group were obese, and 50% (11/22) were overweight. Studies have found that Diprospan injections with 20…30 days interval can completely neutralize neurological symptoms in 50% of dogs with 1…4 degrees of neurological disorders caused by lumbosacral stenosis. In 22 out of 32 dogs, the result of treatment was assessed as positive with improvement in condition or achievement of complete remission.

Transbuccal films in veterinary medicine: a comparative study of the effect of dosage forms on clinical and biochemical parameters of blood
In modern veterinary pharmacology and therapy, the ability to control the dosage, delivery, release of the drug, as well as minimal fixation of the animal and absence of post-injection reactions are extremely important. In achieving the goals and successfully implementing pharmacocorrection of animal pathology, the question of improving technological solutions in creation and development of new dosage forms increasingly arises. Transbuccal film can rightfully be considered such a dosage form - it is a convenient system of transbuccal delivery of drugs with controlled release, taken without water, without the use of auxiliary instruments, with minimal time and effort on the part of animal owners and medical personnel. Gelatin film, as an independent carrier of the drug, quickly begins to act upon contact with the moist environment of the oral mucosa, does not require additional fixation and does not have a local irritant effect. It is perfect for patients with dysphagia, vomiting and a number of other functional disorders. The aim of the comparative study of two dosage forms was to identify the possible reaction of the organism and changes in clinical and biochemical parameters of the blood of experimental animals with a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a single active substance - carprofen. Blood parameters were monitored in 24 dogs from two experimental groups and 10 control animals. When examining the blood of animals in the 2nd experimental group (12 animals) receiving Norokarp in form of tablets for oral administration, leukocytes significantly increased by 4.54%, glucose increased by 1.5 times, and total protein reduced by 4.9% in comparison with the control, which indicated the development of stress hyperglycemia in dogs. Erythrocytes reduced in both experimental groups: by 11% with the drug “Carprofen” in the dosage form of transbuccal films and by 15% with the drug “Norokarp”, and the level of hematocrit decreased by 22.5% in animals of the experimental group with the drug “Norokarp”. The conducted comparative study confirms the advantages of transbuccal form of administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in order to reduce the development of adverse reactions to drugs.