
Assessment of soils and green stands in the recreational areas with different land-use history in New Moscow
Demina S.A., Vasenev V.I., Makhinya K.I., Romzaykina O.N., Istomina I.I., Pavlova M.E., Dovletyarova E.A.
Soil-Ecological Characteristics of the Recreational Forest Ecosystems in Moscow
Dovletyarova E.A., Mosina L.V., Paltseva A., Morin T., Petrovskaya P.A.
Soil-ecological characteristic of the Forest experimental station of Russian State Agrarian University of Moscow Agricultural Academy by K.A. Timiryazev under plantings in the conditions of various anthropogenous loading
Dovletyarova E.A., Mosina L.V., Petrovskaya P.A.
Microbiological diagnostics of problematic environmental situations at the recreational natural facilities
Mosina L.V., Dovletyarova E.A.
New valuable plant species in phytoremediation of copper polluted lands
Ivanova E.M., Volkov K.S., Kholodova V.P., Kuznetsov V.V.
To a question of influence of herbicides on the content of humic acids and heavy metals in soils
Konchits V.A., Belopukhov S.L., Fedorova T.A.
The content of heavy metals in the raw materials of some representatives of the genus Paeonia L. in an urbanized environment
Reut A.A., Denisova S.G.
Influence of an urban environment on pollution of soils by heavy metals depending on structure and age of wood forest stands (on an example of wood skilled giving Department of Ecology Russian State Agrarian University — MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev
Dovletyarova E.A., Mosina L.V., Stolyarova A.G.
Yield and quality of potato tubers depending on a complex of chemicals applied under radioactive contamination
Sekirnikov A.E., Sedov V.V., Shapovalov V.F.
Features of changing of alluvial soils of the east part of the Nile delta at anthropogenous influences
Khalil Mohamed Mahmoud Nabil -., Shuravilin A.V., Piven E.A.
Analyzing the Influence of Diatomite and Mineral Fertilizers on the Features of Cadmium-Contaminated Urban Lawns
Gosse D.D., Vasenev V.I., Afonina A.K., Shepeleva A.S.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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