No 4 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 14
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Research of the Real Time PCR method for detection and identification phytoplasmas on grapevine
For the detection and identification of Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis Flavescence doree - the yellowing grape quarantine pest for the territory of Russia and Candidatus Phytoplasma solani Bois noir - pathogen of blackening crust grape was used one of the existing methods of diagnosis PCR in “real time” (RT-PCR). Matched to the fragment 16SrRNA gene species-specific primer systems were tested for false positive and false negative results for the detection of plant material in the above two phytoplasmas. According to the results of PCR in “real time”, it was determined that the studied pairs of primers allow the identification of target species phytoplasmas. Cross-reactions with other species phytoplasmas were not detected. Primers pairs do not give false positive reactions with gram-positive bacteria and some types of bacterial microflora grapes. The primer pairs and probes FDrt and BNrt can be used to detect and identify phytoplasmas - pathogens FD and BN in the regulated articles, as well as monitoring. RT-PCR method is considered to be relatively simple to implement and does not require time-consuming for the detection results.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):7-14

The educational geodetic network of the Agrarian technological institute
This article discusses the project of educational geodetic network, created for the needs of education and practical training of students of the Agrarian and technological institute PFUR. The results of the implementation of design solutions in Lukhovitsy district of Moscow region.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):15-23

Contamporary gardens from the end of the XX-th to the beginning of the XXI-st centuries: integration of the subject “Silhouette and Plasticity”
In the article problems of an art and sign assessment of quality of the surrounding landscape environment and objects of landscape architecture on the basis of the subject “Silhouette and Plasticity” are presented. Using of semantic signs in creation of identical model of space means of landscaping assumes integrity of an image of landscape object with decorative and art characteristics. The choice of spatial signs will be estimated on examples of contemporary gardens from the end of the XX-th to the beginning of the XXI-st of centuries. The presented research allows to offer evidence-based algorithm of step-by-step transformation of the urbanized territories and to use means of landscaping as a semantic image of a place. On the example of the dominating signs it is offered to estimate the possibility of creation of spaces with the set visual characteristics (the line, form, silhouette, plasticity, scale, an image) and on their basis to offer versions of design solutions of urban areas.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):24-32

To a question of influence of herbicides on the content of humic acids and heavy metals in soils
Results of research of accumulation of Mg, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn in the soil and humic acids are given in article. The method of the X-ray fluorescent analysis was used for an assessment of accumulation of chemical elements. Influence on humic acids of podsolic soil in the conditions of use of various fertilizers - mineral and organic, herbicides 2M-4HP (1,5 kg/ha) and 2M-4X (0,6 kg/ha) at cultivation of winter wheat was investigated in article. It is established that there is no change in the maintenance of elements depending on a way of introduction of herbicides, it isn't noted intensifications of processes of a mass transfer in the soil of heavy metals, pollution of agricultural production heavy metals is improbable at use of herbicides. As a part of humic acids on both systems of fertilizers there are no Mg and Mn, but there is S. It is possible to assume that magnesium and manganese are components of mineral part of the soil, and is gray, generally is a part of organic part of soils.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):33-41

Microbiological evaluation of forestry and forested ecosystem
The results of research of laws between the nitrogen-fixing ability of the soil and the surface condition of photosynthetic plants. It is established that the quantity of microbial biomass is an indicator of the state of the stand and can be used in the evaluation of the productivity and resilience of ecosystems under the influence of various factors anthropogenesis.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):42-51

Economic evaluation of combined application of nitrogen fertilizers and crop protection chemicals in crop malting barley
The paper presents data on the effect of combined application of nitrogen fertilizers and chemical plant protection products on the grain harvest of malting barley. Sound economic efficiency of grain of spring barley. In 2009-2011 research found that an integrated system of plant protection with the introduction of nitrogen fertilizer dose of 135 kg/ha is most effective and will provide additional 21.1 q/ha with the greatest return of 17.7%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):52-56

Population structure of Sanicula europaea l. in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park
The authors of the article studied the structure of populations of Sanicula europaea L. related to rare species included in the Red book of Moscow and Moscow region. For the first time in Bitza forest Park described the age structure of the identified loci in population of this species, it is shown that left-sided tendency of the age spectra of this type indicates experience-tolerant nature of this species population of Sanicula europaea L. sustainable, and the species can be classified as “recovering”.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):57-65

The main principles of the structural organization of the immune system of the Japanese quails
According to the received results, the organs of the immune system of quails represent anatomically diffused but strategically distributed protective network: central - situated in well-protected places (thymus, bursa cloacalis), and peripheral - situated at the border of the organism with the environment (glandula palpebral tertius, lymphoid cecal tonsil and lymphoid diverticulus) and on the routes of blood circulation (spleen). They are indicators that inform the immune system of the organism about the antigenetic diversity of the environmental microflora, that should be taken into account while planning anti-epizootical measures during vaccination of birds in order to create the immunity against infectious diseases.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):66-73

Age-related dynamics of height of bone system of sapling of sheep of basic breeds of South Ural
The article presents data and analysis of the dynamics of development of individual parts of the skeleton, half-carcasses of young Tsigal, South Ural and Stavropol breeds in the conditions of the Southern Urals. Comprehensive study of the growth and development of the skeleton in the postnatal ontogenesis will develop methods of purposeful influence on the formation of myasnosti animals by sex, age and breed. The experimental data suggest that infants rams have better development of the skeleton than Mutton, due to sexual dimorphism. Thus, the superiority of the rams Tsigal rock peers on the total weight of the bones at birth was 5 g (1.5%) by weight of the bones of the axial skeleton Division - 2.3 g (1.5%), peripheral - 2.7g (1.5%) in the rock Yuzhnouralskaya this difference in magnitude to the studied parameters rams were respectively 28 g (9.5%), 12.8 g (9.5%) and 15.2 g (9.5%) at Stavropol breed - 15 g (5.3%), 6.8 g (5.3%) and 8.2 g (5.3%). A similar pattern was observed in the subsequent age periods.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):74-79

Studying the influence of natural physical activity on animal productivity - actual direction of scientific researches
This article summarizes the results of the research at the Department of Standardization, Metrology and Technology of livestock production, which were already obtained more than 30 years. For achieving the aim of our study we were using these parameters: productivity of animals (rhythmic yield of cows and the chemical composition of milk, the growth of heifers), digestibility of nutrients and energy consumption for milk production, fertile cows and heifers and cows blood chemistry.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):80-88

Utilization of method CASA for evaluation of quality of semen in bulls-producers
The quality of semen sires significantly affect the results of artificial insemination of dairy cows. Indicators determining the biological value of sperm are sperm morphology and the state of the hereditary material in chromatin. It is revealed that depending on the degree of fragmentation of DNA in the chromatin of sperm, there are groups with a high degree of fragmentation is over 30%, the average from 10.01% to 30%, moderate 5,01% to 10.0% and the minimum is less than 5.0%.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):89-93

Identification of meat and other products of slaughter animals at veterinary-sanitary examination
In the practice of veterinary activity quite often necessary to carry out the identification of the types of meat and meat semi-finished or falsification of raw meat. The main methods of identification of raw meat are the organoleptic, immunological, histological studies and polymerase chain reaction.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):94-100

About illness of foodborne diseases
In order to improve food safety is necessary to further improve the methods of veterinary-sanitary examination for the diagnosis of foodborne diseases, improve the hygienic training of processing enterprises and entrepreneurs, who are responsible for hygiene production sites, more strictly require them to comply with sanitary regulations in all areas of production. All these measures help to reduce the risk of disease in humans through raw materials and food.
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):101-107

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 2015;(4):108-111