Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://agrojournal.rudn.ru/agronomy/issue/view/1111
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-797X-2020-15-1
Full Issue
Morphology and biochemistry of plants
Affect of Rhizotorphin on chlorophyll content and productivity of introduced soybean cultivars
Biotic nitrogen fi is a phenomenon mainly depended on mutualistic interrelation between host plant and root nodule bacteria. This interrelation affects photosynthesis and productivity of biological N-fixation and requires studies of biological particularities of grown legume cultivars and effectiveness of Bradyrhizobium strains used for seed inoculation. A field experiment was conducted on the territory of Nesvizhskaya Crop Testing Station (Minsk region, Republic of Belarus). Based on chlorophyll and nitrogen content in soybean leaves, number of nodules on roots of cultivars grown, and on quantity of nitrogen accumulated in plants, four soybean cultivars were assessed. The cultivar Pripyat (control) has poorly responded on inoculation, whereas cultivars Slavyankа an Sobrini responded well by increase of chlorophyll and nitrogen content in leaves and by larger number of root nodules. As a result, they produced unusually high seed yields. Therefore, these soybean cultivars may be recommended for wide use in regions of Belarus.

Crop production
Oat talgan as a source of antioxidants
The purpose of the study was to analyze the total content of antioxidants (TAC) in the national Khakass product talgan consisted of oats grain. Talgan was prepared according to traditional (frying, grinding) and innovative (grinding, frying) methods. In this series of experiments, three oat cultivars were used: Argument (chaffy caryopsis), Tubinsky (chaffy caryopsis) and Golets (bare-grained). All samples were grown on the territory of the Beysk state section of the Republic of Khakassia, which was characterized by favorable climatic conditions for growing grain with a high antioxidant content. For TAC determination in grain, 2 solvents were used - bidistilled water and 70% ethanol. The TAC measurement was performed on ‘Tsvet Yauza-01-AA’. Gallic acid was used as a reference sample. In oat talgan, prepared according to the traditional method from chaffy caryopsis samples, the total content of antioxidants had a higher value than that before processing (regardless of the nature of eluting solvent). However, the opposite tendency was observed in the case of bare-grained sample. Higher rates among all samples were recorded when using hot bidistilled water as eluting solvent. The use of innovative method for production of talgan showed that the total content of antioxidants in all samples had higher values in comparison with the traditional method. Using a three-factor analysis, it was found that the TAC values in oat talgan were two-thirds dependent on the method of preparing the product; solvent nature and genotype affected much less.

Effect of humic acid and naphthalene acetic acid on vegetative growth and fruit quality of tomato plants Lycopersicon esculentum

Adaptation of foreign technologies of intensive cultivation of scots pine planting material in Kazakhstan
The purpose of the research was the adaptation of foreign technologies for intensive and accelerated cultivation of Scots pine planting material in Kazakhstan. Objects of research were annual seedlings of scots pine in forest nurseries of Pavlodar, Akmola, and North Kazakhstan regions. The experiments were established in 4 directions: application of dry growth regulators to soil, pre-sowing seed treatment with growth regulators, soaking seeds in stimulants and fungicide, pre-sowing watering of the soil with growth regulators. It was established that seed quality decreased significantly compared to the last year, only seeds from Pavlodar region had high indicators. Seeds from the nursery ‘Ertic Ormany’ had the highest average indicators of soil germination (58.7…67.8%). In ‘Bukhpa’, the highest germination was observed in seeds soaked with Zircon + Trichocin (3 + 2 hours). Baikal growth regulator and AridGrow slightly increased germination in the nursery of Arykbalyk branch of ‘Kokshetau’. In the forest nursery ‘Ertis Ormany’, the highest annual seedlings were obtained in variants with presowing treatment of scots pine seeds with stimulants and watering the soil with growth substances. The average height of experimental seedlings was 4.32 and 4.64 cm, respectively. The combined use of Zircon and Trichocin increased seedling growth in ‘Bukpa’ nursery to 1.42 cm, which was the highest value. It was revealed that the technologies used in neighboring countries for intensive cultivation of scots pine seedlings showed a positive effect only when using Citovit. According to other experiments, it was determined that seedlings of scots pine grown from seeds with pre-sowing treatment in Gumat+7 for 12 hours had the best growth indicators in height. Increased soil fertility through applying nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizers, soil activator AridGrow and KZ Cultury significantly accelerated growth of scots pine seedlings.

Influence of Bioactivesoil combined fertilizers on yield and quality of spring hard and soft wheat
The experimental data on effect of Bloom & Grow and Immune System fertilizers on growth, development, yield and grain quality of spring durum and soft wheat in light gray forest soils of the Chuvash Republic are presented. The results of two research years revealed that in plants treated with fertilizers, the growth period ‘seedling-ripening’ is reduced by 7-8 days, height of the treated soft wheat plants exceeded the control variant by 12.5 cm, length of the main spike - by 0.4 cm, number of grains per spike - by 6.1, and grain mass per spike - by 0.23 g. Plants of spring durum wheat treated with micronutrient fertilizers exceeded the control variant by 25.1 cm in plant height, length of the main spike, number of grains in it and grain weight significantly exceeded the control variant. The 1000 seed mass exceeded the control variant by 7.28 grams. The increase in the yield of spring soft wheat was 0.89 t/ha (26.3%), and durum wheat - 0.93 t/ha (28.6%). Application of Bloom & Grow and Immune System fertilizers led to an increase in gluten content in spring soft and durum wheat grains, and an improvement in gluten deformation rate to group 1 with the accumulation of minerals.

Genetics and plant breeding
Molecular analysis of gibberellin receptor gene GID1 in Dasypyrum villosum and development of DNA marker for its identification
Dasypyrum villosum is an annual cereal used as a donor of agronomic traits for wheat. Productivity is one of the most important traits that breeding is aimed at. It is a very complex trait, the formation of which is influenced by many different factors, both internal (the genotype of the plant) and external. The genes responsible for the gibberellin sensitivity played a large role in multiplying yields of cereal crops. Another such gene is the Gid1, which encodes a receptor for gibberellins. This article compares the DNA sequences of the Gid1 gene obtained from six Dasypyrum villosum samples. Using a sequence of wheat and rye taken from the GenBank database (NCBI), we selected primers for regions of different genomes (A, B, and D subgenomes of wheat and the R genome of rye), and carried out a polymerase chain reaction on D. villosum accessions of diverse geographical origin. The resulting PCR product was sequenced by an NGS method. Based on the assembled sequences, DNA markers have been created that make it possible to differentiate these genes of the V genome and homologous genes of wheat origin. Using monosomic addition, substitution, and translocation wheat lines, the localization of the Gid1 gene of D. villosum was established on the long arm of the first V chromosome. A phenotypic assessment of common wheat lines carrying substituted, translocated, or added D. villosum chromosomes in their karyotype was performed. Tendency of disappearance of the first chromosome of D. villosum in the lines with added chromosomes was revealed.

Evaluation of new rice genotypes of Kuban breeding in conditions of environmental testing in the Republic of Adygea
In solving the problems of modern rice growing associated with yield increase, resource/energy efficiency and profitability, development of new varieties and their timely introduction into production as a result of close cooperation of scientists and production workers is central. In this regard, the assortment of rice varieties of Kuban breeding is annually replenished with more productive ones having increased resistance to adverse biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors, technologization and energy supply during cultivation, and different cooking characteristics. Crop productivity is one of the main value indicators and the main requirement of production. It consists of number of plants per unit area and productivity of each of them. Therefore, in order to evaluate rice varieties and determine their suitability for cultivation in this agroclimatic zone, it is necessary to consider important agronomic traits and their variability during a certain time. The article presents the results of environmental testing of 20 rice varieties over three years (2016-2018). The variability of yield and number of productive stems per unit area in varieties was determined. The average and weak inter-varietal variability of productive plant stand (13.9; 10.3 and 13.5%) and yield (12.4; 9.2 and 9.9%) during the research period determines the optimal level of agricultural farming. The varieties that have formed a significantly high yield with its insignificant variability are recommended for cultivation in conditions of the Republic of Adygea.

Veterinary science
Effectiveness of Lipomek 2%, a new long-acting antiparasitic ivermectin-based drug, in ruminants affected with siphunculatosis
The purpose was to study therapeutic properties of Lipomek 2% drug in animals affected with siphunculatosis, and to determine duration of its action against this pathology. To achieve these goals, 2 species of animals were used. Experiments were conducted at 2 different farms - Mygra and Fazenda, where 25 sheep (Lezgin breed) and 17 calves (Caucasian brown breed) were studied. Animal siphunculatoses are the most common parasitic diseases in Rutul village (Rutul district, Republic of Dagestan). The effectiveness of a new long-acting antiparasitic drug Lipomek 2% (ivermectin) against siphunculatosis in small and bovine animals was studied. A 1% solution of ivermectin also showed a good therapeutic effect which was manifested next week after injection and lasted 21 days. Lipomek 2% (ivermectin) showed 100% efficacy against siphunculatosis in sheep and calves. Duration of parasitocidal effect was maintained for up to 30 days (observation period). No signs of intoxication were observed after livestock treatment.