
Identification of Pseudomonas fuscovaginae, Pseudomonas syringae and Xanthomonas translucens in wheat seeds using PCR
Muvingi M., Slovareva O.Y., Zargar M.
Development diagnostic methods of bacterial blight of rice on based PCR
Egorova M.S., Ignatov A.N., Mazurin E.S.
Research of the Real Time PCR method for detection and identification phytoplasmas on grapevine
Matyashova G.N., Zaets V.G.
Up-to-date diagnostic methods for some thrips spp based on PCR-RFLP and direct sequencing
Mazurin E.S., Zaets V.G., Sherokolava N.A., Ershova N.I.
Improving the control of salmonella in meat and meat products by PCR in real time and robotics for the separation matrix of DNA
Nityaga I.M., Ysha B.V., Morozova E.N., Khomenets N.G.
Phylogenetic analysis and designing new primers for molecular identification of Drosophila suzukii
Naserzadeh Y., Bondarenko G.N., Kolesnikova E.V., Pakina E.N.
Specific Identification Method based on PCR for Drosophila melanogaster
Naserzadeh Y., Pakina E.N., Nafchi A.M., Gadzhikurbanov A.S.
Molecular identification of Ditylenchus destructor nematode with PCR Species-Specific primers in the Moscow region
Mahmoudi N., Naserzadeh Y., Pakina E.N., Limantceva L.A., Nejad D.K.
Controlling the reliability of results received during laboratory testing for phytosanitary purposes when molecular diagnostic methods are used
Mazurin E.S., Kopina M.B., Sherokolava N.A.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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