
Monitoring the state of woody plants in railway impact zone in the Kola Polar region
Sviatkovskaya E.A., Saltan N.V., Umanets M.S., Trostenyuk N.N.
The main criteria of selection of assortment of plants for landscaping school educational institutions
Zhurkina E.E., Basanets D.V., Fedorova T.A., Petrovskay P.A., Terekhin A.A.
The planting of tress in the bushes on the Black sea coast of Krasnodar territory (by the example of Sochi)
Petrovskaya P.A.
Biological properties of tobamovirus isolates from tomato plants
Trang N.H., Keldish M.A., Pomaskov U.I.
Landscape Urbanism in the Center of Moscow: New Hybrid Models of Park Areas
Zaykova E.Y.
Contribution of consensus 5'-untranslated region to the translational efficiency of heterologous genes in plant cells
Quimisse M.G., Kabardaeva K.V., Gra O.A., Tyurin A.A.
Accumulation of antimony in bioenvironment of sheeps contained in the vicinity of antimony combine
Kubatbekov T.S., Aitmatov M.B., Ibraimakunov M.
Micro-organisms causing plant quarantine bacterial diseases in Russia
Karimova E.V., Shneyder Y.A., Zaets V.G., Smirnova I.P.
Socio-economic impacts of the exploitation of the marshes of Kayanza province in the Northern Burundi: case of marshes of the average Ruvubu and its tributaries
Nijimbere G., Suprunov A.I., Banyankimbona G.
Effects of low temperature on the transgenic rapeseed plants (Brassica napus L.) with transgene of trans-factor OsMyb4 from rice
Gomaa A.M., Burmistrova N.V., Radionav N.V., Raldugina G.N.
Biologically active compounds of agricultural origin and perspective of their practical using
Semkina O.A., Smirnova I.P., Kishmahova L.M., Terekhin A.A.
Вiotechnological approaches to reduce biogenic risks in crop production: potato case
Lenivko S.M., Boyko V.I.
New valuable plant species in phytoremediation of copper polluted lands
Ivanova E.M., Volkov K.S., Kholodova V.P., Kuznetsov V.V.
ABA-binding proteins was detected in cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803)
Shevchenko G.V., Karavaiko N.N., Demidenko A.V., Selivankina S.Y., Zubkova N.K., Kupriyanova E.V., Los D.A., Kuznetsov V.V., Kulaeva O.N.
Pharmacognostical study of fruits of Serratula coronata
Komissarova E.Y., Vandyshev V.V., Miroshnikova E.A., Terekhin A.A., Klimahyn G.I.
Dynamics of morfological changes of the glandular stomach of domestic ducks in postnatal ontogeny, depending on the effect of probiotics SBA
Oganov E.O., Kubatbekov T.S.
Non-destructive methods of diagnostics of nitrogen provision of plants by optoelectronic system of plants monitoring
Vvedenskaya A.V., Vvedenskiy V.V., Gins M.S., Khorokhorov A.M.
Antimony in natural-technogenic conditions of the biosphere: water, soil, plants
Kubatbekov T.S., Aitmatov M.B., Ibraimakunov M.
Biological features of Arnica montana L. under introduction in the conditions of the Moscow region
Levandovskyi G.S., Vandishev V.V.
The Problem of Dust Storms: Protection Methods and Macro-Structures in Landscape Architecture
Abdegalieva A.E., Zaykova E.Y.
Training of veterinary specialists at PFUR
Plyuschikov V.G., Vatnikov Y.A., Nikitchenko V.E., Seregin I.G.
1 - 21 of 21 Items

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