
Influence of natural organic matter on chemical composition of broiler chicken carcass
Duskaev G.K., Kvan O.V., Sizentsov Y.A., Kurilkina M.Y., Nurzhanov B.S.
Influence of succinic acid Acidum succinicum on chinchilla growth in postembryonic period
Golovacheva N.A., Selivanova I.R., Chichenkova M.A., Filatova P.A., Antonova V.S.
Breeding characteristics of Romanov sheep depending on polymorphism of growth hormone gene
Abramova M.V., Ilina A.V., Barysheva M.S., Malina J.I., Evdokimov E.G.
Cow reproduction rates with varying inbreeding degrees
Rudenko O.V.
Efficiency of meat-fattening rabbits farmed by different keeping technologies
Kvartnikova E.G., Shastina E.V.
The influence of gender, age, castration on young sheep slaughter figures kazakh-fat-tailed breed in the conditions of Kazakhstan
Kosilov V.I., Nikonova E.A., Kalasov M.B., Kubatbekov T.S., Rystsova E.O.
Action iodine preparations on blood biochemical parameters and feeding qualities of young sheep
Petrov A.K., Gnezdilova L.A.
Meat quality improvement of black-and-white cattle by crossing with beef simmentals
Prokhorov I.P., Gubina A.V.
Effect of fiber and energy in diet on productivity and formation of microbiocenosis in piglets
Vorobyova N.V., Popov V.S.
Nikitchenko V.E., Nikitchenko D.V., Merkulov M.A., Semenov N.V., Shumilov I.A.
Influence feed additive «M-Feed» on growth and energy gematological parameters rams kalmyk sheep breed
Aduchiev B.K., Arilov A.N., Kubatbekov T.S.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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